Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fever And Gum Infection

The irrefutable proof of the existence of Gd

When it has been over two months we have not written any early may seem pompous. So let's go with great fanfare.

life, she does not care much for my mouth. Earl what happened to me, or my father like a "whore of karmic return." When it happens to you, I assure you, it hurts the tooth, the ass, but whatever happens we must smile, otherwise you lose out.


late July, my former plant after an idyllic vacation in Portugal. I only have my fungus to keep me company and my overdraft thousand euros. This is where Lord sent me tickets for Bordeaux and with him I sent me in the air between the vines, sipping fine wines, squatting cheerfully Serge's wedding and Isa.

My Ex tragic mourning lasted two weeks, during which I have questioned my level of commitment, which I thought two weeks ago and moved in with her child, I'm giving my keys to the Saviour from the start.

I was doing my malignant as soon as I leave this bitch Ex , but that was before he returns. Yes, yet.

So he came back, I can not lie and say that I did not hesitate ... I hesitated to death. It was a struggle between the past and the burning pile now, the glorious memories and brighter future. The worst thing an ex and Savior is the day and night, as one is pale and the other is olive, one circumcised and one not, one Jewish and the other Muslim. I mean it: if the international community, or TF1, was aware, we have a scandal duffer. But no. Instead I bit the bullet to not succumb to the advances and keep your cool enough to know who I I wanted to be, exactly.

The truth is I finally chose the third option shock: myself. Yes, I wanted to be with myself. But the Saviour did not care, so he stayed, and I, warmth and beautiful teeth, I say no.

So we arrive at two weeks ago: I'm finally right in my boots for over two days, I want Saviour, and as long as it is there, why not move together as you squat since September 20m2 my Savior, and one on the other we can do. Bathsheba is the office while Savior that made visits. Yes, he works freelance.

Sometimes Bathsheba is a drink with Ex who said " come live with me, we'll be happy " and we forget very quickly that I wanted live with you for twelve months but the former instead of it you got wickedly resisted then you left me like a sock is removed after a wet rainy day.

I, who had so wanted to live with Ex, the fact that he now wants was very bitter. Saviour understood, as he told me often "p utain, it must be super frustrating for you. " (Savior is very strong and very understandable in the long run.) I said yes . "Frustrating," I think it is the right word.
was now ex who was ready and wanted. Too late. What damage.

So it Two weeks ago, Metro Oberkampf, Savior and I visit an apartment. Savior said: " I'm glad you're here, the first apartment, we visited together. " poured a tear, because apart 'in question is ugly, but almost. We visit, it is played cool, we'll be leaving soon when ...




Savior said: "There's Ex what there! " and I look in the doorway, and yes, there 's Ex what there.

I summarizes (even in a crappy Hollywood movie, this scene is not believable): visiting a apartment, with my new boyfriend, I fall on my ex who visit the same apartment. The joke. Imagine the trio: I look Savior handshake at Ex (what men!) Ex desperate to avoid looking at me or give me a kiss, I insisted, and as a result there 's my friend L. Ex accompanying this kind to a couple because it goes better with the owners (the question everyone asks is: are they really like?) (I say yes) and I make him " hey, hello girl ", and during all this action I have had time to see Ex pale blush and Savior. Pretty funny anyway.

Finally, this is what I told myself on the spot.

After I let my mind wander on the irony of life.

A sentence of less than six months ago would have done that would have been ex with whom I visited this apartment 'rotten Oberkampf. One more day to let her anger subside, thirty minutes of patience on my part to let him sleep it off, a gesture - the hand that holds me when I leave, or when I slap - a sum of infinities and opportunities and the equation was no longer the same.

And yet.

That's the real question. Everything was bathed with Ex Actually no, it's not bathed, but I would not leave because I loved her. Really? That's what I thought. I did not want it to finish, and yet I could not go back. Y'avait already a third pole to the equation of us: Savior. A gesture would have been sufficient? The break killed in the mouth, and I hailed as a savior single friend on the arm of my boyfriend during a visit to apartment 'where one crosses all by chance?


Six months ago, it was ex who broke for real, and without it would have been a blond hair on his jacket, a crappy SMS or harasses his disdain for me that would everything will crash. Butterfly effect: it is all likely to find themselves one day to visit an apartment, wedged between his ex and her boyfriend. Spread the word under the cloak.

Finally, it is not the worst.
Although I turned it, this skit lubitschienne, I have a little advantage.
On the road, we agree Giugiù, my journalist friend who truly believes that journalistic objectivity is possible. Giugiù is so down-to-earth, if an atheist and so little spiritual with him I can not help but want desperately to believe in God, my non-believer. So I tried to convert:

" Giugiù Damn, I thought that after this there is no God."

Giugiù is a journalist, he is unfazed: " No, it's the same mutual friend who gave you At the time, so it's not so crazy that why you ended the visit . "(Giugiù is Italian, for those held by not included.)

What spirit unperturbed one. Me, I was ready to go Kippur and Rosh Hashanah barter Christmas cons ...

But the logic of Giugiù cons, there was still a divine intervention.

Half an hour had passed, we were on the platform of the Gare d'Austerlitz, and I was joking with muddy death on our proud trio, when repeated Savior:

"Hey, there's still Ex"


I swear, it was still there, still with my friend L. This time, no one has changed color, it was funny, because well, you should not mess about the life you want us to relax the panties, well, okay, we're all in this not touching tits and roll shovels. Thing that we almost made that means you took the subway together, knowing that the more was at the terminus, and therefore, apart from us, the dock was empty.

still Miraculously, they found themselves alone, facing one another. I even took a picture ...

was fun.

That's where I almost got to admit to Giugiù that God not only exists, but really, that's for sure, he is a Jew, with humor he a.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Unsinkable Tin Foil Boats



Thursday, December 2, 2010

Do Heating Tools Fade Hair



Daniel Barenboim, born November 15, 1942 in Buenos Aires, is a pianist and conductor of Argentinian and Israel. In 2002 he received the nationalitéespagnole and since January 2008, he was also carrying a Palestinian passport.

child prodigy, he gave his first concert as a pianist in Buenos Aires at the age seven years. Her father is and will remain so long as his piano teacher.

If Wagner is banned in Israel for having inspired the Nazis, never mind. Twice Barenboim, defying taboos, played the composer's works in concerts at the prestigious Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, leaving the audience divided between whistles and applause. The Knesset had then declared persona non grata until he agreed to apologize.

He was appointed director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in 1989 and the Staatsoper Berlin in 1992 - who will elect the 'right to life' - and became the main guest conductor of La Scala in Milan in 2006. Dynamic, generous, passionate and deeply humane, Daniel Barenboim wants to appease people through music.

remember that Scala is still no music director. They Barenbom Daniel, but only as Maestro Scaligero - a glorious title for a primary invited. Yet, all artistic decisions are in the hands of general manager Stefan Lissner.

Salle Pleyel

Salle Pleyel

Frederic Chopin (1810-1849)

Fantaisie en do mineur Op 49 (1841)
time Marcia

A Nocturne

Sonata No. 3 in it, mineur Op 58 (1844)
1 - Allegro
2 - Scherzo (Molto vivace)
3 - Largo
4 - Finale (Presto not so much)


Ballade N ° 1 en sol mineur Op 23 (1835)
Largo - Moderato - Less moved (Time I)
few moves - Presto con fuoco

Trois Etudes

Trois Mazurkas

Scherzo No. 3 Op 39 en ut diese mineur (1839)
Presto con fuoco - less blur - Tempo I - less blur - Tempo I

Salle Pleyel 16 février 2010

Les ovations

Monday, November 29, 2010

Mysore Mallige Blue Film Free On Line View

EQUIZZI ROSARIO - A sublime poetry - ROBERTO

Saturday, November 6, 2010

4-12x40 Sportsman Bushnell

Roc La Crise ... Continuation and further reflection ...

Two social facts are quite disturbing in this crisis. The
e suicide is an issue, a symptom or a representative picture of the consequences of the Depression. This question was not predictable in this crisis. If we refer to the Depression of 1929, economic and social crisis remains reference, there are differences with the current crisis. Those who committed suicide after 1929, were the haves, those who had lost all or lost far too much. The poor who were already poor obviously continued to suffer. We do not commit suicide over.
Today, those who commit suicide are neither the haves nor the poor but those who work . At both ends of this chain, those living money money as those who have no money, there is no outbreak of suicide. To increase the stroke, no suicides among traders, bankers, the ultra-rich or the unemployed.
So the work that is the question of life and death . Economists and anthropologists we have already said or written much since 2007. They told us, among other things, that work has lived for several decades guidance to Finance. It is with the Finance ...

The new Management of fifteen to twenty years in its radicalism and what it includes more excessive today that the "hardworking" are observed. Their doings are registered professionals and private, analyzed even if the system denies it and claims to the contrary . From there, the "hardworking" are subject to reprimand , rejection. Thereby individual competence and collective diluted , the pleasure of working together is excluded . On "pretending". Colleagues who go on vacation together is an illustration of this seeming: that one of them is transferred, we will forget quickly.
The transmission of "know-how" is no longer in enrollment and the relation to history. The new management, as now, causes formatting, sometimes without the knowledge of managers or "managed" with little or no awareness of being manipulated. Bank, Insurance, France Telecom, Renault and many other areas or businesses we provide an illustration.

There is a concern for formatting and protocol to make money and be efficient. The Manager takes refuge in the Protocol as it sets its environment who sends him, for that very clear messages, keeping "face"
its responsibilities ...

The individual has become a resource, a unit of value, worthless , which can be moved at the option of relocation or changes in business strategy ... What was the identity of an individual is no more. An individual may be substituted for another. The Craft the individual disappeared.

Second symptom in 2009 and 2010 of this crisis, the report History . Whether we could imagine having virtually eliminated the philosophy of science classes, we also remove those same scientists, Teaching History is equally strange. This is not history of Vercingetorix or Joan of Arc is at issue here, it recent history. That recent history such as the European will become optional for those who will become tomorrow's engineers, technicians, managers.
Crisis highlighted that the ratio is Memory and psyche of the individual is endangered.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Replacing Lead Piping In Bathroom

Crisis ... Continuation and further our thinking

I thank all those interposed by email, responded to our previous posts on this topic because this blog is not open by choice comments.

The issue is still the equal of our two previous posts in 2010 and 2009 on this subject Crisis: How to stop doping in monetary and fiscal policy without causing too severe a withdrawal that would kill in the bud Recovery? -va-a-little-better-but-the-crise.html

For brevity, reconsider the issue from three angles covered in our two previous posts: Employment , banks, Public Debt .

The job

Unemployment fell from 0.2% in the second quarter of 2010 for the first time since the beginning of the crisis ... There were job creation in the market sector with strong support from the interim use.
However, it still lacks 518,000 jobs to go at the beginning of 2008!

The recovery is still fragile ... It is the massive use partial unemployment as well as appeals to possibilities of adjusting schedules offered in the 35-hour that mask insecurity. This has therefore resulted in a highly stagnant productivity. A productivity gap that companies will catch up by hiring little ...
In addition it will decrease the programmed subsidized jobs . Moreover, 31,000 posts will be removed in public (including more than half in Education).
In addition, local whose tax revenues will be limited and the budgetary transfers blocked state, may begin to turn to remove posts . The Public Employment overall (government, hospitals, local authorities) may well go down ...

Between July 2008 and July 2010, the number of registered job center increased by 1.1 million. With 4.6 milllion registrants, an active six, the record in 1997 is broken! Job seekers are certainly and strictly speaking 3.7 million last July, but it is well of 4.6 million registered job center who live precarious . Instructions were given to job center to as many people out of the Class A , which remains by far the number of unemployed most commented in the media, figure "politics." It also does not count here, the plaintiffs unregistered employment and discouragement of unknown exactly how many.


banks are less profitable and so much the better. The set of new regulations that will be implemented soon limit the leverage of banks, ie their ability to go into debt to play with volumes of money, especially on the derivatives markets , sophisticated financial products that were highly speculative .
If these new regulations work well (?) , these new tools regulatory could intervene in case of slippage of the growth in loans for speculation and prevent bubbles can install .

Public Debt

How did we get here?

From 67% of GDP in 2008, the public debt peaked in the first quarter of 2010 as we had expected, on this blog in January 2010.
Henceforth, the public debt reached 80.30% of GDP or gross
1 535 billion euros!
This explosion is directly related to widening public deficit with Crisis . From 3.30% of GDP in 2008, reached 7.5% of GDP in 2009!

Paradoxically, if the State had not squandered the deficit, the recession was deeper. When activity drops, the gap is widening automatically, since the state saw its revenue decline, including the Corporation tax and VAT . This, while social expenditures remain stable or increase with unemployment compensation or social minima.
To this, we must add the expenses of Recovery Plan. This
Recovery Plan hollow so the public debt, but that it has been squandered just replace the deficiencies of the application of private agents to absorb the shock wave that shook the economy .

However, Crisis is not the only cause as rising public debt is nothing new. Yet the state is unable to systematically cause . For it is not the explosion of government spending that strike her budget and the State is not necessarily a spendthrift It is especially fierce ... the revenue side of the rub: beyond the weak growth, policies of tax cuts implemented last ten years have in fact contributed to increase the burden of debt.

Should we worry about this drift?

French debt is certainly high, but it is not out in Europe. The average debt in the euro area is 78.7% of GDP ... Germany 73.2%, 96.7% in Belgium, 115% in Italy, without speaking, outside the euro zone, Japan: 189% of GDP or U.S. 85% of GDP! Spain and Ireland with debt defined respectively to 53 and 58% of GDP are more pitiable than us ... Indeed, the sustainable level or not public debt does not only depend on its level, but also the dynamism foreseeable economy.

It is often said that it is necessary to reduce the level of debt on behalf of the burden we bequeath to future generations. In reality, it is today's taxpayers, not their grandchildren who pay annually the interest on that debt. And those who receive these payments are party beneficiaries of tax cuts that have contributed to widening deficits and growing debt to the Public Administrations. Wealthy households earning it both ways: savings on the tax form they can get rich by investing in securities of the Public Debt. From this point of view, debt is a redistribution mechanism upside down, low-income households, who pay many taxes, including indirect, to the wealthy, who receive such interest. This transfer of wealth, hardly justifiable, is a major reason why it should reduce public debt.

How to Reduce Debt?

We joined him, the question is, three times of introduction to our last three notes on this blog, about the Depression: how to end the monetary and fiscal doping without causing withdrawal too violent would kill the recovery in the bud?
We ask ourselves the question since May 2009. This is an opportunity to conclude this post ... Want

quickly reduce deficits, as envisaged by the government is taking the risk of breaking the weak recovery enjoyed by the French Economy. Weakening in growth, such a policy paradoxically widen deficits and would, ultimately, the more difficult the goal of stabilizing the debt. It is urgent not be too hasty.

Beyond that, there are two ways to reduce deficits : reduce spending or increase revenues .
The Government, in its Stability Programme submitted to the European Commission, mainly based on expenditure restraint, which would save 45 billion euros in three years. This can be done by cutting the budgets of social welfare ... Such cuts will weigh
the purchasing power of the poorest households, ie on those who have the highest propensity to consume and therefore on economic activity.
In contrast, giving priority to increasing taxes for the rich would likely consequences of reducing their savings rate, which is in France, one of the highest in the world.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Is A Prepyloric Ulcer

Between Dog and Wolf

Sometimes strange things that are not explained.

example (it's amazing), I have not said but lately I've lived at the same time rupture and early history. At the same time, for real. It's crazy.

Already, it goes against all logic and common sense. I decided to do nothing until 2012, and bam, I discover the sex of the afternoon.
I decided not to give me direct couple, just to know me, meet me, do all these crazy things we do when we are single, and I almost never do, or so little, and bim!, there's details that are not misleading, there's a guy dwells in me.

No comment a bit.

So all this euphoria, the discovery of another good delusions, life, love, cell block in the heart, new dishes, laughter, mischief, has embroiled in spite of myself and inevitably to absence, silence, nostalgia, regrets, bitterness, sadness and emptiness.

From full vacuum.

A beginning, an end.

same time.

At first it was constantly present, the feelings were completely intertwined, as saying that it was a mess in the head / body / heart, and then it came in waves. Marine and sentimental low tides, from laughter to tears of joy and be blissful in panties dancing like a Motorola ad and then cry at nothing, looking out the window like a TV movie on Sunday on TF1.

We do as we can, eh.

I take pictures of the stuff, micro-bursts out of tragedy, c is too difficult to understand love you, and then the sadness too, ah the sadness but really there is something profoundly marginal and disturbing in this emotional mess: allow himself to live these moments in simultaneity - and even after Wave, allow himself the constant paradox of the heart. For real, not like we told his girlfriend that has just been dumped two days before when the guy told him about living together (that is current, it did not happen to me) that the heart is changing and unfathomable , you need to feel the ovaries solid things that we do not read magazines, and seen too much around and in general is not highly recommended for health. Mental, at least. This is not my flesh cry starvation.

This constant tension could be seen as something romantic and romantic. Except in truth is to live in the guts with a feeling of always being elsewhere. Legs straight, and eyes behind. Or eyes to the opposite hand that is stretched. Complicated, the complete dislocation of what was thought, of our values. Then believe in a brighter future when we bury yet another corpse in his closet.

Once, we tried to find meaning in that it is always necessary that my closet doors are closed. Now, Freud aside, I know what they hide. H & M and the old stories.

This is also the irony and the stupidity of things in life: there is always the shadow of an ex somewhere. Finally, for me.

We scrub and the former takes a big E, as it is the former, who calls the former with whom one dines again, the ex who does forget, Ex clueless found to be still around in his life ... When one is angry, he is even a capital letter x "your EX. Is that while we are not aware that one day it may be that most famous, and this blonde fringed disappear from the equation as dry. As if it never existed, finally.
It's weird anyway, it's as if there was always the shadow of an ex. A wobbly balance to Duras, where to hold it must constantly be three. You + Me + Look behind you.

And when I think of this ex who prowled and returning from time to time in our conversations shameful, it has totally disappeared from the time the story ended (I'm made plated) and I met someone else (I'm creamy cottage ). I have in place a new ex to obscure the picture, I would say not all new, all beautiful it's indecent, but it is still fresh, still warm even. The ball in the soup, the threat in the equation.
Those who have never experienced this problem Ex, I would not say, hats off, except that I did not know how to change so quickly in mindset and delirium and how do you not want all the time to send an MMS with a picture of a lousy book which had been spoken, those ugly shoes you got almost bought that is a lady in the subway, this song, etc, etc..

Oh, I better understood: it is to avoid and control these urges, there is that generally takes time between two stories.
To not feel so violently by the force of the presence of the other offers early point of comparison, this vivid impression of having lost a friend.

No idiot and take the time.

Meet a new one, lose another, it's a little caricature of my worst moments of the primary or college in terms of friendships. I doubt the maturity of my business.

But then what? Close the door? But live? Say no thank you to the small-breakfast in bed, love, always, to be developed, with the freshness of life (hollywood chewing gum)?

As I said my cousin as a philosophical and societal credo:

"Esto no es Hollywood. "

El Guincho 10 is much longer and more powerful than I thought.

And I say no.
Already, there are almost as tourists. They are not beautiful, often large, and looks bad. Then there are the nerds of work. They pale, no friends, no conversation, that the job ahead and of the complaint to the soul. Then there are the poor. Those who could not leave long, really from those who are ill and infants who do not know the joy of having a second home in Corsica, the Basque country. Too bad for them. And pity for me because I am them. So I tried to change positions to become a nerd of work still to Paris in August because the job and blah, frankly it almost walk but after a while he had seen things in the face : poor articles I write, I might as well write them beside a pool in a dream location, Gender Les Baux de Provence. For example.


Like what, in life, I do not know whether to look ahead, but at least be well imagined that another life is possible elsewhere.

If having dragged through the bays rotten in Paris in August taught me physics aoûtiens disadvantage, the second half of August, outlines a lesson less superficial and more difficult to grasp. Understand me: two weeks ago, so, I promised myself some four months of forced abstinence (what took me to type in Catholicism, who knows, I was really bad. To each his post-break ...), of gray days in Paris to eat the same packet of spaghetti for a week, with only hope to understand the promise of my love story undoubtedly passionate, altogether ridiculous. Frankly, there's better as a holiday.

How I got here, I do not know.

Finally, if a little, but who cares for details. What matters are the train tickets. And do not be missed. Coming without really knowing why. Yield to the pact, why not, that eventually unlimited. There's always a why not us takes anywhere ... And here I am at a wedding in the squatter Haute-Gironde (I even know the existence of such a region), surrounded by vineyards of Bordeaux to get drunk, dance like old rock and finally landed in the house of your dreams, a little.

I disappeared in a place where the iPhone does not pick up, do not serve, and I feel he has spent a thousand years in ten days. I am constantly surrounded by people, and yet I've never felt as much with myself. That's funny: I'm finally in a situation beyond my own understanding. My brain read more. I have nothing to think about really, since I have followed in my plans or anything, nor my promises, or my ideas.

Melancholy of my break, I seek. In the morning, when I hear the crickets and I see the Alpilles of sight, trying to tie my stomach, thinking the worst, the bitter, trying to unleash the fears, but there is nothing to there is: I swallow my tea quiet before going to float in water ... My break has become a concept that finally tells me one thing: it's amazing what the human heart is concrete. It's over, the heartache so 19th century. One day you think lose everything, you think morfler you think die, then the days pass, and quickly, and then you look at yourself from afar. The body that you seemed to fade before yours. The sense of uniqueness and ownership of the other is disillusioned.

It is done more for me. Already. I do not care who it is made. Then.
values to which I clung do not resound. The story is emptied of its meaning.

So, I ask myself the question of honesty with myself, and the question of lucidity.
I do not know how to explain it more clearly: I do not understand. It goes well, is doubtful. I thought before I wanted to spend my ten years at least with a guy, and now he is not in the current landscape, and yet the future never seemed so interesting, bright. It's cliche, delirium

my break me free, yes, and it is especially illogical when it was not so desired. I do not feel hindered. I thought I was good in this story. And here I see, I think I had it all wrong, that it was not so cool, so strong and all that. I think my brain has trouble doing his job, I do not see things properly, with clarity. But anyway. I'm not going whip either.

They say women often varies.
To warn men. I find it especially between chicks that we should repeat it, with himself and that we should threaten to prevent, so we calculated how much it is scary: how it varies. At which point it is difficult to stick to a fixed idea.

I healed so easily.

So here's how emotional convalescence urban decay, I found myself in the summer kiffer sloping. In the South Giono, fantasy and unlikely, with that sense of giving a hand to myself and to get acquainted. Without knowing where I go. Adoring do not know - or will - tomorrow. It's weird



Saturday, October 2, 2010

Would Like To Be A Make Up Artist Letter

Cevennes, Ardeche and Cantal, summer vacation ...

late September, the younger children returned to school for four weeks. The elder in turn takes her studies in early October. All are recognized as upper class. One was certified colleges. Another, her drawer. The

summer vacation is already distant, and yet we seem to hear, yesterday, the cicadas sing. Yesterday, our hands on the walls of schist received heat, even as the day declined after a hot day. Eighteen days together in "our" mansion mediterranean Cevennes, away from crowds clustered farther south, near the mediterranean sea or further north in Provence crowded with tourists. Six years after our last stay in the same walls, the same valley.

After our field, roach, our roach. Roach which forms its Gourgues real deep pools, long or wide, where you can dive and swim to ten fathoms water in a transparent crystal in which one can see the fish pass between his legs.

Before and after these eighteen days, our six children have attended to various occupations and diverse summer, with friends, family, at scout camps. However, as we say every year on this blog, vacation time must be reserved and prefer family and friends. It is the indispensable camera this year in the Cevennes.

After hiking six to eighteen miles, two to six hours of walking, the roach is the certainty of refreshment. And when the temperature gets too high for the ride if only because the little sister has just turned three years, the Roach became the rallying point.

On our way, there will still be the Ardeche, Cantal landscapes so different ... Holidays that seem like every year but this year even more perhaps as the most beautiful ever spent.

Children and Parents, in our opinion, need to know, on vacation and summer, only to find between them. It is in this geographic disorientation and that human relationships are formed and that reinforce the family ties that can also heal the wounds exposed or buried after a year or vocational school difficult. When everyone is relaxed, we communicate more easily, it strengthens the bonds between us. This is the moment of reunion and sharing time more intense. The presence of the father disconnected everything and connected only to his family too, as can be the mother's role, the arc stretched forward, his children for arrows. "

View of a room.
At the end of the field, roach, that overlooks the mountain ...

Reread our little vacation philosophy:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Klucz Seryjny Do Mount & Blade 1.010

Summer sloping

The time has come for the preaching. It is time the great preaching. You see , everything starts in testicle is the stampede, and those who are not here in Paris in August, can not understand what I mean.

illumination. So there. On the Road to Honfleur

, because with a friend we had the good idea to go to Honfleur
the only day of the week where it rained all day Saturday, we took discussing the transcendent. Then we went swimming around 19h, water was good, it was great, and on returning we told stories we had read too well. It's a good car conversation to tell the stories of books. short. On the way, talking rather passionately, "It is exciting-a boy, and talking about life, everything, reached a major observation regarding the relationship between men and women
and was one of the few points on which the conversation was immediately quite agree:
men are cowards women are not independent.

Commonly, I hear. In general. Do not tell me
him, y '
it. "

It came to us when we talked about breaking this brilliant statement today. (Modern? Really? A look.) Example: Yesterday, in the taxi, the driver told of crap (not really necessary to dwell on the details, believe me
), and while I answered the
, I retorted:
"What there? You just dumped by your boyfriend or what? " In this case yes, but I could not see the report. (I did not tell him eh. I told him What?
) It tells me it's only because I seem edgy.
So I realize even more consideration: it is believed that men are the only reason the moods of women. I told him that I could
take me a pie by my father, being lesbian, or having my period (it was also the case), a toothache, be depressed and I know that . I even said that if it found, was a man. I am "ok
ok", and we do not talk anymore.

I rethought immediately to discussing with my friend, I told myself that the worst is that nothing can happen to a more terrible than to be independent flank with a coward, and vice versa: a coward suffer so much with a girl kind of stuck his heels ... It's good for endless dilemmas. In addition, this formula may be turning in all directions and still remain, however faulty: = +-dependent loose cheum dependent + = coward coward suffering + = independent water separation flange
brave + dependent = not not do it

You See what I mean? Never anything good in the equation with a coward and / or self- not in the batch.

This leading it, I have so much stuff to do at this point in my life, like being more independent (that, for example!), I decided to make

abstinence until 2011.

Emotionally I mean. (Regarding abstinence, I have not decided yet.)
In my Mifa my aunts marrent well, and Paris are launched.

This is the first time I decided not to get into a love story ... There are times when I tried, wanted, not wanted, however, decide that frankly

, a guy will not pass my door, or at least not to leave his
tooth brush to is brand new. I long been as allergic to commitment, but that I resolved with time. There, we just do not be like those chicks
, and almost all are like that, who think, feel, and smell boy.

I'm like that much, I love boys, but now it's time I prefer myself. Honestly. So there. If I have not titled this post "Abstinence 2011" is only afraid of being enticed by the bizarre religious associations from Twilight
, pseudo Protestant, and advocating this kind of thing. I want to enlist someone in this incredible experience, unforgettable and unimaginable for me that does not single follows almost twelve years. Yes, this is not how to speak, it does make
mess that I have not spent more than a month without doing anything with a male counterpart. So I try to personally experience, to see if it'll be fun. Four months before me (strictly forbidden to make a gang bang
forward for the first year.) It promises to be funny, sure.

I can tell you for now, I had a pleasure to feel free, go to the sea, dancing, laughing, and not necessarily only, on the contrary, only with a smile knowing that I will not be touched too much and sleep like a saint in my white sheets. With the idea of owing anything to anyone. I too old to drive a shovel because I was paid two shots

. I'm pretty old soon.

To conclude, I knew that changing the name of my blog, and add "pray for me" would make me so many effects. But anyway. This gives me almost want to say amen

. Too bad I'm not a monotheist.