Monday, December 21, 2009

Bernardelli Modell 60

Summary (images)

He returned.

A bit like a thriller, but less scary, though, last week, returned IL.
But how is it possible?
" I frankly thought out and weighed, the decision to become truly Other, more myself, less destroyed and annihilated by the Another fact, he came back. He returned still .
That is to say that I left back.
Obviously I will not dwell on his reasons and motives to him. Because the thing that concerns me most directly, which makes me the same opportunity to discover a new facet of myself, it is the action to be back in my lap on a profound decision that I convinced myself when we n 'were no longer together.
must have a heart filled with hope for that, and believe that second chance is possible.

A friend told me that second chance is that in movies, the guys should stop believing that it exists, because when it's over it's over. (I'm sure I've mentioned this to my friend. I love this note.) And finally I found myself in the position skeptical of the girl who wants to believe. Because frankly, you never know. Yes, you never know.
How do we know? Is it possible that there are second chances? A couple restarts? That exchange, it tries, it is observed differently?

With another friend, when I wondered if he really

back, because I felt the thing coming a little, I could not believe my eyes but it had all the air, we also said we neared the rebound Hollywood movie. And after the sadness that I had typed, do not fool around when we spent ten days morfler ultimately we want a quarter-hour American or nothing. Of that, I was sure.

So now I can cry: "Vive
America! Hooray! I love burgers, weapons, and Obama!
" because I got my fall Hollywood.
He came back as if you decide to return. Simple, right. And knowing, perhaps, that all this is a big gamble, the big bluff, which totally ignores the end, if we will win the game if the game worth the candle , if you have the right cards in hand.
He came just when I started to get better, though, yet to rediscover all the moms of the world does not lie, the heartaches go. But mothers also say that to their daughters because their girls are young, they have soul and virgin ears, eyelids and iris bright new. Sometimes maybe a day or age or any time the experiences of her life, where it was not fucking want to recover. Like that. Because we feel it. Like Turgenev, who said in
First Love,
than it was only love, and that's the whole story of his life. His beloved drama (his father was slapping the girl he loved madly) in love and chose inaction. The ultimate choice: this story is my story. I want to be my story.

As I am still a bit romantic, I knew I could defer to that story, but deeply, I found it sad, then I n 'was not so sure of that possibility makes the lunch for all the poems and stories of the crazy world. About choice of optics.
is an election may be less drastic, more modern, but still crazy in the background, to indulge in the same song. Another dance. Another brief crossing. To see
Because we're crazy. Because


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