Monday, August 17, 2009

Can You Spread Genital Herpes With Clothes On

"Tradition face of crisis" or the great difficulty reading the traditionalists in their understanding of the Depression ...

Those that fall into the media drawer Manichean the "traditionalist Catholics" are sometimes some of these people who were fed by a rich and varied movement, fueled for years by John OUSSET .

Jean OUSSET and several companions decided around 1939 to devote his life to the formation of a civic and political elite capable of contributing to the revival of France after events and meetings that prepared the initial intuition has clarified its vocation. For Jean OUSSET , there is need to train an elite Catholic can create the social conditions most favorable happiness and salvation of men ...

Having defined the objective and the method it wishes to promote, Jean OUSSET materialized his project in 1946. This is the "Catholic City," which he founded with his friend Jean MASSON , and he says the ambition " Train, to provide the benefit to our country of France, a sufficient number to be decisive, political and social frameworks . The Catholic City grows by the formation of small groups of activists, "cells".

regards the renewal of the order time, the task in the laity and they should enjoy complete autonomy in their work. Thus confirms Pope John XXIII. However, a majority of bishops show their incomprehension at the work that does not depend on the ecclesiastical hierarchy.

In 1963, the "International Office works training and civic action by the doctrine of natural law and Christian " is a continuation of the "Catholic City." Its action is upstream of combats and special moves as intended to unite, assist and train all those who work at Christian revival of France.
deep crisis of the Church and of civilization in crisis, the Congress movement were large gatherings of lay Catholics across Europe. They gathered a wide variety of associations that took a stand and for which the "International Office " acted as a hyphen.
professional networks are formed, which then become specialized agencies by business called " satellites.

the mid-70s, before the damage resulting from the crisis of the Church and the crisis of civilization that our country, John OUSSET notes, even before the events of May 68, he no longer enough to say and teach to be followed. We must now demonstrate the validity of the doctrine by the facts, history and current events. To expand
affected media, the method of overlapping and "sociability" develop.

Conferences Lausanne meet Jean Madiran, Marcel de Corte , Jean Daujat , Gustave Thibon , Marcel Clement Professor Jerome Lejeune , and many others. The high sensitivity of
OUSSET Jean, a former student of Fine Arts allows him to understand how our contemporaries are lured not by reasoned adherence to an ideology, but rather by a general climate deleterious is the result of a subversion of culture : cinema, literature, television, fashion ...

To take into account the cultural dimension of the work, the International Office is the "International Office works training and civic action cultural (rather than doctrinal). The satellites become independent.
Then the bursting of the International Office and the birth of ICTUS which Jacques TREMOLLET VILLERS takes responsibility. We insisted on the general training of the facilitator. The method of "Learning to see" refers to the love of Christian civilization and its rich heritage. The emphasis is on lessons provided by history, to trace the principles by making them more alive.

To focus on action and on the network rather than intellectual work, ICTUS changes in 1997 " Training Center in civic and cultural life according to natural law and Christian " which, for the sake of greater visibility, resumed in 2006 under the name of Ichthys .
Today Ichthys more than ever committed to the principles and methods defined and clarified by Jean OUSSET throughout the life of his work:
The need for action in the Incarnate
And according to the social teaching of the Church.

However, this is 2009 and times have changed. I have consistently found the limits of reasoning of traditional Roman Catholics, heirs more or less close to "La Cité Catholique .

How did I come to this conclusion?

the heart of the economic crisis these Catholics do not understand and reject To summarize briefly, globalization, defending jumble a world now gone. Their speeches are Surrans and not adapted to the modern world is changing and that changes every day even at excessive speed. Much too fast for those traditionalists attached to a tradition. A tradition, moreover, made their own measure and therefore too subjective. The main enemies of
" City Catholic ", besides the Marxists were particularly Church (alleged) Progressive ... The economic issue, the social doctrine existed long for them but their concerns remained circumcised the microcosm and the world confessional bi-polar crystallized by the Cold War.

As a general rule today, and to shorten my explanation schematically, traditionalist Catholicism asserts its commitment the Tridentine rite, also known as the "mass of Saint Pius V" (or John XXIII), as opposed to the Novus Ordo Missae (or liturgical reform). It is also demonstrated by adherence to a certain vision "tradition of the Church"; their own and subjective they grow in a vacuum behind the fence from their point of view. Deployed a fence to contain a world "fallen" they want to protect their children. I use these images that I know to be grotesque but nonetheless indicative of a certain state of mind regarding a certain ghettoization. Ghettoization which excludes knowingly or unknowingly Catholic whose number gives different yet the majority of Catholics.

The "descendants" of the movement of OUSSET Jean Jacques or TREMOLLET VILLERS can now have a legitimate reason to denounce the evil protagonists and evil mechanisms of the current crisis, their reading of the event gives no remains fragmented and reductionist. They measure only moderately forces at work in this World social, economic and political. The world has evolved very fast and their analysis would be to re-actualize in this context systemic and global contingencies beyond old they were defined as part of their own arguments and opinions. For example, among other views commonly accepted by them : the world is manipulated by the French Masonic lodges, international Jewish or from Israel ... This last point homebound anti-Semitism and racism which carries religious intolerance for any religion that is not the lesser evil. Their reading Samuel Huntington and his test of political analysis: "The Clash of Civilizations" comfort them in their conformity. This test requires a certain quality however, a critical distance to avoid rocks in the fields of a resentment towards those who are different.

For these people the Depression accelerates the degeneration of France has long begun. Still, they highlight the shortcomings of the "French model " and no longer see the qualities. However and as we said in our message of 13 July on this blog, France has, despite all appearances and unlike most European countries like Italy, Spain, Germany and the countries of the is a "model " has yet limited the damage.
We gave the reasons in this post on 13 July.

As we wrote in several of our previous posts, it is primarily the task indelible greed, pride has always been printed in the hearts of men, who plunged the world into this capitalism profit at any cost.
Here their grandiloquent speeches will not solve anything, their factions of young volunteers ready to fight there will not ideologically.

It is above all the little things of ordinary life that they will move the world starting with an education of their children open to world, a solid intellectual and moral world-oriented, economic, for example. While the
coups, collective actions are needed, but the key is to produce in the privacy of an ordinary life. For example, as part well trained in economic and financial workings may, within a Steering Committee, to resist tooth and nail against a wave of layoffs stock. A politician of the left or right necessary to affirm social justice, voting for a particular law ...

Thus, these initiatives will not be that of one camp against another camp, but those individuals distributed and disseminated to the factory, workshop, office, hospital, company, university, politics ...

If the return of the Policy, it is the noblest, is needed in a chaotic world in non self-regulating its economy and financial markets - the current crisis has revealed enough - the individual initiatives are advantage. For it is a sum of individual initiatives that can change the world and not a group, a faction ghettoized in castrated and therefore its credibility in a world that has become more holistic but not individualistic. You must adapt to the march of history and read the signs of time ...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dry Throat Air Conditioner

... The passionate music of Sidney Bechet ... Marciac: highlight of our summer camp

I dedicate this message to all fans who think or pretend that the talents of jazz can be played by persons under the influence of marijuana or who think or claim that jazz is played by talented people in influence of cocaine or substances and stuff. They do not know jazz. Jazz is seen in their subjective perspectives even addictive to these products "derivatives".
Although cocaine users do exist but in jazz performance required by today's international stages need to be in perfect possession of his physical and intellectual . Ambiguous figures can no longer afford to take the long ramp.

When I take my kids to a concert classical music or more "contemporary" like jazz, I make sure that these musicians are "clean" are also prestigious international reputations of these same musicians.

JAZZ IN MARCIAC is one of the four largest jazz festivals in France Estivals. The festival, which celebrated its thirtieth anniversary in 2007 is out of the ground in a small village near the southern Gers High Pyrenees. He knew best gastronomy, regional culture and jazz. Marciac with fewer than 1,300 inhabitants in the year is now famous worldwide. The festival itself is partnering with other festivals in Morocco, India, Brazil and the United States ...
The festival also owes much to the department, region and state that supports it in times of crisis ...


On 6 August, we witnessed one of the strongest moments of the sixteen days of music: concert Marcus Roberts, pianist, followed by his "protector" Wynton MARSALIS . Full tent sold out to over 6000 people.
Marcus Roberts was, among others, along with Jason Marsalis, a drummer and brother of Wynton Marsalis.

Marcus Roberts interviewed by the newspaper Sud Ouest during the festival, said:

" My style comes from the church . That's when I discovered the music with the gospel. My mother also influenced many, she was a singer. She sang with Aretha Franklin "Amazing Grace." But beyond that, my role is to perpetuate the legacy of large, musicians like Coltrane and Nat King Cole. Of make a living in the 21st century. "

Nat King Cole, Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk, Jelly Roll Morton and other monsters of the jazz world, all of Marcus Roberts has all endorsed and adapted his style combines power and delicacy. He who has revealed to the public in the shadow of Wynton Marsalis continues his work of interpretation of standards with the album "New Orleans Meets Harlem".

In the same interview, Mohamed Najmi, South West reporter asked this question: "To create an atmosphere of equality with the public, have you ever asked to close eyes?
"(Laughs) No, I never asked and never ask that to people. Instead, I want them to have their eyes wide open. I want them to feel my music, they take pleasure in seeing me play. "
Blind since the age of four, Marcus Roberts attended the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, which revealed many talents like Ray Charles.

Marcus Roberts has participated in the development of six albums initiated by his patron Wynton Marsalis. Because the latter did not detect in him a great blind pianist but a virtuoso jazz pianist.


same evening occurred Wynton MARSALIS therefore we had already seen and heard at the Paris Jazz Festival in Paris in 2007. Wynton Marsalis, 47, second in a family of six children and trumpet prodigy from the age of six years is the sponsor of this festival for several years. This is one of the most requested artists on the planet. He has 30 discs jazz and 16 discs of classical music , always on the trumpet.
Recently, he hosted the White House by invitation of Michelle Obama, a music workshop for 150 American college students.

Composer gifted, charismatic leader, lobbyist and effective ... man of deep convictions that we are free to share or challenge, but who speak plainly. For with Wynton Marsalis, the thought is never far from music. However, the native of New Orleans is one of strongest heirs music parade , of exuberant arrangements, solos to shake the walls. In short, music that springs from necessity, regardless of being thought.
He won a record nine Grammy awards. By combining the passage in 1983 Grammy jazz and classical Grammy: He is the only one to ever have achieved this unusual doubled.

Today he is the head of the most prestigious institution of jazz in the United States: Jazz at the Lincoln Center : a season of concerts set a big band conductor in providing a directory , a club to operate, and educational programs ... In all, nearly 1000 appointment public annual !

And he proceeds to " projects," an amount subject directory after another over the years, just like the European designers who offer each year a "new movie 'Sound: and the recent" He and She "on the first stirrings in love - I advise you to having to listen very closely - "Joe Cool's Blues on the world of Peanuts Charlie Brown's ode to urban fever what" Citi Movement ", etc.. And to stretch your fingers, Wynton Marsalis discusses willingly classical literature of the trumpet: Haydn, Mozart, Hummel, Jolivet, Bernstein, Ravel!
Tribute was made this August 6 to Sidney Bechet under the theme: " The passionate music of Sidney Bechet . Sydney Bechet gone there exactly 50 years.

Sidney Bechet, one of the founding fathers of jazz belongs to the limited circle of "giants". Born in 1897 and died in 1959. jazz owes much to Louis Armstrong ...

Sidney Bechet the turbulent, it was the opposite of Wynton MARSALIS class. Bechet, seventh child of a shoemaker, great grand son of a lynched black unfortunately was irascible, quarrelsome, fantastic ...

Musician passion, musician eclipses, marginal all margins, Bechet, fifty years after his death, and euphorise upset when they hear it. Deeply current relentlessly modern, it is a contemporary of several generations of enthusiasts who have discovered and loved jazz through him. I think especially to Jean Cocteau in his time was fascinated by the musician. Sidney Bechet suffered because its miscegenation, rejected by the black community as well as by whites of America. He ended his days in France, land of welcome and introduction. There was already in 1924 alongside the legendary Josephine Baker on stage at the Theatre des Champs Elysees in the "Negro Journal.

This August 6, 2009, Wynton Marsalis, trumpet, was accompanied by:
- Victor Goines, saxophone,
- Olivier Franc, 55, invited for the occasion, saxophone,
- Wycliffe Gordon, trombone,
- Bob Wilber, 81, invited for the occasion because, with Sidney Bechet with himself in the '50s and '60s, clarinet and saxophone,
- Dan Nimmer, piano,
- Carlos Enriquez, bass,
- Ali Jackson, drums.
All sat down to play better monitoring scores. In fact, these very exceptional artists do not always read ... their memory is enough ...

This August 6, from the first notes, we are again plunged back into the postwar years, the dances, his first jukebox, his New Orleans revival, his Saint-Germain-des-Pres. The history lesson is based on copper and the speed of sound.

Two pieces, already "St. Louis Blues . Then Olivier FRANC , 56, a French prize already awarded the Sidney Bechet who bestowed the great disciple of the Master, raising the temperature. He plays saxophone solo and cross-legged on the classic "Summertime . The public amazed by the artistic mastery and the breath of lung inexhaustible musical phenomenal ovation for several minutes this virtuosity in its purest . I'm even thinking of it as a reminder during a concert while the concert is not even finished ...

And that's the tube, the ineradicable "Little Flower". Victor Goines, saxophone, spreads its petals nostalgia. No dance yet. The roots of the Little Flower did not manage to reach the pores of the arms of shirts. The talent of the American public is breathtaking. New ovation shorter though. Difficult to "pass" as strong after Olivier FRANC.

However, the race against time printed by Wynton Marsalis, "leader" of the evening never wavered. The sound of the sextet suspends memory. BECHET: the past is not past. For the rhythmic piano of Dan Nimmer - we see growing on the giant screen above our heads, buttons jump to reach his fingers - still draw a border dynamics. Dried flowers are collected with the shovel, the memories too.

Fortunately, Sidney still holds some surprises, as this languid "Sweet Louisiana" discovered by even the son of Sydney Bechet, five years ago, on the far side of a registration forgotten. It will be sufficient that the son returned the tape to find the piece of his father ever heard. Only the trumpeter Wynton Marsalis could take the initiative to play the "dark side". Another highlight of the evening and the festival ...

This concert will certainly Great History of Jazz in Marciac ending after three of which feature four reminders reminders. A relatively unique because the reminders are limited to two, in general, according to current constraints.
In a reminder, I also noted the legendary: "In the streets of Antibes" long past the repertoire of classic jazz, wink at the festival of Antibes.

Previously, Wynton Marsalis has twice invited Marcus Roberts (and his band) to join him on stage to accompany on piano. Wynton Marsalis himself had been invited two hours earlier by Marcus Roberts.
Wynton MARSALIS visibly moved ovation by the audience will leave the scene with his arm, his friend blind pianist.

Over four hours of music produced by major professional artists who are no less gifted men sensitivity, of humanity and spirituality exceptional.
A great moment that we find certainly drive dvd and maybe soon.