Monday, July 5, 2010

Pitchers Of Deborah Sampson

Master mention SM

Yesterday, with girlfriends, which I have absolutely no right to name names, say Lola and Fifi, as that's settled, we spent our evening talking boys. It was even a distressing finding of the stroke, the number of girls free all night talking to the male sex. The worst part is that there was a present with us, Michael, and Michael's full there hallucinating, the poor. Especially since our conversation mainly around a quibble and a single practice of flirting: sms, emails, and other links sent via Facebook or via the net.

One totally scary because she liked the guy sent him the link of its kind favorite clip, and it turned out it was a bit lame pop and twangy, the style second clip of Craig David. White. (I have no right to tell the Artist, if it kills me to chuck it all.) Say it was still all returned, the little woman, with a guy who was pretty good party sends a clip of shit saying he loves, and more with a text saying the five critical lines like he believed in She tried not to panic. She asked how far it would totally freak, say he is a weak link, and tell him or not, goodbye.

And this was added sms ladles and not hyper detonators waves of love juice, if you know what I mean.

And I like it.
In a somewhat complex where I find myself flirting with a pan that I can not tell if it is old or not, I get an email depressing. Gender cheum too. Gender is not possible, the guy tells me about Facebook.
Even if you ignore the message from the mail, you can see already that there broke out in Article 2 of the class and gender relations: I put no album of Rihanna when you come to dinner at home, you do not write about Facebook when you send me a mail. This is blasphemy, it's like "kikoo", it kills a man, even a real one.
I was green, I had lost all reference points, I knew what to do, what to say or what to say. No answer elsewhere. Use silence to show disappointment ladies, that drives men, for once, to think for themselves.
Then the little guy who had listened to 3 hours of conversations about our guys and other annoyances, which had been quiet, the poor, gives me his opinion when I still did not know if I had to puke my mailbox, hang me in the lounge or stop thinking about it and deny it, like a bad memory of Holocaust. Or meet him just "did you mail the palm of the most rotten of all time", but that it prevented me frankly. Remained only to hang myself.

Except Michael the nice guy sitting there trying to get a good night with three furies raging mad, who timidly ventured to give his humble opinion testis:
"Maybe he just wanted say that it pleased him. "

Oh yeah.

I had not thought of that saying "I like my thumb" meant, even outside the framework facebookiens, a notion of pleasure and joy.

So it made him happy

. And Michael, who adds:

But basically, you feel every word that sent you is crazy. We can not take everything literally.

course. Except that I want to know how you do it otherwise. What, frankly, you'll tell me there is no difference between:
to 20h See you're ok? It tells you to eat Mexican? Kisses.
"Madam, I want you to 20h free and all mine. For a night tacos.

"Honey, tonight I fed you, we will tour the world you see."
admit that my examples are limited. Take the boat as sms:

"I also spent a good evening. Soon. Bises"

Analysis: The

- "me too" suggests that it not he who thanked him for the evening. Medium. Then how long after our sms thank you "he replied? To clarify. If more than 10 minutes average.
-The "
, it means I do not want to say it but I feel I can do without 24h/je leaves all of you uncertain / time will tell / do not we take the head / I am a free man / you have me not like that bitch / tomorrow I see my friends / I want to see you if I left the door open enough to call you at 3am, Saturday.
-Finally, the "kisses" we completed. Hugs

, it's ugly, impersonal, not even a sexy "I kiss you" implies that the subject actant, and the receiver. Hugs
hate it. Even if there such a plural which involves greed or generosity, which we at this stage of contrefout sms.
So agree. Not to be taken literally, especially not on a mail pinball super ugly impulses away from the beginnings of the poetry or the nineteenth, especially not to dwell on ...
I do not mind.

But, if the next address is zero, limit murky, what do I do? I still do not look at face value? If he catches up by sending me a clip
Shania Twain
to show me that he understood that I was a dominant woman of strong character and punctilious, I hang it?



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