Saturday, October 2, 2010

Would Like To Be A Make Up Artist Letter

Cevennes, Ardeche and Cantal, summer vacation ...

late September, the younger children returned to school for four weeks. The elder in turn takes her studies in early October. All are recognized as upper class. One was certified colleges. Another, her drawer. The

summer vacation is already distant, and yet we seem to hear, yesterday, the cicadas sing. Yesterday, our hands on the walls of schist received heat, even as the day declined after a hot day. Eighteen days together in "our" mansion mediterranean Cevennes, away from crowds clustered farther south, near the mediterranean sea or further north in Provence crowded with tourists. Six years after our last stay in the same walls, the same valley.

After our field, roach, our roach. Roach which forms its Gourgues real deep pools, long or wide, where you can dive and swim to ten fathoms water in a transparent crystal in which one can see the fish pass between his legs.

Before and after these eighteen days, our six children have attended to various occupations and diverse summer, with friends, family, at scout camps. However, as we say every year on this blog, vacation time must be reserved and prefer family and friends. It is the indispensable camera this year in the Cevennes.

After hiking six to eighteen miles, two to six hours of walking, the roach is the certainty of refreshment. And when the temperature gets too high for the ride if only because the little sister has just turned three years, the Roach became the rallying point.

On our way, there will still be the Ardeche, Cantal landscapes so different ... Holidays that seem like every year but this year even more perhaps as the most beautiful ever spent.

Children and Parents, in our opinion, need to know, on vacation and summer, only to find between them. It is in this geographic disorientation and that human relationships are formed and that reinforce the family ties that can also heal the wounds exposed or buried after a year or vocational school difficult. When everyone is relaxed, we communicate more easily, it strengthens the bonds between us. This is the moment of reunion and sharing time more intense. The presence of the father disconnected everything and connected only to his family too, as can be the mother's role, the arc stretched forward, his children for arrows. "

View of a room.
At the end of the field, roach, that overlooks the mountain ...

Reread our little vacation philosophy:


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