Monday, November 29, 2010

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

4-12x40 Sportsman Bushnell

Roc La Crise ... Continuation and further reflection ...

Two social facts are quite disturbing in this crisis. The
e suicide is an issue, a symptom or a representative picture of the consequences of the Depression. This question was not predictable in this crisis. If we refer to the Depression of 1929, economic and social crisis remains reference, there are differences with the current crisis. Those who committed suicide after 1929, were the haves, those who had lost all or lost far too much. The poor who were already poor obviously continued to suffer. We do not commit suicide over.
Today, those who commit suicide are neither the haves nor the poor but those who work . At both ends of this chain, those living money money as those who have no money, there is no outbreak of suicide. To increase the stroke, no suicides among traders, bankers, the ultra-rich or the unemployed.
So the work that is the question of life and death . Economists and anthropologists we have already said or written much since 2007. They told us, among other things, that work has lived for several decades guidance to Finance. It is with the Finance ...

The new Management of fifteen to twenty years in its radicalism and what it includes more excessive today that the "hardworking" are observed. Their doings are registered professionals and private, analyzed even if the system denies it and claims to the contrary . From there, the "hardworking" are subject to reprimand , rejection. Thereby individual competence and collective diluted , the pleasure of working together is excluded . On "pretending". Colleagues who go on vacation together is an illustration of this seeming: that one of them is transferred, we will forget quickly.
The transmission of "know-how" is no longer in enrollment and the relation to history. The new management, as now, causes formatting, sometimes without the knowledge of managers or "managed" with little or no awareness of being manipulated. Bank, Insurance, France Telecom, Renault and many other areas or businesses we provide an illustration.

There is a concern for formatting and protocol to make money and be efficient. The Manager takes refuge in the Protocol as it sets its environment who sends him, for that very clear messages, keeping "face"
its responsibilities ...

The individual has become a resource, a unit of value, worthless , which can be moved at the option of relocation or changes in business strategy ... What was the identity of an individual is no more. An individual may be substituted for another. The Craft the individual disappeared.

Second symptom in 2009 and 2010 of this crisis, the report History . Whether we could imagine having virtually eliminated the philosophy of science classes, we also remove those same scientists, Teaching History is equally strange. This is not history of Vercingetorix or Joan of Arc is at issue here, it recent history. That recent history such as the European will become optional for those who will become tomorrow's engineers, technicians, managers.
Crisis highlighted that the ratio is Memory and psyche of the individual is endangered.