Thursday, January 14, 2010

How To Remove Richdel 1 Valve


The suffira vous de la petite lampe frotter enfouie peut-être même dans votre grenier oubliée, pour voir apparaître a Djinn, personnage here exauxe vos voeux the most expensive, a great genius, still very young ...

But where does he hide so when he left his kingdom? in his studio? Piazza San Marco, or in the ca 'this mysterious Venice whose charm and beauty are transmitted from generation to generation through the ages?

native Leumann (Turin - Italy) February 4, 1956

Graphic Designer - Photographer - Illustrator - Writer

Studies conducted with high school art "Vittorio Veneto" and the Academy "Albertina of Fine Arts in Turin.

Debut by collaboration with many offices of Advertising as a graphic designer photographer and assistant, then in 1980 opening his own practice in Turin, Ancona, and finally to Venice.

The profession leads to such exercise of Photography and Graphics advertising (including on behalf of the Municipal Casino of Venice and Vicenza Chamber of Commerce).

He also likes the underwater photography, and illustration of texts for publishing.

designer and director of exhibition booths in Italy, Austria and Germany, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce of the Marche Region.

During the years 1992 to 2007 he manages with his wife a Artistic laboratory in Venice, opened to the public, near the famous Piazza San Marco, a situation that allows their artistic vocation to speak in different directions, from the artistic craftsmanship to the design and implementation of a exclusive collection of "Venetian masks," through the traditional Venetian graphics including incisions on gold Murano glass.

early 2008 he moved with his family in the natural oasis of Cavallino-Treporti, thus abandoning the chaotic life of Venice too focused on tourism for the benefit of peace and the special atmosphere of the Venetian lagoon.

It thus enters a new world, even if from his window he sees the tower of St. Mark and that of Burano. But her artistic aspirations have not changed, and his passion for photography, all of which enable it to tackle a range of issues from the magical atmosphere of Venice to the shadows and lights of the "Nude".

In October 2009 she published her first book: "La tela del diavolo" (The painting of the devil), a thriller whose action is within the framework of the "Calli" of Venice, and elsewhere ...


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