Saturday, July 25, 2009

Some Of Mandarin Verb

Homecoming ...

Second trip to Alsace in our family during this first half of 2009.
First trip in January in northern Alsace, Strasbourg, only family. Travel - comfort, restaurant, tour and museum - to meet with us.

Second Trip in July in southern Alsace, open to others and extended family with drive to discover the area through Goodwill. Travel with 4 of our 6 children and a niece. Our daughter, Apollonia is in Italy, near Rimini and Augustine in the scout camp raft on the river Mayenne.

Two weekend days a week with my own holiday aoûtiennes as expected. A simple
weekend for a long road trip, but also a journey within and human.

It was the birthday of my aunt's "favorite". It was still reconnecting our families exhausted by modern life, Urban surractive. Links involuntarily abraded but still there, that also appropriately and strong and unique joy of reunion too often rebuffed. The aunt is happy to see that the "French Interior" are coming. The cousin who had grown up as you caress her hand, she touches you to believe, believe with certainty that all this is true. I realize that these cousins have "cured" by spending the thirties.

We know that true friends then real blood relationship or links from indelible and invisible "blood" survive in the love and friendship beyond the years. We find ourselves but we know we had never forgotten. We knew they were there or they are hidden by the veil of distance and various contingencies and varied events of life. But it runs like yesterday, nobody really has changed even physically, except ... Laurence, who became a woman.

Sundgau (pronounced soungo) is an area located in the southern region of Alsace and part of eastern territory of Belfort. Sundgau is also called tri-border countries as close to Switzerland and Germany. The name comes from speaking Sundgau and means "South County" (Sound: South, Gau and County). It is the land native and picturesque aunt, native Werentzhouse. We were greeted

the European Centre Lucelle. Built on the site of the old Abbey Lucelle linked to the history of St. Bernard, the European Conference Centre Lucelle, real relays cultural borders, is the largest equipment Sundgau home, located in the heart of a natural park of 14 hectares, surrounded by forests and rivers, lakes and streams. Nearby Switzerland begins "at the bottom of the garden" visible a few meters.

The next day was dedicated to the discovery of Alsace in making its identity and reputation beyond our borders. Lunch at the heart of Colmar in shaded terrace.

Then nearby: Eguisheim. Amazement of looking up at Cygogne nests and houses of this "medieval town built in three concentric circles around the castle" in the words of Leo Daul, a professor of German and Alsatian, present at our side during lunch the day before, the author or co-author of numerous books on Alsace.


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