Friday, November 13, 2009

Rodent Ulcer Treatment For Cats

Aristocrats are not those that are believed ...

Dominique VENNER, NRH in November (New Journal of History) has attracted my attention. When one is poor in time, we have six children, taking a job, ersatz associations of undertakings which can not disengage after many years of activism or when they must assume the management of his small inheritance, we are reduced to skim through everything you read and talk on a blog - concession to modernity - subjects that hold your attention as to clarify his own thinking, among other reasons.

I read everything that falls under my eyes. I read the last number Psychology Magazine in the waiting room of the doctor. I buy a paperback book: "In the garden of the words" Jacqueline de Romilly, of the French Academy, which is a collection of chronic published in Health Magazine from 1986 to 2006, real indictment for the need to maintain Healthy French language and expressions forgotten. I read this book in the window of my hotel room, sea view, St. Briac where I am escaped alone with my wife and I finally have time to read.

Dominique VENNER evokes Ernst Jünger, a soldier involved in the shock troops in the two great wars, it is also with Gunter Grass and Heinrich Böll, a German authors most translated into French. Had he aristocrat, in other words, if he had the nobility and held, morally and physically, until his death at 103 years is not to be born with a "particle" because the latter does not immune to the baseness of heart and conduct. If he was an aristocrat, it was not a matter of rank, but of nature.

After reading this editorial, I remembered the book by the late Vladimir Volkoff, read a few years ago. I can no longer put their hands on it. This book entitled "Why I'd Rather aristocrat.

According to him, far from being a closed and ossified caste based on heredity, the aristocracy is revealed instead to be an elite wide open, which continues to regenerate itself by bringing new energies to strained challenges ever more ambitious.

In the minds of many people, the word aristocracy and monarchy are partners in a vision of gilded carriages, as they are represented in illustrations hateful history textbooks of primary school under the Third Republic.

But the aristocracy is not the nobility or descendants "particle" of the nobility, is a ideal, a passion , a fact of nature, a social , a philosophy, a ethics.

The language makes aristocrat Christianity is aristocrat when prayer and daily Mass are and we offer a daily hour or two to God in silence, a couple can be an aristocrat in his art of living a completely ordinary and lackluster especially as it performed its duties of state with love, family makes numerous aristocrat if the number of children was not calculated in relation to other social benefits or maternity leave reported in professional life and if children are wanted without all these calculations, the military or the soldier may also become aristocrats, although this is rare.

A nice guy has worked as a carpenter, you should see the furniture he has made of his hands is a true aristocrat! Son of a farmer, he never returned from a butcher too poor! It has long remained true to a pattern that all workers abandoned. He has restored an old ruin he has a home more comfortable than mine. It can help me renovate my house. I guess he has his patent college without being sure. His sharp mind would believe that he has read a lot. However, he did not read ! At home, no books. He has no idea of God, but he has great concern for decency in human relations. It has a sort of rustic elegance, but it does not have a single costume ... Savoir vivre is impeccable. I've never heard a coarseness. When we attablons together, he never sits down and I am not sitting because he's younger than me.
He is respectful and imposes respect. He loves the landscape he loves animals.
He raised his two children who know to answer the phone. I heard them.

It lacks what? Money , degrees ; brief, he lacks nothing ... If

rangers arrive near his house, he leaves his old single-shot rifle in the attic. His wife laughed and said they are perhaps several rangers. It does not deal with that. He arrives with his gun once. It is an aristocrat, a real one! And that is admirable.

Nothing to do with these large or petty-bourgeois bourgeois conformists but also the descendants of nobles with or without "particle" whose children attending rallies multiply superficial relationships, while increasing their parents for reasons still serious dinners and outings around town or in the homes because we can not help in this environment ... One is not born an aristocrat; you become one.
Their life really is without substance, they reproduce customs and medium effects. Do not tell them: they are not aware ... They are absent themselves. They can go to Mass at the Temple, synagogue, they found on their servile habits and vain as the square, out of the said church or at the end of the last pilgrimage where you had to be seen ... They compartmentalize their spiritual life and temporal life: a life that is losing its unity. They live a posture resembling the aristocracy, which has the color and smell of the aristocracy, but that is not the aristocracy.
Many people, after all, are truly the aristocrats ... The aristocrats are not those we think.



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