Friday, January 7, 2011

Best Economical Camcorder

Happy New Year full of happiness ... Lightning

We spend our time go after what we lack: a little more money, time, love, power ...

And then there are those moments ... We lived ... Several years ago, I woke up one morning with the woman I love. Another day as I was walking with loved ones bike. All Suddenly, I missed absolutely nothing. The suspension is a form of lack of fullness. Suspension of time: suddenly, there is more than the present. Suspension of further speech, language, reasoning ...

could continue the list of those experiences of wholeness, unity, simplicity, eternity. It happened for a few seconds of fragments of his fearlessness. For anxiety like me, is a disconcerting experience.

At other times, spleen, melancholy, blues, blues ... Whatever words, each of them apart. Which is above the angst? Can happen entertainment ? The wise? Maybe, but it also happens in philosophy and that is that he recognizes ... I'm away.
What to do in those moments that everyone knows?
last twenty five years I philosopher, I receive each year various teachings. But then what?

First, there is no point to recognize more unfortunate than yourself. Besides think the worst is to think that it is also possible, always and everywhere possible. My daughter knows who works in pediatric hematology with sick children often condemned. Yet we do not always tremble, nor so often. Without love for others but not always. Life we prevails. The World is there that resists, which requires effort and work. And so much trouble, expense, and fatigue. Exist, even comfortably, remains difficult. Everyone has enough monsters to fight, to overcome disappointments, obstacles to overcome, and a thousand small tasks urgent or not. As best, laziness is good for nothing, we've all experienced and we have verified a thousand times the great saying of Pascal: "Nothing is so insufferable to man as being in full rest, without passions, without business, without entertainment, without application. He then feels his nothingness, his abandonment, his insufficiency, his dependence, his weakness, his emptiness
...". Not Yet that work can be sufficient at all, nor any job. Who wants to work only to forget he is going to die? Who would disbar the rest to avoid anxiety? Idleness is good for nothing, the work or entertainment, much more.

So what?

Back to Pascal: "So let's work to think well, c is the principle of morality. "It is also one of philosophy. The important thing is not only what it earns happiness or peace. Even though anxiety is the end, this path ours, the only one who is not unworthy. Better a real sadness that a false joy. Anxiety rather easy, serene an illusion. It's the same philosophy.
But the anxiety she is lucid? Sadness is it lucid? If it were, they would fear such pain or weep effective, as danger. This would be justified fear or sorrow in life as any known in overcoming. The Stoics make me laugh sometimes, "Your house is burning, your children die", whatever, you Virtue ... Like Montaigne, I craind these lofty and inaccessible places. I prefer to believe that the houses rarely burn, and that children do not die Not all at once or not, and we can not dispense of virtue and happiness. When the horror is there, that can still philosophize?

Then there are the other days free of horrors and suffering, but not yet here we are, anguish and sadness. Lucid anguish and sadness? Instead, these are diseases of the imagination, populated by vague dreams, horrors only possible. What cons imagination? What
cons of this crazy house? This imagination which, in the service of intelligence, is so fertile. What to do So cons ghosts against nothingness? Philosophers respond clearly know exactly what to think, which is directly dependent on us, and what does not depend on, which can be changed and what can not, the real and the imaginary , truth and illusion ... Lucidity is a first step towards wisdom and thus to happiness. It is an experience that everyone can do.
What's more toned, instead, for those who can bear it, a very rude truth or bitter. The philosophers in these materials are the most lucid, or lets say the darker the less likely for optimism and easy consolation.

Lucretius, Montaigne, Pascal, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Freud and also in its way, it is by what it touches on philosophy, Freud.

So let us say that the truth about the fear is not distressing - or less distressing than the illusions - the truth about the sadness is not sad, the truth about the misfortune .
short, insight is better. These moments are to accept without lying, without denying, without leakage, without pretending ... But, of course, this is not unique the philosopher, but to all: philosophy, thinking is not a job is a function, the only one that carries within itself, its risk and its remedy. His risk: anxiety. His remedy: the truth.

Good and lucid year in the Truth! The Light of Truth! Veritatis Splendor!


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