Friday, January 15, 2010

Play Runescape In School

The unbearable heaviness of being

And I celebrated yet.
I hate New Year and I have done as a Blue.

2010, the year that finally I will listen to my instincts, developed, and where I'll
I fully trust my Cartesian. "Common sense is the best thing in the world shared." I have listened to Descartes, and make me a dinner with the family to eat like a pig, to go kip at 00:16.
Ben & Jerry's ice cream, movie and steamy sex to begin the new year, amen. Except not. I have not taken my old age takes over.

Yet every year, New Year is murky. Si Very murky.

Last year, I was in Les Arcs ski with my friends from childhood and they are so pissed they were tear-gassed by bouncers deficient, and they are then made to break the nose of the old guys who passed away.

the next day I had to go tell the cops version of events because I was the only one who remembered


And I pass the story of the night we spent in the car, the clothes full of gas, nose and itchy eyes horribly, the driver unconscious, while the thermometer showed -10 outside.

The year before, I celebrated the New Year with family-friends at home, and we went to a party at 300 meters away. It is good. Correct. Happy New Year.

Yesterday it started well but finished way.
was Christmas Eve with friends, drank field 'til you drop, drinking Cognac by greed. Perfect.

Then we pulled in Veilhan to celebrate the year as hypos. When we saw the guard at the door, I did "we just see Xavier" and he really thought it was our buddy serious.
Sesame opens up. After is unclear. I had photographs ample crotch, fortunately I had a short. Mini, but there. Then I asked if Tellier was not too hot with his beard, because I was peatedly and I had a bikini under my dress and I

damn hot. Then I farted Xavier retaining its
mini glass sculptures
, clementines I ate her, and drank the field 'over and over again.

More minutes passed in the new year, more gradually forgot the pretty things they had said at dinner. I also forgot the words of my sweet love, and I grieve sequined bikini that I have put him for nothing when I saw him turn into a creature crying and screaming that did not qualify and that I am separated, somehow, shortly after, on the subway platform. A heartbreaking goodbye

on the platform of Belleville. Happy New Year darling. And tomorrow.
Because 2010: the year that I no longer personally cooked for my guy.
year where I relish the opportunity to slip away, knowing that somehow it does not remember anything tomorrow.
After I went to see my friends. I love my friends from childhood, they are my favorite, but we must be lucid: their festivals Suck. Yesterday, I arrived at 4:00 to Ourcq, and even though I was on the 11th floor apartment of the sublime 'Octave just bought the frame, the view, have not stopped my ears to tremble mix Hard-tech dj punk-to-dog, nor my eyes to see that there was unfortunately 90% of guys at this party. (And we know that when there are not more girls than boys, it missed the party.) Moreover, this charming environment conducive to free love and peace on earth did not prevent an old baston burst, which was spun as a metaphor from room to room until half people of the evening had bloodshot eyes, foaming at the lips, and locks of hair in his hands.

there, it reminded me that I know who has his mom tells him to get lost, where it is, at 3am, because after 3 hours of morning, there's nothing really happens to young girls.

Wisdom of the old guardian of marriage.

While I wisely went home, I could not stop the bear which I had previously secretly and cleverly released to come home at 6am to slouch in my bed 14 hours.
It is always half dead asleep with open mouth, growling as I write these lines ...

2010, the year that Bathsheba did not finish getting fucked.
And not in the sense of the word raunchy.


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