Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mercedes G Wagon For Sale In Malaysia

Two days ago, Sunday, therefore, it's been a week since I was separated.

Prime tiny birthday, a good start.

When finally I could have something else in mind the first two seconds of waking in the morning other than "you are no longer with Xx ...", I realized it was the victory that was true the crap that I said a week ago, when the air made me sick at heart and lungs to breathe nothing like a new-born: the heartaches do not last more than two weeks. Intimately, I knew it, but I could not wait until it passes. Anyway.

What's crazy is that one year with Xx and everything was complicated, while there, he just had to express my desire just to make it happen.

"I really need to see the sea," I said. So here in recent months was made to believe that things were hard, rough, complicated.

While Sunday morning after a night Nutty alcohol and substance, I simply took the train. As we take a train what.

For the pleasure of going to lunch at the sea around a huge plate of seafood, I have not photographed, so I thought it was personal, this plateau. Shrimp, Mulot, crayfish, periwinkles, whelks, ... It exists, whelk?

Then in late afternoon, the warm air of the sea, far below, with almost nobody on the beach. Old, and us. (He insisted on not being quoted is a mysterious man ....) There was an incredible light that the iPhone is absolutely incapable of understanding.

I have dreamed, and I filled the nostrils and mind. The house will be mine one day burgundy same.

And my mate who said: "I am the type to buy you the house to come here, but buy the one next door. "The green almond. Amazing how it was lucid on Sunday. iodine is, for sure.

Then we went to Deauville. I do not understand this snobbery love to hate Deauville and Trouville. Trouville is really a hole, there's one street. Then you feel so picturesque that it feels like. While Deauville , it means so much to big city it is redneck and it is picturesque, the coup.

Then, Deauville, there Eric Bompard. Eric came quite by chance in our lives when took the train like that, I said I was going to be cold there, and my friend who wished to remain anonymous said he would offer me a sweater instead. After he made her hot, he said "a shawl," not because he knew Eric Bompard, it merged with Chopard, I had it in the crosshairs of the coup Eric, and plus my friend had Forgot my innate gift always choose what is best in a shop. Dear fellow Western
probably know, you not only what is best in a shop is generally what is more expensive. I have the gift of choice so naturally this is most expensive in a shop.

I do not know if with this modest picture you get to see the 24 son of this beautiful sweater "mouse" handmade.

Closer ... To admire my beautiful birthday present. Which anniversary do we speak? Sunday

a week, and my birthday, the real, in advance. GATE. In any case, it is the gentle pull that counts.
Softness of Cashmere.

Gentle Sunday.
Gentle sand, and my friend. Softness to leave and come back.


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