Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cute Sayings For Wedding Bubbles

Dubliners ... These films

I found in the notes, when j animate a film club, leaves for this film seen years ago: People in Dublin.

People In Dublin, the last film of the late John Huston, it gives us the most touching of his thoughts and more just dozens of films. This film leads us, inevitably, not as we know, looking towards the last five minutes are a reflection on death and his psychological approach.
If characters in this movie join reality, the director, in stages, gradually immerses us in the intimate psychological and spiritual more heroin.

This introspection process is reversed on the other imitated here at the cinema, to perfection by the Master. The Heroin Heroin will at the end of the film and during the last fifteen minutes. At this time we really know when we had hitherto only a vague idea. Until then, it was a character among others. A person as there many around us, we know very little and who often fortuitous and attention impromptu imposed on us in his most intimate performances.

So, we look back in retrospect this person, his every move seen throughout the film, seen but not looked for meaningful sympomatiques of root causes and hidden . Facts and actions that should have we reveal it. Of the actions that we have not seen because our imagination in the service of our minds, our hearts were not ready, maybe also because the equal of that live, we manage our own lives, family, work and social activities.

With this attitude of reverence that images can resurface in the manner of a flame that revives before dying.
The light it gives off and becomes violent form of contrasting shadows on the walls of our imagination, conscious or unconscious and sending us to our own quest for self, our self-knowledge.
attention to the other, the woman in the film oscillates between the trivial and the "barely audible", so that, initially, was not the idea to bend down to hear what is actually said in the meeting of relatives and friends in Dublin in the early nineteenth century.

Then, when everyone leaves and that Gabriel and Gretta are alone in that hotel room lit only by candles may be related to a power outage : good coincidence for intimacy extremely violent, brutal but so beautiful and poetic in its relationship to what transcends life.
When you hear Gretta saying this long monologue full of regret, nostalgia, sadness, you feel like, as written above, go back, to resume events of the evening A by A , scan using this new light, and take in the crowd of mundane details , the gestures and glances aside small example everything that has been pushed MEMORY Gretta back on the hassle of the event said.

is where lies what we perceive others without cognitive awareness. This is where lies the psychological state of this woman who is beautiful in its humanity. Beautiful as anyone that we discover in his own dramatic complexity, its concreteness vital spirituality.

The mystery of this film as the mystery of a person is subtle, fragile, too, which is first on the surface of things, taking care of magnetic force until he can rise to the surface sinking Our staff sinking, as we all depths of the sea, poorly concealed by our smiles.
Then the secret of a lifetime as if it were a little nothing of these things fails to appreciate that it is too late.

When is too late ... In conclusion, it is our freedom, it is never too late. Gabriel look out the window at the snow fell. Gretta fell asleep from fatigue following night in Dublin, following the grief caused by unexpected factors.

Gabriel looks imagination Ireland under the snow and seeing the parade slowly snowy landscapes. John Huston filmed each region of Ireland and gives birth to the imagination of Gabriel. Snow falls on a cemetery ... We're finally ... Here we can understand that death is liberating and wonderful as spiritual ...


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