Friday, May 14, 2010

Floorplan For Grannyflat


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Brent Everett As Bottom

Das Weisse Band (the White Ribbon) Michael Haneke: A film that raises real questions

As the Cannes Film Festival begins, I can not help but think of that ambiguous feeling that I experienced while watching the latest film by Michael Haneke Palme d'Or Festival 2009. Those who read this blog or who know me, know my passion for cinema and in particular that, unwavering, to Ingmar Bergman or Roberto ANTONIONI , among other giants of world cinema.

If I can watch all these movies that are commonly called "mainstream", they do not feed me. I still wish that on 7 th Art gives me the answers or better yet, refer me to other questions, about my own questions, the better to consider, consider.

cinema so we can reveal a bit more what we are and what we are made ...

The White Ribbon is one of those movies. It is a strange movie, slow and sumptuous unfolding in the dazzling purity of landscapes that seem inaccessible in the dark. There is in this film a sort of permanent suspense, where nothing in the end would really revealed. I remember that during the press conference at the end of the Festival which saw winning the Palme d'Or, Michael Haneke interview took place in German by a woman who asked for answers to the problems posed by the feature in question . Michael HANEKE which hitherto was polite, courteous, responding candidly as usual, questions from the press, eluded a smile. He argued that his role was questions , not to respond, otherwise he would not do this film, he would not film at all. A significant response that characterizes the work of this filmmaker ...
The voice that tells this story is hoarse. As for time raucous. It is in this context, see the film in VO , dubbed in French for non germanophones (like me).
But in this year 1913 which brought back the memories, the teacher was a young man. A good chubby boy had just met a pure, radiant and shy girl. He made his court. He was preparing to be happy. And then there was this cable. Solid and invisible, stretched between two trees he brought down the doctor who quietly returned home on horseback. What a stupid joke, we had thought ... Only a few weeks later, there was the son of wealthy landowner, beaten. Then a baby is left to an open window in winter. Worse still: the kid retarded the midwife who had been burned eyes. The horror ... bland

This film is a reflection on terrified people frustrated, inexorably pushed to the hate each other ...
Michael Haneke is a rigorous, one requiring a moralist dark. In his most successful films but sometimes frankly questionable , he only filmed violence. For him, evil is always running. As a gas, it spreads. Like a virus, it gives rise to the pandemic. This Once, he tracks down the origin. It reveals the roots. This position consequences. This German village on the eve of the great catastrophe of the 1 st War, he imagined, AZ, serves as laboratory to denounce all forms of terrorism, past, present and future .

In this cauldron stir oppressors and oppressed landowner indifferent to the peasants who seem born to accept the blows of fate, oblivious parents raising their children in fear that they seem to accept all the shots, literally as figuratively. A desire to revolt brewing, however, among the "victims .
While in the "executioners" dominates the certainty to act for the good of those they oppress.

But the director shows how consistently the authority they USED BY and abuse not hide the emptiness that overwhelms . These are all powerful beings to haunt the dried shell. There is a shocking scene where the pastor - who did wear a white ribbon to her children to remind them of the sense of purity - is moved suddenly, by his youngest son, came timidly into his office to offer him what ' he holds most dear in the world. The tears come suddenly in the eyes of the pastor, we feel a moment, just a moment on the threshold of the human. But no, he resists the grace and he is soon made to himself. Human, what for? After all, God to be, not necessarily to his creatures, we would try to write in a way that scares ...

What films Michael Haneke, they are beings in hell, there to feel less alone, trying to draw others to it. "You must suffer terribly for being so obnoxious," told the midwife to her lover, the doctor, who comes from the break, to reduce it to nothingness, in a scene bursting with atrocity would almost affable marital clashes Bergman in Scenes from a Marriage ... Because here HANEKE BERGMAN exceeds in cruelty. The children, they somehow resist: eyes Rudi enlarging the small astonishment when he learns what his sister's death. It is this memorable sequence that is breathtaking.

In another scene almost unbearable Martin is also crying against his father before this vigilante who humiliated for having yielded "the call of his young flesh" ...

What happens to these children broken in the name of the property, twenty, thirty years later?

When they left, silent and pervasive, they look like a disturbing ancient chorus, like blond boys with empty eyes of an old film of SF (SF) black and white, The Village of the Damned that my children have all enjoyed . The White Ribbon like that other movie less pronounced, however, is also shot in black and white. Anguish of those born deaf clips where everything always seems hidden behind closed doors and minds locked. But beneath its apparent austerity, it is burning furiously.
HANEKE masterfully filmed the darkness that seeps into our hearts. Hence it will escape more ...
Today in 2010, in adulthood, we evacuate this darkness with the help of a priest, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst ... And yet, with God's help ...
We're here in the presence of the most successful film by Michael Haneke, a true masterpiece.

Overclocking Asus Maximus Formula Ii


I lost weight.
Everybody talks about it. That's France "
hey, hello, alright, oh, how did you lost weight!
. I wonder what the Parisians speak if they were not talking about their weight. In my family, for example, that we would have far too little to say sometimes.

you eat? You're hungry? It seems that I contact each individual becomes a mother undoubtedly Jewish. Even my friends there are of Belgian origin. Hell. It wants me to swallow anything and everything.
So I lost weight, and I'll speak as one good self-respecting Parisienne.
I saw that I had lost weight, but ultimately not that much. The only tragedy in this story is the disappearance of my boobs.
My breasts are small, it looks like they went on vacation. My breasts are
sad, that's what I said. And
after this pathetic statement, I donned a slinky dress and went out. Much enjoy my new little body, anyway.
On the road to alcohol and bars, I learned something that would change my life forever, but I did not know at the time. Now my life is a revolution since I know what I learned last night around 2am.
A dude, K., I said, looking with an air of disappointment that my breast was famous yesteryear:

Yeah, if you got more guy for two weeks, you're less tit This is normal.
Frankly, I could not see the report, but I remember well as they were beautiful and fresh my breasts, with skin drawn block and everything, it seemed that there was milk, whereas here it seems that I have given all triplets hungry.

K. explain again:
Bah, it's the hormones, estrogen what. The more you enjoy, the more you secretly over your breasts swell.

you probably knew already. I open my mouth coming down on the counter, so my boyfriend K. after he was released, saying more anything of the kind
I know a women to death / I am a sissy male / and / the Jewish pubic hair extra.

Know that the scope of pubic hair, I have not missed him, so we agreed he believes that Jewish had beautiful cats, which may be a reflection somewhat limited, certainly, but say it suits me because I myself am part of this extraordinary people elected. And it was reassuring me that my breasts had perhaps made the trunk, until I had a vagina
* too much.
A guy who does not know.

We can be reassured. If in my pants so I did not worry me, I am sad observation that I must enjoy at least once a day for a decent chest, and that otherwise I should be like those unmarried thirty years in the pool that have breasts and banal who believe their freedom, which is to get laid with the unknown romantic Saturday evening suits them well.

Niet. I'd do not have. I want my dose of estrogen brothel.

* (What alternative to "pussy"? "Vagina"?)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

You Illuminating Quote

of estrogen and other news

I cheek since Esmeralda one week. Or almost. (I love the character of Esmeralda.)
I is not coming home.

not feel like I have, because I have to tidy and clean and work.

I am a bad housewife.
So, I sleep around, until I reconnected with unexpected personalities, I travel far from home. I take showers in rooms with good near Place des Vosges and Jacuzzi baths in a disused bar. Or I sleep in big rooms as well.

a toothbrush in my bag, I do even more cream, I care that much, skin, and I simply bought some panties to settle nomadic habit that I caught a sunburn. I also bought shoes with heels demented, to release a little while for 5 days from the same jeans and men's clothes.

There is something desperate and completely exhilarating to live well. But all good things come to an end and tomorrow

it with a new pair of sheets, with no traces of men, with girls and smells of vanilla and jasmine, or not, I sleep like a baby, maybe with a girlfriend, and I will look at the Charterhouse of Parma. Wide program.

I hot date with myself.

I cook stuff. Plans. Machiavellian. With vegetables and surprises. I will subscribe to the air spring that I avoid like an old tree fall. No more baggy jeans dressed guy. Dress, skirt, girl stuff, cream, life, dance etc.. A thousand flavors that last link and this time I let into my apartment.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Water Theme Parks Diagram

The art of procrastination

I must re-register on Facebook.
I forgot that I was working on the web. My holiday will
virtual lasted half an hour. "Come on over, Balzac."

Medimix On Acne Scars

MIGLIORE, Architect, The Promise of the XXIst Century

Roberto Migliore is a talented young architect, born in Italy in SCICLI (Province Ragusa).

After a brilliant school he continued his studies at the Istituto Tecnico per Geometri in Modica (Ragusa), after which he enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture of Palermo.

It is distinguished by its dynamism, its taste for innovation, his original ideas. He held jobs in architectural firms of repute.

He regularly participates in art exhibitions around the world.

In his job he loves is grafted another passion: photography. And again he excels, and performs work true professional. It captures the moment, minute, millisecond, the light in a period of time will decide the outcome to capture and give birth to real masterpieces.

Her photos speak for themselves.

Renzo Piano

New York Times Building

Otto von Spreckelsen

La Grande Arche de la Défense - PARIS -

Sir Richard ROGERS

Lloyd London Building - LONDON -

Jean NEW

Institut du Monde Arabe - PARIS -


La Pyramide du Louvres - PARIS -

Jean-Pierre Buffi

Les Bureaux de la Colline - La Défense -

Proposal Argument Topic


Bollywood Aishwarya Rai Boobm

Amsterdam, Orsay, Warsaw, Mont Saint Michel ...

Our early years seems, in retrospect, have been decidedly cultural . A suite of choice or coincidence. A stay in Amsterdam, following the discovery of the built heritage and landscapes cultural Paris, the Musée d'Orsay, the concert in Warsaw to mark the bicentenary of the birth of Frederic Chopin, a visit to Mont Saint Michel.


A weekend of January in Amsterdam, staying near Leidseplein neighborhood gathering crowd in Amsterdam and his youth around the Place de Leiden. An area which offers a density of theaters, cinemas, cafes where hashish is still available with the command of a cafe.

ultra liberal but a world in which, However, public policy is rarely disturbed.
An entire afternoon dedicated and studious to visit the Van Gogh Museum which represents one quarter of the pictorial work of the artist. Little reason to visit the Rijksmuseum, since a u same time, the Pinacoteca de Paris offers, in collaboration with the inevitable museum in Amsterdam, an exhibition of paintings lent great Flemish masters.

Dinner at a restaurant bustling Leidseplein then night getaway with our children in the Red Light District, District of regulated prostitution, where prostitutes offer their naked charms behind lighted windows overlooking the shores of pedestrian countless canals of the city. Moment of pedagogy, interesting exchanges on Humanity between parents and children ...

The next day, French Mass inside the Begijnhof, if well maintained and restored it looks like a movie set. It is a small village closed to the left of Spui, after crossing Spuistraat in which one enters after passing the small door that overlooks St. Ursula. A small village consisting of old houses closed and a small church that encircles a lawn planted with trees. Even the horns of cars, the noise of trams and the hubbub of the street does not penetrate here. Most existing houses date from the seventeenth century. This will be our family photographs.

Discovery also, in the city by a river cruise in the tangle of channels that line the bridges and locks, mills, gabled houses, religious buildings, hotels classical, eclectic homes, warehouses, imposing monuments of the nineteenth century, the monuments of the many architectural styles from the late nineteenth century buildings mixing Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Amsterdam School.

A reading city's architectural, fascinating, as long as one is interested in architecture, this even if the reading is profane, unlit and without special knowledge can be being of our children. That day, learning has taken place ...

The prosecution, therefore, the discovery of the northern cities after Belgium, Finland ... The continuation of the discovery of the northern cities by Latin than I am, after my countless trips Mediterranean.

The Orsay Museum

In February, including visits to Paris, and two visits with our children thorough the Orsay Museum, the Museum of cult fans painting from realism to impressionism. I was not there back from the year of its opening, twenty-three years ago. Two visits a week we have to revisit this rich period of art history. Degas Manet, Cezanne, Monet, Renoir, Sisley, Pissarro ... I've long regarded a remarkable picture. Had I already seen? I had forgotten? "The fog Neighbors" by Alfred Sisley.

Commentary on the work site of the Museum d'Orsay.
is probably Neighbours he painted this fog guess where a fence in the bottom few leaves on the left, a tree with twisted branches on the right, beneath which appears a woman bent to pick flowers. But more than a peasant in his garden, the protagonist of the canvas is the silvery mist that blurs all shapes and background in a gray-blue tone. It is not the thick fog in London that Monet and Sisley had at the Thames, but a subtle harmony of a silent poetry. This painting is so exemplary of the approach pass impressionistic nature through the screen of a visual sensation, here modified by atmospheric conditions.

the Musée d'Orsay, was also held on those days, a temporary exhibition of Vincent Van Gogh, like an echo to our stay in Amsterdam.

bicentennial of the birth of Frederick Chopin

March 1 at 21:30 to mark the bicentenary of the birth of Frederick Chopin was held the live concert and on Arte, the Theatr Wielki in Warsaw. Evgeny Kissin (photo) and Nikolai Demidenko played respectively concertos No. 1 and No. 2 for piano by Frédéric Chopin, accompanied by the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Antoni Wit. A great moment in 16:9 and stereo.
In an interview, admitted his frustration Evgeny Kissin playing Chopin with the Philharmonic, always preferring to interpret it so soloist. The frustration of one of the greatest interpreters of Chopin's century in public service amateur ...

The Wonder of Mont Saint Michel

Some of my children had never been there. The opportunity is given by the spring holiday to follow, for those of my children who are with us, take a tour of the Wonder.