Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jack Astor Crab Dip Recipe

I am feminism

How dirty coward, I recovered a hefty male mammal is back and I re-

disappeared almost a month of this blog.

While it is past things. Already, I was 24 years.

age surely does not regressive impulses.

A woman blossomed on my birthday.

An easy girl to my birthday.

A girl interested in my birthday.

And overall, beautiful people. And I also had lots of presents: a -
-harmonica -bag-of books and other stuff.

Initially, I was rather skeptical about this famous dress. But the final verdict is positive in the end positively.
Then I went on weekend

Britain to celebrate the birthday of a friend, but while he was standing near the piano, but rather my
couple who self-
celebrated throughout the weekend. As
are progressive left, the idea came to call this "
couplitude ", but otherwise, like Royal, we thought we should stop posting so ostentatious our happiness if we don ' would have more friends, and it would be zap the guest list

vip the weekend. What would be a shame.
pianist. The "
of Britain.

contemporary flamenco dancing on the beach, it is possible.
Here is the photo to
where embodies the joy of living in a pure state. Very nice, but very annoying for those who are excluded from the duo of joy in its purest form. Otherwise during this month of silence I was busy discovering that I have a rare skin disease that lasts
ad vitam

eternam . Joy. Decency prevents me from continuing on this point there , because if I'm more exhibo , I will still not tell you about my cat. Well, not today in all cases.

Then I went to celebrate Christmas at my almost-in-laws in Normandy in the middle of nowhere. I say almost husband's family because if it's been a month since it runs beside the heart, must not get carried away either, and that beyond this subjective fear, there is the objective fact that I am still married, and I have a legally in-laws and an abandonment of the marital home glued to the ass. Vandal. Speaking of vandalism, precisely, this last month was also sacred practice that I hope never to abandon until my finances are repaired : Theft. Pure and simple.
not any where, as I always said, this is not the kleptomania but the consequence of the precariousness of the young student that I am who has
damn tired of being sodomized at each checkout the Monoprix. Well, there have been some collateral damage, I stole a book from an old bookseller as we-do-is-more , but I had bought books, then it counts as if I was paying no VAT , one might say.
Then I farted a little something of nothing at all to the Red Cross. It

, I know it is odious, but I think it is the act most rock'n'roll made in Paris in the year 2009. Yep. It should be noted that I have a grudge against the Red Cross, which sold briskly my clothes I give to all-

will never make me discounts if sentimental, I want them back, and me sold a pair of Charles Jourdan 15 on the pretext that it had the mark, which I find deeply flawed because it means that sdf have no right to Charles Jourdan

but to pumps ugly to 2.50 euros, and that's frankly not very Catholic. So long live Rock and my earrings plastic peta to the Red Cross. Besides that, I fly really that great,
', H & M, and ... These are my two favorite victims. After eating foie gras in all its forms for two weeks (pasta with foie gras, foie gras sandwiches, toast with foie gras, salad ...), I come now to optimize my "purchases", and aim the long term: olives, sauces SACLA , organic chicken (obviously), Spice Colombo "to go with ... I frolic without any guilt, as Bonnie

Parker, "we must believe that it is society that has definitely damaged," and I frolic all better than my unlawful practice allowed me to have 4 new pairs of shoes that m 'says a new so they are nice. Between us, it's better to be Calamity Jane that Causette not. Yes, I know it better as a day to think about work and earn money. Certainly. Time will tell. Meanwhile gambadons cheerfully. The time to eliminate fatty liver, at least.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bernardelli Modell 60

Summary (images)

He returned.

A bit like a thriller, but less scary, though, last week, returned IL.
But how is it possible?
" I frankly thought out and weighed, the decision to become truly Other, more myself, less destroyed and annihilated by the Another fact, he came back. He returned still .
That is to say that I left back.
Obviously I will not dwell on his reasons and motives to him. Because the thing that concerns me most directly, which makes me the same opportunity to discover a new facet of myself, it is the action to be back in my lap on a profound decision that I convinced myself when we n 'were no longer together.
must have a heart filled with hope for that, and believe that second chance is possible.

A friend told me that second chance is that in movies, the guys should stop believing that it exists, because when it's over it's over. (I'm sure I've mentioned this to my friend. I love this note.) And finally I found myself in the position skeptical of the girl who wants to believe. Because frankly, you never know. Yes, you never know.
How do we know? Is it possible that there are second chances? A couple restarts? That exchange, it tries, it is observed differently?

With another friend, when I wondered if he really

back, because I felt the thing coming a little, I could not believe my eyes but it had all the air, we also said we neared the rebound Hollywood movie. And after the sadness that I had typed, do not fool around when we spent ten days morfler ultimately we want a quarter-hour American or nothing. Of that, I was sure.

So now I can cry: "Vive
America! Hooray! I love burgers, weapons, and Obama!
" because I got my fall Hollywood.
He came back as if you decide to return. Simple, right. And knowing, perhaps, that all this is a big gamble, the big bluff, which totally ignores the end, if we will win the game if the game worth the candle , if you have the right cards in hand.
He came just when I started to get better, though, yet to rediscover all the moms of the world does not lie, the heartaches go. But mothers also say that to their daughters because their girls are young, they have soul and virgin ears, eyelids and iris bright new. Sometimes maybe a day or age or any time the experiences of her life, where it was not fucking want to recover. Like that. Because we feel it. Like Turgenev, who said in
First Love,
than it was only love, and that's the whole story of his life. His beloved drama (his father was slapping the girl he loved madly) in love and chose inaction. The ultimate choice: this story is my story. I want to be my story.

As I am still a bit romantic, I knew I could defer to that story, but deeply, I found it sad, then I n 'was not so sure of that possibility makes the lunch for all the poems and stories of the crazy world. About choice of optics.
is an election may be less drastic, more modern, but still crazy in the background, to indulge in the same song. Another dance. Another brief crossing. To see
Because we're crazy. Because