Saturday, August 28, 2010

Klucz Seryjny Do Mount & Blade 1.010

Summer sloping

The time has come for the preaching. It is time the great preaching. You see , everything starts in testicle is the stampede, and those who are not here in Paris in August, can not understand what I mean.

illumination. So there. On the Road to Honfleur

, because with a friend we had the good idea to go to Honfleur
the only day of the week where it rained all day Saturday, we took discussing the transcendent. Then we went swimming around 19h, water was good, it was great, and on returning we told stories we had read too well. It's a good car conversation to tell the stories of books. short. On the way, talking rather passionately, "It is exciting-a boy, and talking about life, everything, reached a major observation regarding the relationship between men and women
and was one of the few points on which the conversation was immediately quite agree:
men are cowards women are not independent.

Commonly, I hear. In general. Do not tell me
him, y '
it. "

It came to us when we talked about breaking this brilliant statement today. (Modern? Really? A look.) Example: Yesterday, in the taxi, the driver told of crap (not really necessary to dwell on the details, believe me
), and while I answered the
, I retorted:
"What there? You just dumped by your boyfriend or what? " In this case yes, but I could not see the report. (I did not tell him eh. I told him What?
) It tells me it's only because I seem edgy.
So I realize even more consideration: it is believed that men are the only reason the moods of women. I told him that I could
take me a pie by my father, being lesbian, or having my period (it was also the case), a toothache, be depressed and I know that . I even said that if it found, was a man. I am "ok
ok", and we do not talk anymore.

I rethought immediately to discussing with my friend, I told myself that the worst is that nothing can happen to a more terrible than to be independent flank with a coward, and vice versa: a coward suffer so much with a girl kind of stuck his heels ... It's good for endless dilemmas. In addition, this formula may be turning in all directions and still remain, however faulty: = +-dependent loose cheum dependent + = coward coward suffering + = independent water separation flange
brave + dependent = not not do it

You See what I mean? Never anything good in the equation with a coward and / or self- not in the batch.

This leading it, I have so much stuff to do at this point in my life, like being more independent (that, for example!), I decided to make

abstinence until 2011.

Emotionally I mean. (Regarding abstinence, I have not decided yet.)
In my Mifa my aunts marrent well, and Paris are launched.

This is the first time I decided not to get into a love story ... There are times when I tried, wanted, not wanted, however, decide that frankly

, a guy will not pass my door, or at least not to leave his
tooth brush to is brand new. I long been as allergic to commitment, but that I resolved with time. There, we just do not be like those chicks
, and almost all are like that, who think, feel, and smell boy.

I'm like that much, I love boys, but now it's time I prefer myself. Honestly. So there. If I have not titled this post "Abstinence 2011" is only afraid of being enticed by the bizarre religious associations from Twilight
, pseudo Protestant, and advocating this kind of thing. I want to enlist someone in this incredible experience, unforgettable and unimaginable for me that does not single follows almost twelve years. Yes, this is not how to speak, it does make
mess that I have not spent more than a month without doing anything with a male counterpart. So I try to personally experience, to see if it'll be fun. Four months before me (strictly forbidden to make a gang bang
forward for the first year.) It promises to be funny, sure.

I can tell you for now, I had a pleasure to feel free, go to the sea, dancing, laughing, and not necessarily only, on the contrary, only with a smile knowing that I will not be touched too much and sleep like a saint in my white sheets. With the idea of owing anything to anyone. I too old to drive a shovel because I was paid two shots

. I'm pretty old soon.

To conclude, I knew that changing the name of my blog, and add "pray for me" would make me so many effects. But anyway. This gives me almost want to say amen

. Too bad I'm not a monotheist.


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