Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sorry Steam Alternative

summer should be removed ... including intrusive and still with Christian charity

the summer heat in our countries of the northern half of Europe, creates a certain languor and desire to escape ... This is the case of those who may consider leaving and who can afford to leave ...
is the case in professional social classes and cultural city, where summer mean leaving his habits. However, the alternation July aoutienne does a relaxation of two full months. Often requires a professional duty to play conscientious extensions or return when others leave. The bitterness of the necessary duty will help us to gauge the long-awaited release.

not always easy, however, change of pace. You have to unload his burdens mental make peace with his five senses, dump her too full of stress ...
Getting on holiday: it is also accept losing its landmarks and time to better absorb the profound movement of life.

For some, it must be a week to immerse yourself in the serenity and relaxing vacation. Better in this case and, if possible, take three to four weeks to rest fully.

few tricks used by some and the others live these moments as if they were the last, cooking and setting the table slowly and mindfully or pray or meditate if you are a Catholic or a follower of the contemplation of nature.

can meet some verbs that express the ways to answer this the best of life and develop our sense of well-being.
SLOW to slow, which alone can go "Off wonder" an insignificant detail on the rest of the year. The new French paradox shows us that 69% of our citizens can go on vacation want to take this time to engage in new activities! But "Vacancy" etymologically refers to the idea rest ...
ENJOY with his five senses at the table, for example. Avoid alcohol, barbecues carcinogens except Grapevine and, by varying the sparkling waters that help prevent abuse.
Usability is to go beyond the desire to be together. Otherwise, guests may go too fast, drives for fatty and salty foods, sodas, alcohol, parties that are taken seriously as the result of pride that research social recognition surface that hides the evil being from a family heavily on its liabilities or his obsessive drive to stick to mold his environment (Wife: "Honey, think about sending our wishes with our summer pictures and explain that our children are exceptional in every way "). Know
take time to go shopping at the supermarket and even to buy his tomatoes, his cabbages, its fish, oils, garlic, onions ...
OPEN the beautiful, whether you are in a great location or by imagining it.
ACT bravely in the little things of ordinary life, family. Know release his children, except on the bare essentials. Namely to avoid annoying that we are obliged to attend the rest of the year. Learn to be good without being "hottie" live a few days with relatives, a family different from his always enriching, but let's not extend up the improbable masochistic ..


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