Monday, November 23, 2009

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Psychoanalysis is it good or bad? This question is it credible or not?

This blog is not just a blog dealing with economic, political and social, jazz, film ... Consider psychoanalysis.

Sigmund Freud died seventy years ago exactly. When I discovered it in Terminal, the idea occurred to me to read everything. And I read everything I could read Freud as any Friedrich Nietzsche, attracted by the deniers in this fascinating and transgressive in some fidelity to all the values that my education was induced.

Sigmund Freud, in short, is binding on all mental life and personal at the famous Oedipus Complex. It makes so vivid and the ubiquitous sexual Question. Freud's thinking has led to his ideas "Freudian" which are the three instances of the psychic apparatus: the id, the ego and the superego in the Conscious and Unconscious. He developed the analysis of dreams, impulses of the Oedipus Compex, the five stages of infantile sexuality, the three narcissistic wounds ...

The father of psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis and were often booed, maligned, disqualified for example the recent "Black Book of Psychoanalysis, edited by Catherine Meyer; corpus of articles from more than 800 pages whose ambition is to challenge the theories and highlight the failures of psychoanalysis. This book, published in September 2005, brought together some forty authors of different nationalities and credibility of different specialties : historians, psychiatrists, philosophers ... You'll notice here that psychiatrists can do trial of psychoanalysis : we will not describe here the different statuses and different those options that are under gathers generic term of "psychological . This is another debate ... However, we will note the subtle nuances of all these tenuous. The psychiatrist is paid by Social Security, the psychoanalyst, no. Other differences between this high number.

The cause was heard often as she had already been heard passing over the divan was also unhappy to see us leave, if not more before it lying down ...
It thus challenges the concepts and the therapies themselves.

For the general public, paradox may reach its peak when the Catholic Church which has marked and still marks the history of our civilization as an "expert in humanity", is quite otherwise very critical towards the Freudian concepts and therapies related to psychoanalysis. For reasons quite serious, constructed and maintained for highly credible within the definition of Natural Law as the law of God and of what the Church stands for. For the Church, man's free acts can not solely depend on his unconscious. Many factors could still be made to credit quite reliable in the Church.
This, while in return Monsignor Tony Anatrella is recognized as a priest, bishop appointed by the Pope, while psychoanalyst and specialist in social psychiatry ...

that what you will ...
We will not take position here.

Could we therefore conclude that Psychoanalysis is good or bad depending on the case ? It seems reasonable to avoid Manichaeism and find a happy medium. Writing this is just as reasonable as writing that is not only Freudian Psychoanalysis. It sometimes moves milestones, benchmarks planted by the same Father of Psychoanalysis. Thus psychoanalysis could become "Lacanian " under the influence of Jacques Lacan , French doctor and psychoanalyst, died in 1981. Other equally innovative also drawn to the roots of psychoanalysis to develop their own work and syntheses, but also their own therapy with the use of their "patients".

I offer here the official text of the very interesting sermon by Dom Marc-Francois Lacan , Benedictine monk, in memory of his brother Jacques Lacan , September 10, 1981, at St Peter's Gros Caillou. It restores one hand in the light of truth and understanding of the Catholic Faith :

Jacques Lacan and the Search for Truth

Jacques Lacan spoke. Why? To find out, should we listen to those who, since his death, talk less of him than of their own position against him? This is not the right way. What is needed is to remember who he was. He was a man. This man was seeking the truth the way he opened for the search was the Word.


sciences of man are probably so called because they enrich us with knowledge about various functions of man and in doing they allow us to hide our ignorance and forget the man himself, our inattention to the fact that every man is a mystery. One mystery that remains unfathomable.
Jacques Lacan is primarily an attentive man to man, still inaccessible to its reality, its own character whose desire is to never be satisfied.

In the intellectual world, it was sometimes classified as a psychoanalyst, sometimes as a philosopher or a poet, or as a structuralist, surreal, actor ... The list could go on. But it is above all a man, he does not say he was human. His contribution to psychoanalysis, it is so important, does not say who he was. Quite the contrary, because it was this one man, named Jacques Lacan, he was able to highlight the discovery inaugurated by Freud: that of the unconscious. Development as the world of psychoanalysis has not allowed without a commotion.

But what is it that the unconscious? On hearing this word, everyone cares to ask for a definition. Such concern reveals more often, less a search for clarity, the leak before a mystery that worries and yet characteristic of psychic life in its reality.

The unconscious escapes any definition, it means the man himself in this aspect of his mystery that does not take his conscience. Talk to the man's unconscious, he recalled that it applies to forget, so save this forgetting that everything is organized to promote at the end of the twentieth century. He remembered that its center lies elsewhere than in himself. He discover that the road ahead is not what Descartes inaugurated: "I think therefore I am." This deduction is based on which Descartes Will it enable him to understand what "I" thinking? Lacan replied: "I'm not that I think. "
thus formulated truth springs from the discovery of the unconscious, ie the man himself. Recognition of the unconscious allows man to access his reality, far from locked up in the limits of conscious life, it should open to a relationship that constitutes a relationship with the another. Such a relationship creates a search, the search for truth, the truth about the Other, and inseparably to the truth about man, constituted by its relation to the Other.


Jacques Lacan was a man, therefore, a seeker of truth. The truth: that word is scary. Each, like Pilate, reacted by saying: "What is truth? "And walked away without waiting for an answer.
Lacan discovered, thanks to Freud, the plea to hear the answer: "Freud, he writes, has to leave, under the name of the unconscious, speaking the truth." Let speak the truth, that's the way, the only one to know. No knowledge provides access to this knowledge. Play truth is the one thing necessary. If consciousness can hear the truth, however often she closes them. The unconscious is the voice of the repressed truth : More precisely, it is the way, that is to say, the path through which it passes, when the man refused to listen.
Here takes place the intervention of the psychoanalyst. He is silent, but he invites to speak, to try to hear the truth that will go through in unexpected ways, the truth of which will perhaps give birth without pain-no-man talking. This

what Lacan calls the psychoanalyst to listen, is the patient? It is rather the fact that it has suppressed the truth of his desire. It is this type of play that bases its method of psychoanalysis. This is the truth listen to be able to say. But Lacan knows that "it is impossible to tell the whole truth is impossible in this is the real truth."
The real is in fact inaccessible in its fullness. We reduce it to what we know. However, we can open ourselves to the knowledge of reality, and thus respond to the deep desire that constitutes us. Mutilate this desire makes us sick, psychologically or spiritually. Health, such as holiness, requires that we seek the truth, and for that, we hear him speak.

The Word:

We can now answer our original question:
"Why Jacques Lacan speaks there? For, since his death, he still speaks.
He is accused his style, and the darkness that characterizes it. He replied: "Just ten years to write what became clear to all."
must add this: whenever a man is carrying, not to communicate knowledge, but an invitation to speak and seek truth, why, to listen, he is faced with a refusal is often masked behind an accusation: "What he says is impossible to hear." (See the Gospel according to Saint John, 6.60).
Lacan did not speak for anything other than to open the door to the word that comes from elsewhere, for this Word of the Other which indicates the presence unconscious, this presence is real and its reality is demonstrated by the fear it provokes and the refusal to listen is the result this fear.
Through the written work of Lacan, what should we look for him? An oral teaching unfinished and fixed? No. What you should discover is a man in search of truth, truth is the treasure mentioned in the story: he had to dig the field to find the hidden treasure. This treasure of truth belongs to those who learn by experience that this treasure is nothing we can have.
The happiness of man is to decide to open the Word of the Other. This desire is prompted by a presence without which man is most himself and through which springs from a word that makes him witness to the truth, a word that expresses his desire to ever new source of life man.

Speech of Jacques Lacan worried men, because it forces them to leave their false peace, asking the real question here. In fact, I do not have to ask: "What have or know to become a happy man? . But the real question to ask is, "Who is calling me in its search to find the meaning of my life? .


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