Saturday, January 30, 2010

Baby Stroller With Diapers

Facebook and its contradictions ...

Invited by my children on Facebook, I able to take my temperature and form an opinion on this community platform. By decoded, there is not as negative even if the positive is difficult to decipher.
I, for example, find some people appreciated. Those, for example, lost sight of for twenty or thirty years, sometimes people who were friends and that major changes in our lives are far from me.
For cons, I can feel a real discomfort with displays of privacy and spontaneity recoilless or reflection in the exchange. A perspective that allows only a Virtual real relationship and not face the "other" in flesh and bone.

First there is the fad: everyone is there, so everyone who registers. Especially since the very principle of Facebook is to encourage your friends to join you on the network. Have his Facebook page class you immediately into the category of people "connected", which is where we must, when necessary.

But, beyond fashion, facebookers expectations are clear: find old friends, and perhaps make new ones. Internet emerges as a response to a modern evil: feelings of isolation . Ever present in our society, city and country. Facebook and other networks respond to a desire to exist , by creating social bonds.
So one of the many responses to loneliness Internet.

On Facebook, your worth is measured by your number of friends . Less than 50 and really, you're not much ... Show many friends is the norm, and even how to exist on the network.
more you have, the better. Thus on Facebook, it is not uncommon to see internet earn 300 friends. Yet in real life, which more than a dozen real friends?
This also refers to the definition that everyone is a friend.
Facebook gives the illusion that friendships are easy, just run it or accept an invitation to make friends. As opposed to real life, where everyone can realize that make a friend and keep it not so simple.

These social networks selling off the very concept of friendship . By putting the word "friends" on relations via Facebook, hackneyed relationship that normally be built in time , and demonstrates its value with time also.
Again, users show the number of friends to develop. A bit like other people collect comments on blogs. Except with the word friend, it takes another dimension. Internet gives the false impression that friendship is accessible to all with a few clicks, it just click "yes" at the bottom of an invitation to make a friend.
Moreover we see appear on Facebook are small programs that allow to elect from among its friends, one who is beautiful, which is funny, which is original and each user displays proudly on his homepage. Internet calling this side: everyone can feel accepted, provided he invests the time. Much time is the downside .

By choosing photos to his profile, tastes there shows, the groups to which he belongs, he takes the stage, he tries to convey an image of him who glorifies .
All users and their friends make is recorded. And most facebookers display on their profile the slightest mark of attention they receive (private message, comment, a gift), and their friends are even warned! The fact that people make the public attention paid to them is another way to exist in the eyes of others . Lack of self-esteem is something that can concern us all, especially in a difficult time in our lives. Internet can sometimes help to fix this "narcissistic vulnerability", for sure.

What these networks, regardless of their name, show most is the need for recognition of each of us, and needs the other. Sartre wrote "hell is others, "but we also need the eyes of others to take confidence in us. If you do not be fooled by the illusory nature of virtual friendships fast Facebook can help to reconnect and back in real life with more self-esteem .

In conclusion, if this need for exposure sometimes worried, and raises questions about the malaise of our society, we can also see the positive sides . By dint of staging, some users are valued, gradually resume little confidence, and you begin to appear second degree, self irony.
short, step back on itself.

We can not definitively decide on Facebook and other networks in good or bad.



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