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political wrangling following the adoption of children by homosexual concealment provincial contribution of psychoanalysis to the Debate ...

This ruling is not a recognition the right to adoption for homosexual couples But the simple reminder that under French law, an unmarried can obtain approval for the adoption, "said Michele Tabarot , President of Higher Council for adoption and MP UMP des Alpes-Maritimes.

In the instant case, there will be a adoptive mother while his companion remains a third vis-à-vis the child.

Now look at the political reaction to this ruling that crystallizes always a rather tense discussion. In
parties "so-called" right of first represented in the Government and Parliament

- The president of New Center and Defense Minister, Herve Morin, is " favorable" to the adoption of children by homosexual couples.
- Secretary of State for the family, Nadine Morano, said that "there is no plan to reform the adoption for homosexual couples. It is a commitment of the President of the Republic" , adding that "it will open the debate, why not at the next presidential election in 2012" and "out of the hypocrisy that exists in France."
- The government spokesman and Minister education, Luc Chatel, recalled "that the government had the opportunity to say repeatedly - President of the Republic himself spoke about it - that we n ' were not conducive to the adoption of children by homosexual couples .
- Christian Vanneste, the UMP, has condemned "the unfortunate decision " court that "the subject of the usual media steamroller the homosexual lobby."
- " Whenever there is a child, it takes a mom and dad " said UMP Eric Raoult Assembly.

In parties "so-called" left, there seems to be consensus on approving a bill that would legalize the adoption of children by homosexual couples . If there was
- and it seems that there may one day be - scale national debate, it is possible, however, that contrary positions emerging within the party " so-called "left. There will necessarily individual reactions and that constestataires surprendont left. This is the same way, that there are now in the ranks of a line, we had more conservative, there are several dozen "years it is true ... In

associations, opinions differ among the reasons to exist for these" so called "associations. The positions of associations defending the fact that gay and lesbian associations differ Stemming from religious inspiration as with those from the Catholic religion ...

These pronouncements " politicos," Interested, or electioneering from a reflection worthy of the name are far from noble aspirations Policy serving the good of the city. These positions associative or confessional or ideological inspiration does not renew the debate. They they might be indulging in the intransigence of narrow views, causes, for they already heard a long time ...

Some regions of the Loire region illustrate the example of the static nature of obsessive opinions and necrotic backgrounds inherent in the tiny provincial bourgeoisie or of some families whose opinions earth, closed to any discussion, intellectual géthoïsent in autism. These environments can be for adoption, they are however cons most of the time. The study of this microcosm remains sociologically interesting in terms of a France that still reading the news contemporary through the lens of ghosts Petain, the Vendée Wars or Robespierre.
Meanwhile, a family can - is culturally interesting in the context of a conflict with his conscious and voluntary commitments on conviction - hide, deny or conceal the face, face to homosexuality a brother , known relatives; says brother couple living in anonymity in Paris. This returns us to the concept of "family secret". These family secrets that still impacting the next generation or the one after, like many serious studies prove (Must be reviewed as such the film "A Secret" from the autobiographical novel itself). Meanwhile, the family hides carefully, just to be in compliance with the order of socio-cultural milieu in which it operates. These facts reinforce the inertia of a non-acceptance of "misfortune". We thus repeated the mistakes of past generations that continue today, however, highlight the silences murderers, for future generations, through parentage.

My encounter unexpected and impromptu as part of my professional activities, with Jean-Pierre WINTER allowed me to reflect on what psychoanalysis could bring us such insights into the subject of homosexuality and adoptive filiation.

can not be doubted at this level of thinking, independence of mind and impartiality of this discipline in view of its history.

Jean-Pierre WINTER, non-physician, psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, is a student of Lacan, itself inspired by Sigmund Freud. Jean-Pierre WINTER received further training philosophy - philosophy studies (SLA) and the law - he is the author of several books including Politicians on the couch (Calmann-Lévy, 1995).

I deliver his remarks to about gay marriage and child adoption by homosexual couples:

" As a psychoanalyst, I do not have to rule on gay marriage . However, from moment - and is - where the measure is looming behind the right to same-sex parents, ie the right for such couples to adopt or have children to be my duty to say that it inspires me under 30 years of clinical experience. We can not brush aside the hand which made the foundation of our society for millennia. And when I see policies to jump to conclusions, I wonder about their sense of responsibility. A word still on gay marriage. We are told that it must give the name of equality of rights: those who love each other should be entitled to marriage. But what right is it? With the recognition of gay marriage, we move from the concept of individual rights - the right to marriage for everyone - the couple's right as a manifestation of love. From then why not go further? Why not allow marriage to those who love? Why not allow bigamy? The marriage between brother and sister? Exaggerate barely. Now we come to this "right" to the child claimed by homosexuals. The right to same-sex parents violated, for me, an inviolable principle is simply that of reality. This means that the impossible - until further notice, always a man and a woman have a child - is possible! I am well placed to know that the mental suffering of a child is very often linked with what happens in the bed of her parents . The child in a gay couple will always know it can not be born of the relationship between these two beings. It must look elsewhere for its origin, its genealogy. Now gay couples - seen through the means they use to procreation (sperm banking, surrogate parent or en route) - tend to exclude that contributed genetically to the child's birth that they will love and raise. It is ironic that when we want to facilitate the search for parenting children born under X or adopted children, organizing a kind of family where the parent would be excluded. Worse still: it deprives the child's ability to appoint his relatives. How does he call the companion his father, the companion of his mother, brothers, sisters? We replied that we invent words. But these words anyway flout reality pedigree. Talking about right to have children for gay couples is to deny the importance of affiliation in the construction of a psychic child. This will not be without consequence. We talk about the rights of homosexuals. Me, I defend the right of children to have a father and a mother. " From an interview published on Crossroads and Meditations, website.

We see this debate still has a bright future ahead of him ..." in Much débated problem ", as could say my friend Stephane WOLMAN, friend of forty years, now New Yorkers, I welcome the passage.



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