Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How Write A Letter Community Services Completed

scout: the extraordinary is often close to home ... Alsatian

Each year for 3 years with the Scouts from Troop Europe Craon I go to camp. This year is for me a characteristic: it was my first camp as a Patrol Leader.

This year we may be kept in mayenne but we experienced an intense disorientation. We practiced a rafting for three days Mayenne. These rafts were built with drums and bass. We've built during the year.
Our raft was small but sturdy unlike others who are thinner and therefore lighter. Its 3 days were tiring, because besides the weight of the poles we had all our equipment (trunk and a tent) on board the raft.

After three days we arrived at our camp site, where we stayed 9 days in performing usual activities, facilities (surrélevée tent, table lamps ...) The Great Game, the Olympics, the competition kitchen. We came away proud to have won the campisme flow, and very motivated for next year.

Augustine ALGRET


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