Monday, November 30, 2009

Ice Skates Hurt Arch Of Foot

12 and September 13, 2008 IN PARIS - The first pastoral visit of Pope Benedict XVI

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mercedes G Wagon For Sale In Malaysia

Two days ago, Sunday, therefore, it's been a week since I was separated.

Prime tiny birthday, a good start.

When finally I could have something else in mind the first two seconds of waking in the morning other than "you are no longer with Xx ...", I realized it was the victory that was true the crap that I said a week ago, when the air made me sick at heart and lungs to breathe nothing like a new-born: the heartaches do not last more than two weeks. Intimately, I knew it, but I could not wait until it passes. Anyway.

What's crazy is that one year with Xx and everything was complicated, while there, he just had to express my desire just to make it happen.

"I really need to see the sea," I said. So here in recent months was made to believe that things were hard, rough, complicated.

While Sunday morning after a night Nutty alcohol and substance, I simply took the train. As we take a train what.

For the pleasure of going to lunch at the sea around a huge plate of seafood, I have not photographed, so I thought it was personal, this plateau. Shrimp, Mulot, crayfish, periwinkles, whelks, ... It exists, whelk?

Then in late afternoon, the warm air of the sea, far below, with almost nobody on the beach. Old, and us. (He insisted on not being quoted is a mysterious man ....) There was an incredible light that the iPhone is absolutely incapable of understanding.

I have dreamed, and I filled the nostrils and mind. The house will be mine one day burgundy same.

And my mate who said: "I am the type to buy you the house to come here, but buy the one next door. "The green almond. Amazing how it was lucid on Sunday. iodine is, for sure.

Then we went to Deauville. I do not understand this snobbery love to hate Deauville and Trouville. Trouville is really a hole, there's one street. Then you feel so picturesque that it feels like. While Deauville , it means so much to big city it is redneck and it is picturesque, the coup.

Then, Deauville, there Eric Bompard. Eric came quite by chance in our lives when took the train like that, I said I was going to be cold there, and my friend who wished to remain anonymous said he would offer me a sweater instead. After he made her hot, he said "a shawl," not because he knew Eric Bompard, it merged with Chopard, I had it in the crosshairs of the coup Eric, and plus my friend had Forgot my innate gift always choose what is best in a shop. Dear fellow Western
probably know, you not only what is best in a shop is generally what is more expensive. I have the gift of choice so naturally this is most expensive in a shop.

I do not know if with this modest picture you get to see the 24 son of this beautiful sweater "mouse" handmade.

Closer ... To admire my beautiful birthday present. Which anniversary do we speak? Sunday

a week, and my birthday, the real, in advance. GATE. In any case, it is the gentle pull that counts.
Softness of Cashmere.

Gentle Sunday.
Gentle sand, and my friend. Softness to leave and come back.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tvcenter 4/5 Device Not Available

Psychoanalysis is it good or bad? This question is it credible or not?

This blog is not just a blog dealing with economic, political and social, jazz, film ... Consider psychoanalysis.

Sigmund Freud died seventy years ago exactly. When I discovered it in Terminal, the idea occurred to me to read everything. And I read everything I could read Freud as any Friedrich Nietzsche, attracted by the deniers in this fascinating and transgressive in some fidelity to all the values that my education was induced.

Sigmund Freud, in short, is binding on all mental life and personal at the famous Oedipus Complex. It makes so vivid and the ubiquitous sexual Question. Freud's thinking has led to his ideas "Freudian" which are the three instances of the psychic apparatus: the id, the ego and the superego in the Conscious and Unconscious. He developed the analysis of dreams, impulses of the Oedipus Compex, the five stages of infantile sexuality, the three narcissistic wounds ...

The father of psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis and were often booed, maligned, disqualified for example the recent "Black Book of Psychoanalysis, edited by Catherine Meyer; corpus of articles from more than 800 pages whose ambition is to challenge the theories and highlight the failures of psychoanalysis. This book, published in September 2005, brought together some forty authors of different nationalities and credibility of different specialties : historians, psychiatrists, philosophers ... You'll notice here that psychiatrists can do trial of psychoanalysis : we will not describe here the different statuses and different those options that are under gathers generic term of "psychological . This is another debate ... However, we will note the subtle nuances of all these tenuous. The psychiatrist is paid by Social Security, the psychoanalyst, no. Other differences between this high number.

The cause was heard often as she had already been heard passing over the divan was also unhappy to see us leave, if not more before it lying down ...
It thus challenges the concepts and the therapies themselves.

For the general public, paradox may reach its peak when the Catholic Church which has marked and still marks the history of our civilization as an "expert in humanity", is quite otherwise very critical towards the Freudian concepts and therapies related to psychoanalysis. For reasons quite serious, constructed and maintained for highly credible within the definition of Natural Law as the law of God and of what the Church stands for. For the Church, man's free acts can not solely depend on his unconscious. Many factors could still be made to credit quite reliable in the Church.
This, while in return Monsignor Tony Anatrella is recognized as a priest, bishop appointed by the Pope, while psychoanalyst and specialist in social psychiatry ...

that what you will ...
We will not take position here.

Could we therefore conclude that Psychoanalysis is good or bad depending on the case ? It seems reasonable to avoid Manichaeism and find a happy medium. Writing this is just as reasonable as writing that is not only Freudian Psychoanalysis. It sometimes moves milestones, benchmarks planted by the same Father of Psychoanalysis. Thus psychoanalysis could become "Lacanian " under the influence of Jacques Lacan , French doctor and psychoanalyst, died in 1981. Other equally innovative also drawn to the roots of psychoanalysis to develop their own work and syntheses, but also their own therapy with the use of their "patients".

I offer here the official text of the very interesting sermon by Dom Marc-Francois Lacan , Benedictine monk, in memory of his brother Jacques Lacan , September 10, 1981, at St Peter's Gros Caillou. It restores one hand in the light of truth and understanding of the Catholic Faith :

Jacques Lacan and the Search for Truth

Jacques Lacan spoke. Why? To find out, should we listen to those who, since his death, talk less of him than of their own position against him? This is not the right way. What is needed is to remember who he was. He was a man. This man was seeking the truth the way he opened for the search was the Word.


sciences of man are probably so called because they enrich us with knowledge about various functions of man and in doing they allow us to hide our ignorance and forget the man himself, our inattention to the fact that every man is a mystery. One mystery that remains unfathomable.
Jacques Lacan is primarily an attentive man to man, still inaccessible to its reality, its own character whose desire is to never be satisfied.

In the intellectual world, it was sometimes classified as a psychoanalyst, sometimes as a philosopher or a poet, or as a structuralist, surreal, actor ... The list could go on. But it is above all a man, he does not say he was human. His contribution to psychoanalysis, it is so important, does not say who he was. Quite the contrary, because it was this one man, named Jacques Lacan, he was able to highlight the discovery inaugurated by Freud: that of the unconscious. Development as the world of psychoanalysis has not allowed without a commotion.

But what is it that the unconscious? On hearing this word, everyone cares to ask for a definition. Such concern reveals more often, less a search for clarity, the leak before a mystery that worries and yet characteristic of psychic life in its reality.

The unconscious escapes any definition, it means the man himself in this aspect of his mystery that does not take his conscience. Talk to the man's unconscious, he recalled that it applies to forget, so save this forgetting that everything is organized to promote at the end of the twentieth century. He remembered that its center lies elsewhere than in himself. He discover that the road ahead is not what Descartes inaugurated: "I think therefore I am." This deduction is based on which Descartes Will it enable him to understand what "I" thinking? Lacan replied: "I'm not that I think. "
thus formulated truth springs from the discovery of the unconscious, ie the man himself. Recognition of the unconscious allows man to access his reality, far from locked up in the limits of conscious life, it should open to a relationship that constitutes a relationship with the another. Such a relationship creates a search, the search for truth, the truth about the Other, and inseparably to the truth about man, constituted by its relation to the Other.


Jacques Lacan was a man, therefore, a seeker of truth. The truth: that word is scary. Each, like Pilate, reacted by saying: "What is truth? "And walked away without waiting for an answer.
Lacan discovered, thanks to Freud, the plea to hear the answer: "Freud, he writes, has to leave, under the name of the unconscious, speaking the truth." Let speak the truth, that's the way, the only one to know. No knowledge provides access to this knowledge. Play truth is the one thing necessary. If consciousness can hear the truth, however often she closes them. The unconscious is the voice of the repressed truth : More precisely, it is the way, that is to say, the path through which it passes, when the man refused to listen.
Here takes place the intervention of the psychoanalyst. He is silent, but he invites to speak, to try to hear the truth that will go through in unexpected ways, the truth of which will perhaps give birth without pain-no-man talking. This

what Lacan calls the psychoanalyst to listen, is the patient? It is rather the fact that it has suppressed the truth of his desire. It is this type of play that bases its method of psychoanalysis. This is the truth listen to be able to say. But Lacan knows that "it is impossible to tell the whole truth is impossible in this is the real truth."
The real is in fact inaccessible in its fullness. We reduce it to what we know. However, we can open ourselves to the knowledge of reality, and thus respond to the deep desire that constitutes us. Mutilate this desire makes us sick, psychologically or spiritually. Health, such as holiness, requires that we seek the truth, and for that, we hear him speak.

The Word:

We can now answer our original question:
"Why Jacques Lacan speaks there? For, since his death, he still speaks.
He is accused his style, and the darkness that characterizes it. He replied: "Just ten years to write what became clear to all."
must add this: whenever a man is carrying, not to communicate knowledge, but an invitation to speak and seek truth, why, to listen, he is faced with a refusal is often masked behind an accusation: "What he says is impossible to hear." (See the Gospel according to Saint John, 6.60).
Lacan did not speak for anything other than to open the door to the word that comes from elsewhere, for this Word of the Other which indicates the presence unconscious, this presence is real and its reality is demonstrated by the fear it provokes and the refusal to listen is the result this fear.
Through the written work of Lacan, what should we look for him? An oral teaching unfinished and fixed? No. What you should discover is a man in search of truth, truth is the treasure mentioned in the story: he had to dig the field to find the hidden treasure. This treasure of truth belongs to those who learn by experience that this treasure is nothing we can have.
The happiness of man is to decide to open the Word of the Other. This desire is prompted by a presence without which man is most himself and through which springs from a word that makes him witness to the truth, a word that expresses his desire to ever new source of life man.

Speech of Jacques Lacan worried men, because it forces them to leave their false peace, asking the real question here. In fact, I do not have to ask: "What have or know to become a happy man? . But the real question to ask is, "Who is calling me in its search to find the meaning of my life? .

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Announcement New Hire Employee

"White Ribbon" by Michael Haneke

extract the Palme d'Or at Cannes 2009.

Everything is in the clarity of black and white, in this excerpt, so much so that the Table , because it is really here the seventh art transcends reality.
That is our life, but larger than life. Everything is right, whatever is true, expressions, questions, intonations, facial expressions. So click on this link: The last editorial

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Leaning A Large Mirror On A Mantle

He returned Sunday, 15/11: One week

Or how it uses the same and start again.
That's what I told myself last night at Scoptitone, formerly the Paris-Paris for those who knew those tender years of Studio 54 Avenue de l'Opera, the time when it was all beautiful young, carefree bachelors. I have found old friends, and I was startled to see that two years later, the counter was at zero again: I was with these same old friends, they always free man, my brother let loose on the dancefloor as the old, and myself, there, all freshly separated. The even older, that's all.

I wonder what's the point if there is to type in a foretaste of changes, while in reality, apart from the stairs that have changed sides, new paint, things came back that I can hardly call it "normal". It may be that, my normal: exit, zyeuter, exchange a kiss. And
not stay, close your eyes, hang on, love.

And it was a while since I did not go to Baron, the height of the roof, I saw him as the old timers, and my ex too, anyway it was all over him, but finally we were able fast talk, saying how point was quite dead, how it was born dead even, and we had not seen and that he had been fun, and I had left to abuse.

Following our discussion, I threw up between two cars on my new shoes, I will not say it was a long time, was the first time.

It was the closing of the Baron, as true, it is not top-models in suits and old us, the Baron is up to 7 in the morning 'or anything, and then we sped Foot Pig eat crayfish.
"Miss, if you do not mind I would give you my shirt." True.

I said, this Adonis, it is too small for him, it will hurt him, and he gives me. A black shirt.

result, I went to sleep at 10am, but I was not really alone, I had this brown shirt that I do not know, this new odor, the smell of a new man, not The smell of spring on the other, my last.

is very strange, a new smell. At first we wondered whether we like or not.

But finally, in spite of yourself, it enters the nose, brain, and it gives you hope.

Not to say ass on fire.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Rodent Ulcer Treatment For Cats

Aristocrats are not those that are believed ...

Dominique VENNER, NRH in November (New Journal of History) has attracted my attention. When one is poor in time, we have six children, taking a job, ersatz associations of undertakings which can not disengage after many years of activism or when they must assume the management of his small inheritance, we are reduced to skim through everything you read and talk on a blog - concession to modernity - subjects that hold your attention as to clarify his own thinking, among other reasons.

I read everything that falls under my eyes. I read the last number Psychology Magazine in the waiting room of the doctor. I buy a paperback book: "In the garden of the words" Jacqueline de Romilly, of the French Academy, which is a collection of chronic published in Health Magazine from 1986 to 2006, real indictment for the need to maintain Healthy French language and expressions forgotten. I read this book in the window of my hotel room, sea view, St. Briac where I am escaped alone with my wife and I finally have time to read.

Dominique VENNER evokes Ernst Jünger, a soldier involved in the shock troops in the two great wars, it is also with Gunter Grass and Heinrich Böll, a German authors most translated into French. Had he aristocrat, in other words, if he had the nobility and held, morally and physically, until his death at 103 years is not to be born with a "particle" because the latter does not immune to the baseness of heart and conduct. If he was an aristocrat, it was not a matter of rank, but of nature.

After reading this editorial, I remembered the book by the late Vladimir Volkoff, read a few years ago. I can no longer put their hands on it. This book entitled "Why I'd Rather aristocrat.

According to him, far from being a closed and ossified caste based on heredity, the aristocracy is revealed instead to be an elite wide open, which continues to regenerate itself by bringing new energies to strained challenges ever more ambitious.

In the minds of many people, the word aristocracy and monarchy are partners in a vision of gilded carriages, as they are represented in illustrations hateful history textbooks of primary school under the Third Republic.

But the aristocracy is not the nobility or descendants "particle" of the nobility, is a ideal, a passion , a fact of nature, a social , a philosophy, a ethics.

The language makes aristocrat Christianity is aristocrat when prayer and daily Mass are and we offer a daily hour or two to God in silence, a couple can be an aristocrat in his art of living a completely ordinary and lackluster especially as it performed its duties of state with love, family makes numerous aristocrat if the number of children was not calculated in relation to other social benefits or maternity leave reported in professional life and if children are wanted without all these calculations, the military or the soldier may also become aristocrats, although this is rare.

A nice guy has worked as a carpenter, you should see the furniture he has made of his hands is a true aristocrat! Son of a farmer, he never returned from a butcher too poor! It has long remained true to a pattern that all workers abandoned. He has restored an old ruin he has a home more comfortable than mine. It can help me renovate my house. I guess he has his patent college without being sure. His sharp mind would believe that he has read a lot. However, he did not read ! At home, no books. He has no idea of God, but he has great concern for decency in human relations. It has a sort of rustic elegance, but it does not have a single costume ... Savoir vivre is impeccable. I've never heard a coarseness. When we attablons together, he never sits down and I am not sitting because he's younger than me.
He is respectful and imposes respect. He loves the landscape he loves animals.
He raised his two children who know to answer the phone. I heard them.

It lacks what? Money , degrees ; brief, he lacks nothing ... If

rangers arrive near his house, he leaves his old single-shot rifle in the attic. His wife laughed and said they are perhaps several rangers. It does not deal with that. He arrives with his gun once. It is an aristocrat, a real one! And that is admirable.

Nothing to do with these large or petty-bourgeois bourgeois conformists but also the descendants of nobles with or without "particle" whose children attending rallies multiply superficial relationships, while increasing their parents for reasons still serious dinners and outings around town or in the homes because we can not help in this environment ... One is not born an aristocrat; you become one.
Their life really is without substance, they reproduce customs and medium effects. Do not tell them: they are not aware ... They are absent themselves. They can go to Mass at the Temple, synagogue, they found on their servile habits and vain as the square, out of the said church or at the end of the last pilgrimage where you had to be seen ... They compartmentalize their spiritual life and temporal life: a life that is losing its unity. They live a posture resembling the aristocracy, which has the color and smell of the aristocracy, but that is not the aristocracy.
Many people, after all, are truly the aristocrats ... The aristocrats are not those we think.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Born Baby Wishessms


2 Weeks Pregnant Delay Menstruation

Story of a restless night

Dear readers, I'll fuck
and I'll tell you anything about my break.
Yesterday was fine words and false promises.

I come back about my life when I would be deeply funny mood.

Farewell, then.

Best Singles Resorts In Punta Canca

political wrangling following the adoption of children by homosexual concealment provincial contribution of psychoanalysis to the Debate ...

This ruling is not a recognition the right to adoption for homosexual couples But the simple reminder that under French law, an unmarried can obtain approval for the adoption, "said Michele Tabarot , President of Higher Council for adoption and MP UMP des Alpes-Maritimes.

In the instant case, there will be a adoptive mother while his companion remains a third vis-à-vis the child.

Now look at the political reaction to this ruling that crystallizes always a rather tense discussion. In
parties "so-called" right of first represented in the Government and Parliament

- The president of New Center and Defense Minister, Herve Morin, is " favorable" to the adoption of children by homosexual couples.
- Secretary of State for the family, Nadine Morano, said that "there is no plan to reform the adoption for homosexual couples. It is a commitment of the President of the Republic" , adding that "it will open the debate, why not at the next presidential election in 2012" and "out of the hypocrisy that exists in France."
- The government spokesman and Minister education, Luc Chatel, recalled "that the government had the opportunity to say repeatedly - President of the Republic himself spoke about it - that we n ' were not conducive to the adoption of children by homosexual couples .
- Christian Vanneste, the UMP, has condemned "the unfortunate decision " court that "the subject of the usual media steamroller the homosexual lobby."
- " Whenever there is a child, it takes a mom and dad " said UMP Eric Raoult Assembly.

In parties "so-called" left, there seems to be consensus on approving a bill that would legalize the adoption of children by homosexual couples . If there was
- and it seems that there may one day be - scale national debate, it is possible, however, that contrary positions emerging within the party " so-called "left. There will necessarily individual reactions and that constestataires surprendont left. This is the same way, that there are now in the ranks of a line, we had more conservative, there are several dozen "years it is true ... In

associations, opinions differ among the reasons to exist for these" so called "associations. The positions of associations defending the fact that gay and lesbian associations differ Stemming from religious inspiration as with those from the Catholic religion ...

These pronouncements " politicos," Interested, or electioneering from a reflection worthy of the name are far from noble aspirations Policy serving the good of the city. These positions associative or confessional or ideological inspiration does not renew the debate. They they might be indulging in the intransigence of narrow views, causes, for they already heard a long time ...

Some regions of the Loire region illustrate the example of the static nature of obsessive opinions and necrotic backgrounds inherent in the tiny provincial bourgeoisie or of some families whose opinions earth, closed to any discussion, intellectual géthoïsent in autism. These environments can be for adoption, they are however cons most of the time. The study of this microcosm remains sociologically interesting in terms of a France that still reading the news contemporary through the lens of ghosts Petain, the Vendée Wars or Robespierre.
Meanwhile, a family can - is culturally interesting in the context of a conflict with his conscious and voluntary commitments on conviction - hide, deny or conceal the face, face to homosexuality a brother , known relatives; says brother couple living in anonymity in Paris. This returns us to the concept of "family secret". These family secrets that still impacting the next generation or the one after, like many serious studies prove (Must be reviewed as such the film "A Secret" from the autobiographical novel itself). Meanwhile, the family hides carefully, just to be in compliance with the order of socio-cultural milieu in which it operates. These facts reinforce the inertia of a non-acceptance of "misfortune". We thus repeated the mistakes of past generations that continue today, however, highlight the silences murderers, for future generations, through parentage.

My encounter unexpected and impromptu as part of my professional activities, with Jean-Pierre WINTER allowed me to reflect on what psychoanalysis could bring us such insights into the subject of homosexuality and adoptive filiation.

can not be doubted at this level of thinking, independence of mind and impartiality of this discipline in view of its history.

Jean-Pierre WINTER, non-physician, psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, is a student of Lacan, itself inspired by Sigmund Freud. Jean-Pierre WINTER received further training philosophy - philosophy studies (SLA) and the law - he is the author of several books including Politicians on the couch (Calmann-Lévy, 1995).

I deliver his remarks to about gay marriage and child adoption by homosexual couples:

" As a psychoanalyst, I do not have to rule on gay marriage . However, from moment - and is - where the measure is looming behind the right to same-sex parents, ie the right for such couples to adopt or have children to be my duty to say that it inspires me under 30 years of clinical experience. We can not brush aside the hand which made the foundation of our society for millennia. And when I see policies to jump to conclusions, I wonder about their sense of responsibility. A word still on gay marriage. We are told that it must give the name of equality of rights: those who love each other should be entitled to marriage. But what right is it? With the recognition of gay marriage, we move from the concept of individual rights - the right to marriage for everyone - the couple's right as a manifestation of love. From then why not go further? Why not allow marriage to those who love? Why not allow bigamy? The marriage between brother and sister? Exaggerate barely. Now we come to this "right" to the child claimed by homosexuals. The right to same-sex parents violated, for me, an inviolable principle is simply that of reality. This means that the impossible - until further notice, always a man and a woman have a child - is possible! I am well placed to know that the mental suffering of a child is very often linked with what happens in the bed of her parents . The child in a gay couple will always know it can not be born of the relationship between these two beings. It must look elsewhere for its origin, its genealogy. Now gay couples - seen through the means they use to procreation (sperm banking, surrogate parent or en route) - tend to exclude that contributed genetically to the child's birth that they will love and raise. It is ironic that when we want to facilitate the search for parenting children born under X or adopted children, organizing a kind of family where the parent would be excluded. Worse still: it deprives the child's ability to appoint his relatives. How does he call the companion his father, the companion of his mother, brothers, sisters? We replied that we invent words. But these words anyway flout reality pedigree. Talking about right to have children for gay couples is to deny the importance of affiliation in the construction of a psychic child. This will not be without consequence. We talk about the rights of homosexuals. Me, I defend the right of children to have a father and a mother. " From an interview published on Crossroads and Meditations, website.

We see this debate still has a bright future ahead of him ..." in Much débated problem ", as could say my friend Stephane WOLMAN, friend of forty years, now New Yorkers, I welcome the passage.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Is Eating 420 Calories For Breakfast Bad

break day 2

When a relationship ends, it's like when you die, then it would seem, suddenly we make a record sequence, and it reviews all the steps, the moments things in our history. History being declared over, we see things from a new angle. I know it's not very fair play This morning, therefore, the

Sunday, November 8, is a historic day: I got plated. It hurts me, I am rather sad, but at the same time pitching the story since before it even exists, I believe. Even before born, he and I Y'avait a veto over us divine, something Greek tragedian, gender them, we will ensure that they be mortal ass marrent well, but it is always more demanding and emotionally free him. (I'm very much fun on this blog, not care about privacy, y 'theoretically has more.)

It's strange to be plated. One of the first texts on this blog talking about that, exactly. For once, when I left this same boy countless times, I must admit there is something sweet in the act of being plated. When I was leaving, I was consumed with love scorned, guilt, remorse. There at least, even if you are both responsible for things that do not, we are not both responsible for the failure. He made the decision for me. This is something we have not done since 1998, perhaps, decide in my place, do not let me choose, decide, choose.
The thing is, I have no idea how long it takes to go, sadness, or how it operates. Before, I wore the pants, I was strong, I left with speech and my backpack full of claims. Warrior.
Now I'm like sitting on a small rock in the middle of nowhere, low tide, abandoned as a little girl. And it's nice to still not feel responsible.
Good. I'm single. I do not know what it will allow me now that I allowed myself before, frankly. Certainly there will be changes: return to Tops, absurd situations, the decadence of celibacy. I will not say that I missed.
But since I do not know how long I obviously need to get over a heartbreak, I think this blog will be a good way to share this unique experience.

What steps towards a radical change?

girlfriend I'm friends with this guy, he goes well I have to change environment for a time at least. No question of me cross at all costs. (Although this morning, he seemed delighted to return to the time of the wind ...)

-Challenge # 1: Meeting new people.

Then, logically, when you come out of a story is not to go into something worse. I admired this guy a lot, I found beautiful, sexy, talented, funny, tender, charming ...

-Challenge # 2: Finding better.
Nicer, bigger, funnier, smarter ... And why not richer? It would not hurt me, as I mowed ...

I just realized that I forget something fundamental. -
Challenge number 0:
forget. Obviously, then, immediately, that sounds tight. But this is precisely why I have a blog. Write is a great outlet. So

D-day break for the moment, I am challenged 0. But I intend to chronicle the progress here, changes, upheavals.
We'll laugh.