Sunday, February 27, 2011

Samantha 38g Full Vids

" The baritone was as thick as thieves with an elephant. What was an explosive trio. Jacques Damboise in "Thoughts for cons-pet"

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A little nostalgia - from time to time, it does not hurt - with three performances of "Ne me quitte pas" by Jacques Brel.
version of Maria Gadu is particularly interesting, as sensitive and almost a capella. That of Yuri Buenaventura is dancing to perfection (it's crazy how the South Americans come to make merry their unhappiness). As for Shirley Bassey, its interpretation is strictly American and jazz. But happiness ...

Contrary to what one might think,
this page is not an homage to MAM .. .
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Not Me

by Jacques Brel

Do not leave me
Anything can forget
who already fled
Forget the time
And time lost
to know how
Forget those hours
Who killed sometimes
A Loved why
The heart of happiness
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

Me I will give you
Beads of rain
Venues Country
Where it does not rain
I dig the earth
Until after my death
To cover your body
Gold and light
I will make a
Where love is king
Where love will be law
Where you are queen
Ne me quitte not
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

Do not leave me
I shall invent
foolish words
That you understand
I will speak
From those lovers then
Who have twice seen
Their hearts ablaze
I'll tell
The history of this king
Death of failing
Pu meet you
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

was often seen
rebound fire
From Old Volcano
That thought too old
It is apparently
Land burned
Giving more wheat
Qu a better April
And when evening comes
For a sky blazes
Red and black
Do they marry not
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

Do not leave me
I cry more n'vais
n'vais I speak
I hid my
A watch you
Dance and smile
And listen to
Singing and laughing
Let me be
The shadow of your shadow
The shadow of your hand
's shadow your dog
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me.

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Shirley Bassey

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Maria Gadu

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Yuri Buenaventura


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