Thursday, March 3, 2011

Free Katesplayground Raven Riley

"The man worked beret hat." Jacques Damboise in "Thoughts for cons-pet"

° ° °
Martha Hyer

is an American actress and screenwriter, born in Fort Worth (Texas, United States States) August 10, 1924.

She plays movies between 1946 and 1973. One of his best known films is "Some Came Running" (Some Came Running, 1958), alongside Frank Sinatra Shirley MacLaine and Dean Martin, for which she won an Oscar nomination for best actress in a supporting role in 1959. On television she appeared in series from 1950 to 1974.
His unique contribution as a writer under the pseudonym "Martin Julien," is for "A Rooster Cogburn (Rooster Cogburn, 1975) with John Wayne and Katharine Hepburn.
She is the widow of film producer Hal B. Wallis (1899-1986) she married in 1966.

° ° °
"I'll pack them or you take them under his arm?
- This question!"

° ° °

(Miss Dieumédia few seconds before
the famous Pearl does swallower in action)

° ° °
" Anybody?
- Nobody!
- Oh, I thought there was someone "

(This young blond actress chose her roles with very lightly)

° ° °

" You are sure that a male leopard does not lurking around?
- Of course, what an idea"

(this starlet's career was unfortunately very short)

° ° °
"Yes I have a hat, so what?
- Uh ... Nothing ..."

(This diva was a morbid susceptibility)

° ° °

White Baptist

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pre Menstruationcervical Position

"The matador was always defeated." Jacques Damboise in "Thoughts winded"


"The ab sense often use the reason
by false appearances."

[Blaise Pascal]
Extract Thoughts

"Oh, Mommy, look: Laurel and Hardy!
- Um ... Not really, my darling ... Finally, though ..."


"What is missing is ux speakers in depth
they give you in length. "

From My thoughts

"anti-Semitism is characterized!
- No, I assure you, this has nothing to do ..."


"This is a great machine to carry by parliamentarians
stalking and conflicts of interest"

Legislators funded by the pharmaceutical industry
working on conflict interest

Gerard Bapt (...) is the chairman of the mission on the Mediator at the National Assembly. It turns out that it is also founding president of a club member on health economics, Club Hippocrates. MPs will debate on issues of public health. Topics covered recently include "the inevitable increase in health spending," the positioning of complementary health in health insurance "or models of hospital reforms.
However, on account of each meeting is the list of patrons of this club thinking, also known as the "Hippocrates Partners" means the General Health Malakoff Médéric and ... GlaxoSmithKline! (...) (...)
MP Gerard Bapt is chairman of a parliamentary club funded directly by one of the largest and most influential pharmaceutical companies: GlaxoSmithKline! ;
Of the 11 members of the mission on the Mediator, 8 are members of the club! Gérard Bapt, Jean-Pierre Door, Jean Bardet, Valérie Boyer, Jacques Domergue, Arnaud Robinet, Jean-Louis Touraine, Jean-Luc Preel. (.. .)


"The natural is composed of French
qualities of the monkey and dog sleeping. "

From My thoughts


" It is not too good to be free. "

[Blaise Pascal]
Extract Thoughts on Religion

(Being too imprisoned not more)

Benedict Barvin

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wisdom Teeth Bad Taste

"In a dream, dreaming to Esmeralda Charming Beautiful Goat". Jacques Damboise in "Thoughts winded"

@ @ @

"Me, I'm always wary of mattress

Child - A child sleeping on the floor, dafour, Chad

The explosion of an inflatable mattress made of heavy damage in Camille and Murielle

"The neighbor saw the glass fly, she thought she had dreamed." Camille Himbert Muriel Belloc and did not return. On Monday, the electric air mattress on which the couple sleeps exploded for unknown reasons. The damage is considerable in their apartment, the Battery Street.
Samuel Cogez

@ @ @

"You, I'll reserve my dog a dog ...
- It's already done, I was taken off the government, remember ...
- I hate you.
- Thank you, former Prime Minister "

"We must also change the prime minister," said Yves Jego
(And why not also the chair?)

"This realignment will not have a political effect when there is no change of prime minister. The French consider when nothing has changed, "Justice Yves Jego, who is also member of Seine-et-Marne (or Sambre et Meuse?) .
"In a football match (great metaphor ... France as a great playground ..) , when cashed goals and it is twenty minutes to play, you must change the master to resume the game, "said (the mob) vice president of PR (Vice President!) , allied formation (subject to be better) the UMP chaired (!) by Jean-Louis Borloo (Borloo!!) .

@ @ @

"Me, I like it, this coupe?
- Cope Fraaançois ... ... This is one of my heirs ... "

Margaret Thatcher and an old friend

@ @ @

The machine to convince Jean-Francois Cope
Anne Sophie Mercier


(...) "In France Generation, there are many 'France', but there are mostly '-generation' (ouah! super deduction) , observes Louis-Jean Calvet, professor of linguistics at the University of Aix-en-Provence and wrote the words of Nicolas Sarkozy (Seuil, 2008). Although he defends to the cult of youth, Cope obviously poses the problem in terms of age, conflict of generations. Just read the text on the homepage of its website: 'We can not think of politics today as there are ten or twenty years. " Cope is only nine years younger than Sarkozy, but he would recall. "

To motivate his troops (they need?) , Jean-Francois Cope presents itself as a new man (born in 1964 anyway) . The Vulgate Sarkozyist struck members of his movement, they do not like his style, consider that it is neither an intellectual nor a high school graduate? "JFC" offers them seriously, his private life remained private, its energy, its technical pedigree of technocrat (like a good doggie Right?) .

And much more. "An important part of the French right-wing dream of the great purge Thatcherite (ah Thatcher and his great vampire teeth bleeding these poor s. ..) they are tired of Sarkozy and his doctrinal ambiguities, Jaures and Guy Môquet, this pragmatism that disappoints. They anticipate a loss in 2012, maybe they want. They think the left will not keep power, and then they resume the hand. Cope is an ideologue (cons Democracy real?) , a true and methodically, with Generation France, they send signals that mean: 'I'm your man ", analysis a UMP member.
Same story when you ask Jean-Pierre Brard. "This is a true right-wing ideologue. At least, it is clear where it stands (heu. .. Right?) , and I felt the room requesting this position when sliced My debate with them ."(...)

@ @ @

"Vroom Vroom ... ... Faster, faster ..."

F1: a drop of blood of John Paul II for the healing of Kubica (?)

; The Polish F1 driver Robert Kubica (Lotus Renault), severely injured in an Italian rally Sunday will receive a relic of Pope John Paul II to help heal, said Friday Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, archbishop of Cracow (southern Poland).

@ @ @

"That face-buck kill me!
- I like ... "

@ @ @
Benedict Barvin

Monday, February 28, 2011

Microsoft Notebook Mouse 5000 Bluetooth Pin

"confusing something." Benedict in Barvin Ads downgraded "

"Damn, but what's that fixation on caps?
Anyway, I always walk bare-headed, so ... "

Didier Lombard, retired hat, his hopes of jackpot

Franck Dedieu, with Yves Adaken

(...) For the supplementary pension, Didier Lombard count thus more likely on retirement-hat of some 300,000 euros per year. Management has beautiful trivialize the fact that it is a system that benefits all executives of the group (140 people), it is indeed a very favorable funded by the group: 7.3 million euros have been set aside for this purpose .
According to the 2009 financial report of France Telecom, recipients can receive up to 20.8% of the highest total gross salary received during the last three years of operation. Knowing that Didier Lombard has received 1.66 million euros in 2008 , although he should receive a pension hat over 300 000 euros. (...)

"Better to live rich
than die rich."

[Samuel Johnson]

JL Delarue chasing his dealer ...
Or trying to escape him,
the picture is somewhat blurred.

Jean Luc Delarue-Drugs a way to escape a malaise
(too much money and fame causes harm ch'te be,
is well known)

(...) "I have not fallen in the day next day. But I saw that this product allowed me to escape from an evil being, to put it all behind glass, "said the host France 2 to students at a school in Quimper in Brittany. Jean Luc Delarue
also acknowledges having "screwed up all my stories of couples because it" ("I was a little sharer", would he confessed) . "In making this tour, I try to give meaning to my life, the more I talk, the less I think (and I pass for a hero ). (...) My only remedy is the word, "he says .(...)

(...) Jean-Luc Delarue, with € 40 000 monthly income (in 2008 ) and 30 million euros of assets (in 2005 ) , then one of the facilitators of the highest paid producers in France .(...)

"A diplomat who enjoys the less dangerous
a diplomat who works."

[Georges de Porto-Riche]
From The Past

(Even Tunisia and underwear?)

"Dictator. Leader of a nation that prefers
pestilence of despotism
the wound anarchy. "

[Ambrose Bierce]
From The Devil's Dictionary

"How it Dr Strangelove is a film of Kubrick?"

sale of weapons to Libya: "It reaches the point indignant"
By Augustin Scalbert (...) Specialist defense issues at the Point, Jean Guisnel just published
"Weapons of mass corruption, secrets and tricks of gun dealers" (Discovery)
, after a sum of twenty-five years of investigation .
In the chapter on Libya, there are some famous people:
Michele Alliot-Marie, Patrick Ollier, Nicolas Sarkozy , through Lebanese Ziad Takieddine ...
(...) (.. .)
In 2009 (latest figures available), France has sold about 30 million of weapons to Libya
. A comparable amount
turnover of the British (25 million) and below those of Germany (53 million), Malta (80 million) and Italy (111 million). (...) To read about : -192,255

"Let them come, all these male chauvinists of my two ...
Residents and dictators ...
I know how welcome "


http:/ /

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Creamy Lotion Like Mucus?

" File drone bell mismatched. Benedict in Barvin Ads downgraded "

@ @ @


Brother Juniper is a strip character drawn based on a real personality, reinterpreted, of course! The original "Brother Juniper" was a contemporary and friend of Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), founder of the Franciscan Order.
The creator, Justin " Fred McCarthy gently mocks religion throughout this young brother amused observer of the habits and customs of the Catholic clergy and contemporary mores.
Contrary to popular belief, Brother Juniper is not an invitation to return to MMA in order ..
@ @ @

"Well ... Now I know where the old magazines are going to die ..."
@ @ @

"We must all develop our skills.
Mine is hard to watch television"
@ @ @

"I think it is time to revisit the decoration"
@ @ @

"You are once again fell out of bed this morning, huh?"
@ @ @

"It is amazing how you make friendship with me
when we are
near ray dog food ... "
@ @ @

White Baptist

Samantha 38g Full Vids

" The baritone was as thick as thieves with an elephant. What was an explosive trio. Jacques Damboise in "Thoughts for cons-pet"

$ $ $

A little nostalgia - from time to time, it does not hurt - with three performances of "Ne me quitte pas" by Jacques Brel.
version of Maria Gadu is particularly interesting, as sensitive and almost a capella. That of Yuri Buenaventura is dancing to perfection (it's crazy how the South Americans come to make merry their unhappiness). As for Shirley Bassey, its interpretation is strictly American and jazz. But happiness ...

Contrary to what one might think,
this page is not an homage to MAM .. .
$ $ $
Not Me

by Jacques Brel

Do not leave me
Anything can forget
who already fled
Forget the time
And time lost
to know how
Forget those hours
Who killed sometimes
A Loved why
The heart of happiness
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

Me I will give you
Beads of rain
Venues Country
Where it does not rain
I dig the earth
Until after my death
To cover your body
Gold and light
I will make a
Where love is king
Where love will be law
Where you are queen
Ne me quitte not
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

Do not leave me
I shall invent
foolish words
That you understand
I will speak
From those lovers then
Who have twice seen
Their hearts ablaze
I'll tell
The history of this king
Death of failing
Pu meet you
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

was often seen
rebound fire
From Old Volcano
That thought too old
It is apparently
Land burned
Giving more wheat
Qu a better April
And when evening comes
For a sky blazes
Red and black
Do they marry not
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

Do not leave me
I cry more n'vais
n'vais I speak
I hid my
A watch you
Dance and smile
And listen to
Singing and laughing
Let me be
The shadow of your shadow
The shadow of your hand
's shadow your dog
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me.

$ $ $
Shirley Bassey

$ $ $

Maria Gadu

$ $ $

Yuri Buenaventura