Thursday, April 29, 2010

How To Install/add A Toolbox To Matlab

I did it I felt like a journalist

Poston light now equated with the weather.

What do we know about lingerie? What does it affect our body? Without going into extreme, we know why a chastity belt, other questions remain for me a mystery. Studies showing that men love white and black lingerie, and that along with this finding women remain convinced that this is the red ultimate color (men are 85% to hate), and knowing that I do not déprends of my panties and bras burgundy / fuchsia / orange, there is food for thought.

My mother said that a real man does not care and hair and our lingerie, as it not fuck our legs and panties, it is especially made to be removed. Maternal wisdom that guided me to who knows where, until one day like this I decided to ask me stupid questions.

While in reality, all this is a poor introduction to what I really wanted to be treated, namely
my favorite panties. My favorite panties are those of my girlfriends. These are the most rotten panties, old and ugly world. These are the panties that refile the morning after a sleepover with friends, rather than putting it in the trash eventually. Because ultimately, we know very well that we will not see that panties, then file the most rotten. The one is the least. If one day, one of my girlfriends me back my panties rotten washed and ironed, I think I'd be facing a severe emotional shock and friendly, and that I should find it too weird to continue sleeping with her and biting her panties.

What like is that these pants-there are not only very comfortable but for me they represent a parallel world: that of the pants that I ever bought so it's not my style. The shorty tigers, striped pants bizarre basics, small white lace ... Far from my frilly orange and fuchsia that I like but sometimes, frankly, irritate the kitty. While with the panties of my friends, is old, it's rotten cotton is very soft.

A friend told me that I loved what I could have, therefore, knowing that these are not my pants at the base. But I think it's less tortured than it is like the clothes offered, never really our style, we would not have bought it, but it's very nice to wear that does not resemble us. It is like someone else, for a day, it is the projection of the other one is dressed like we imagine it as it is.

And I like that parallel trade of barter and exchange: because I too old refile panties, pantyhose and sometimes even I have been foisted. And here Olia who wears the pants Manon, or that of Nina Claire. A mess in our gowns and under our skirts, false promiscuity by a piece of fabric that flows and intimate re-runs just out of the machine.

And then the guys. Thomas, who will fantasize about the pants worn by Diane Clement, or vice versa.
Funny, huh?


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