Saturday, July 31, 2010

Acid Reflux Burning Head

Ok, it's been like two months it's been a while, and yet He has spent 25 billion things.

Especially two in fact.
one, I have a guy that I never left at every opportunity, envy, attachment. And vice versa. It's been rotting for weeks sometimes tinged with bitterness and hope that being together is hard to separate is routine, then grits his teeth and is expected to get better and that it passes. And that's what happens. So I grew up. I am an adult. I sometimes piss me off now in anticipation of a better future. I'm as twisted as those who watch the weather and think it will be fine next week and that therefore they can put skirts. So, I am beautiful in mind next week when I got to smile at the dark asshole for a Day - Prince of tomorrow. live adult-era great moment of awareness where one ceases to be a few minutes retarded teenager who wants love and romance and that becomes the mother-lover-adult woman understands that her love and romance is a mix of regular waxing, smiles, teeth cleaning and good humor. This is nothing more than that, finally, a happy girl: it's a girl who has all the air. , said an old friend fag unemployed for too long; variant
we do not laugh someone who
mouth. Although tickling, there's very way it works, and when we made the mouth was much needed entertainment, exactly.

short, while I took myself for a serious adult since I chattered more doors and I calmed angry sms level, the harsh reality came back in full face as a bifle morning.

is the event number 2: I had to make my master's thesis 1. Here the adult student who becomes the baby within 45 seconds. It is good to return his jacket.
I learned a Tuesday I had my brief visit on Friday

the same week (I said, I myself did not believe) and then counting the hellish hours go by and pages that following began.

Obviously, I have accomplished the impossible mission. Without much difficulty, except that 53 faults nothing in my conclusion page, 3 hysterics and 2 pounds lost.
Sport. But frankly, that's not the worst. I knew that my memory was a director Maboule, but I found it funny, original, not too dumb and brilliant. I understand not how I could be this simple girl who finds a thousand qualities a moron of a teacher, just like a schoolgirl stuff is deadly to badger the 3rd D type pumps are its cool, it's too funny and all, so that 'it is true in spotty, stupid, and nasty, with greasy hair.
As my teacher.

It is not that I say it is short, fat, bald, short-sighted and has a harelip. But in truth, he is short, fat, bald baldness kind, has a harelip and thick glasses, and her mouth slit badly scarred that she sometimes drool on my chest. And tell me that I found brilliant and respected him despite his crazy ugliness.

To add to torture, it appears that it is very very bad. Maboule nasty kind that I had to make feet and hands and a monumental crisis in my university for this graceful span of three days to make my memory, while he ordered me to stop the damage because my work was, according to him "unbearable." Nice play on words for insinuated myself that I did not level my defense. Brief. The rest of images, so that everyone knows it's a real Maboule and I thought that if I do cook on low heat on the day of my defense, I now know that on Wednesday I'll go to pot perhaps in all the figurative meanings of the word.

1 - the guy spins its code BEFORE address. Maboule.
2 - the guy warned me, after insistence from me, on a Monday for a Wednesday. Maboule.
3 - This is home as it happens, or nothing. Maboule really. Not limit even legal ...

So it looks good this defense in my private tutor. Hum. Without further swore that he who hates me because I have not followed his sage advice to quit. Hum. Nothing but both.


And if not, I always look for the topic of the century that I would write 150 pages of my famous whore first novel in which I would not care to be the female Marc Levy and I'd full of gold coins on your reading ranges. Amen.

(And to finish off, I could not help but add a few grams of sweets of this world abruptly.)

ps. I'm a genius with Photoshop. And censorship.


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