Monday, February 28, 2011

Microsoft Notebook Mouse 5000 Bluetooth Pin

"confusing something." Benedict in Barvin Ads downgraded "

"Damn, but what's that fixation on caps?
Anyway, I always walk bare-headed, so ... "

Didier Lombard, retired hat, his hopes of jackpot

Franck Dedieu, with Yves Adaken

(...) For the supplementary pension, Didier Lombard count thus more likely on retirement-hat of some 300,000 euros per year. Management has beautiful trivialize the fact that it is a system that benefits all executives of the group (140 people), it is indeed a very favorable funded by the group: 7.3 million euros have been set aside for this purpose .
According to the 2009 financial report of France Telecom, recipients can receive up to 20.8% of the highest total gross salary received during the last three years of operation. Knowing that Didier Lombard has received 1.66 million euros in 2008 , although he should receive a pension hat over 300 000 euros. (...)

"Better to live rich
than die rich."

[Samuel Johnson]

JL Delarue chasing his dealer ...
Or trying to escape him,
the picture is somewhat blurred.

Jean Luc Delarue-Drugs a way to escape a malaise
(too much money and fame causes harm ch'te be,
is well known)

(...) "I have not fallen in the day next day. But I saw that this product allowed me to escape from an evil being, to put it all behind glass, "said the host France 2 to students at a school in Quimper in Brittany. Jean Luc Delarue
also acknowledges having "screwed up all my stories of couples because it" ("I was a little sharer", would he confessed) . "In making this tour, I try to give meaning to my life, the more I talk, the less I think (and I pass for a hero ). (...) My only remedy is the word, "he says .(...)

(...) Jean-Luc Delarue, with € 40 000 monthly income (in 2008 ) and 30 million euros of assets (in 2005 ) , then one of the facilitators of the highest paid producers in France .(...)

"A diplomat who enjoys the less dangerous
a diplomat who works."

[Georges de Porto-Riche]
From The Past

(Even Tunisia and underwear?)

"Dictator. Leader of a nation that prefers
pestilence of despotism
the wound anarchy. "

[Ambrose Bierce]
From The Devil's Dictionary

"How it Dr Strangelove is a film of Kubrick?"

sale of weapons to Libya: "It reaches the point indignant"
By Augustin Scalbert (...) Specialist defense issues at the Point, Jean Guisnel just published
"Weapons of mass corruption, secrets and tricks of gun dealers" (Discovery)
, after a sum of twenty-five years of investigation .
In the chapter on Libya, there are some famous people:
Michele Alliot-Marie, Patrick Ollier, Nicolas Sarkozy , through Lebanese Ziad Takieddine ...
(...) (.. .)
In 2009 (latest figures available), France has sold about 30 million of weapons to Libya
. A comparable amount
turnover of the British (25 million) and below those of Germany (53 million), Malta (80 million) and Italy (111 million). (...) To read about : -192,255

"Let them come, all these male chauvinists of my two ...
Residents and dictators ...
I know how welcome "


http:/ /

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Creamy Lotion Like Mucus?

" File drone bell mismatched. Benedict in Barvin Ads downgraded "

@ @ @


Brother Juniper is a strip character drawn based on a real personality, reinterpreted, of course! The original "Brother Juniper" was a contemporary and friend of Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), founder of the Franciscan Order.
The creator, Justin " Fred McCarthy gently mocks religion throughout this young brother amused observer of the habits and customs of the Catholic clergy and contemporary mores.
Contrary to popular belief, Brother Juniper is not an invitation to return to MMA in order ..
@ @ @

"Well ... Now I know where the old magazines are going to die ..."
@ @ @

"We must all develop our skills.
Mine is hard to watch television"
@ @ @

"I think it is time to revisit the decoration"
@ @ @

"You are once again fell out of bed this morning, huh?"
@ @ @

"It is amazing how you make friendship with me
when we are
near ray dog food ... "
@ @ @

White Baptist

Samantha 38g Full Vids

" The baritone was as thick as thieves with an elephant. What was an explosive trio. Jacques Damboise in "Thoughts for cons-pet"

$ $ $

A little nostalgia - from time to time, it does not hurt - with three performances of "Ne me quitte pas" by Jacques Brel.
version of Maria Gadu is particularly interesting, as sensitive and almost a capella. That of Yuri Buenaventura is dancing to perfection (it's crazy how the South Americans come to make merry their unhappiness). As for Shirley Bassey, its interpretation is strictly American and jazz. But happiness ...

Contrary to what one might think,
this page is not an homage to MAM .. .
$ $ $
Not Me

by Jacques Brel

Do not leave me
Anything can forget
who already fled
Forget the time
And time lost
to know how
Forget those hours
Who killed sometimes
A Loved why
The heart of happiness
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

Me I will give you
Beads of rain
Venues Country
Where it does not rain
I dig the earth
Until after my death
To cover your body
Gold and light
I will make a
Where love is king
Where love will be law
Where you are queen
Ne me quitte not
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

Do not leave me
I shall invent
foolish words
That you understand
I will speak
From those lovers then
Who have twice seen
Their hearts ablaze
I'll tell
The history of this king
Death of failing
Pu meet you
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

was often seen
rebound fire
From Old Volcano
That thought too old
It is apparently
Land burned
Giving more wheat
Qu a better April
And when evening comes
For a sky blazes
Red and black
Do they marry not
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me

Do not leave me
I cry more n'vais
n'vais I speak
I hid my
A watch you
Dance and smile
And listen to
Singing and laughing
Let me be
The shadow of your shadow
The shadow of your hand
's shadow your dog
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me
Do not leave me.

$ $ $
Shirley Bassey

$ $ $

Maria Gadu

$ $ $

Yuri Buenaventura

Saturday, February 26, 2011

School Bus Stop Smoking

"This bread is made often roll in flour. Barvin Benedict in "Thoughts Thoughts"

+ + +

"Before Obama and his punishment, I tremble with fear ..." e-arm-African-face-to-colonialisme_n_9557.html

The U.S. sharpened against Gaddafi
(wicked, wicked dictator! We will welcome you over here ...
and your oil either ... er ... I think)


The State Department is that Washington wants Libya's expulsion of the Council on Human Rights UN
(bold initiative)
. This decision must be (why not: be?) debated Friday in Geneva. This is the first concrete measure of retaliation by the administration supported Obama. Moreover, a decision will (aaahhh) taken "swiftly" on possible (why "possible"?) direct sanctions, bilateral or multilateral, against the regime of Colonel Gaddafi. Washington should (why "Should"?) also support the creation of a commission of inquiry (yeah, great!) on Libya in the Council of Human Rights (with Libya should not part?) .
+ + +
"NOOOOnnn! The z'enfants! is not possssibllleeee!
n'américains Wicked ..."

Boeing wins the "contract of the century "under the nose of Airbus

(And in the face wham small n'européens)

(with agency)

In the fight
) opponent (supposedly) years the European manufacturer to rival Boeing to win the tanker contract from the U.S. Army, Boeing was selected (weird, it comes as no surprise) : a contract worth over 30 billion dollars. Airbus has ten days to appeal (of this decision ... any donation?) .
+ + +
'Allo, the dwarf? How you doing, buddy? "

Libya: Washington consulting its allies
(or accomplices? Slaves? Mops?)

Barack Obama called Nicolas Sarkozy

(ouah! vacht'de!)
and key European leaders to determine a common strategy to Gaddafi (whether they were imposed) .
+ + +
"Anyone who is suspicious calls to betray him."

From Zaire

"I suspect you read the subversive literature ...
- Like that you concealed
in the inside pocket of your suit ...
This is full of naked women? "

+ + +
Texas: Alleged plot fanned U.S.
(.. .) The U.S. Department of Justice announced Thursday the arrest of a Saudi 20 years living in Texas. Khalid M Ali is indicted Aldawsari
(and already guilty?)
have wanted to use a weapon of mass destruction, which could earn him a sentence of life imprisonment if convicted.
The man, who appears on Friday, is suspected (should know: 100% charged or just suspected?) of trying to obtain phenol
(suspected of having had the intention of ...)
, a chemical that helps make the trinitrophenol, an explosive also known as picric acid .(...) .ca/nouvelles/International/2011/02/24/009-aldawsari-attentat-bush.shtml
+ + +
"Whatever you do,
you hope is you save.
It's you that you lose."
[Edmond Jabes]
The Little Book of subversion beyond suspicion
Benedict Barvin

Friday, February 25, 2011

Where Can I Buy A Golden Deagle Airsoft Gun

"The King of England knew that his wife deceived him when it began to drive right." Damboise Jacques in "Thoughts winded"

"Since we must have enemies,
strive to have that we do honor. "
[Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve] [+]
Extract Thoughts and Maxims

(Who do we honor, we told you!)

François Fillon "horrified by the rampage violence "
(...) "I'm horrified
by the unleashing of violence" in Libya, the country where "people die of want to live freely (and we received in 2007) , "said the Prime Minister during a speech to the Economic, Social and environmental Paris. "Nothing can justify recourse to violence against demonstrators, as in Tunis or Cairo, simply expressed their faith in a better future (we have
never contributed to them via global capitalism)
, "he added. He recalled that" the voice (the yelping? Eructations?)
the President Republic, France (VAIT) urged to end violence (that nasty bang on peoples fortunately disarmed) . "The right to demonstrate peacefully and safety must be guaranteed. The aspirations of the Libyan people for democracy and economic progress and social development should be heard (and repressed?)
, "he said (asleep in front of the Elders) . com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g-GWlAmM9hc0PuopZ63nXUJIYcMA? docId = CNG.f00a6f4df8f606931020928bc3608ec3.461

"The man who lost his honor Because trading
trading loses and honor. "

[Francisco de Quevedo]
Preview Marcus Brutus

"It is as thick as pig huh?
- Er ... I mean ... "
The visit of Muammar Qaddafi to France in December 2007 has prompted a wave of protests from within the government. -site-of-the-elysee_964940.html

REUTERS / Jacky Naegelen

Gaddafi: "I will fight until the last drop of ( my?) blood "
(...)" This speech is really scary "
(not? You think?)
, "said German Chancellor Angela Merkel after the intervention of the Libyan president. Colonel Qaddafi has harangued on Tuesday evening the Libyan people (that massacre) for over an hour on national television, urging his followers to take to the streets (like rats?) and threatening the protestors in death penalty (is not it already?) . He mentioned the name of his son Seif el-Islam to lead the reforms waves (at Loved automatic weapons?)
he mentioned in his speech. "I am a revolutionary, I have nothing to lose (save honor," said Francois 1er)
. [...] Libya is my country! This is my country! I will not leave the country! [...] Protesters rats (those too, then?) , drug addicts who want to imitate what happened in Tunisia and Egypt. [...] Is a conspiracy of foreigners, Americans, Al Qaeda and crazy (brothers?) . I will fight until the last drop of blood. [...] "

"What I did not say I did not say
and what I said, like "

When Patrick Ollier defended Gaddafi / 01 023-I-Found-20081226ARTFIG00002-president-of-top-tips-for-gmo-.php

Patrick Ollier: "We must help Gaddafi"
(...) In the aftermath, Patrick Ollier, while UMP deputy mayor of Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine) estimated Yade's remarks "unacceptable." In a lengthy interview with Jean-Pierre Elkabach on Europe 1, December 12, 2007, and posted by Guy Birenbaum in his blog, he vigorously defended the "normalization of relations" with the Libyan leader. (...)
The current Minister of Relations with Parliament, the companion of Michèle Alliot-Marie, who was with her during the holidays Tunisian controversial late 2010, then noted how, recent years the country had changed. "Gaddafi is opening to the Western world, we must help," said Patrick Ollier.
It is even more honors
that is less worthy.

[Edouard Herriot]

"How are you I just close my great g. ..?! ;
Who said that? He denounces?
Oh, sorry ... It's You, Your Majesty Mr. Resident ...
Yes ... I said nothing ... I am silent ... "

Henri Guaino:" Not a podium is a political tract "
; The Special Counsel
Nicolas Sarkozy responded Wednesday morning to diplomats who wrote an article in Le Monde in which they denounced the way foreign policy is conducted in France.
(...) When asked about this forum, Henri Guaino, did not mince words in denouncing what he calls a "pamphlet"
: "I am always embarrassed (should not) having to answer, not a forum, but an anonymous tract. I do not know who I mean, I do not know who speaks (and fortunately for them, hey, pipoman) (...). Who are these diplomats? Ambitious young people seeking a place for retirees embittered (should know ... One or the other?) "he asks France Info .(...)
"The homeland, honor, freedom, nothing:
the universe revolves around a pair of buttocks,
it all ... "
[ Jean-Paul Sartre] 255.html

(Sympa, existentialism, finally ...)


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cake Sayins For A Christening

"Evil throat, in secret, pinched for a headache. "Damboise Jacques in" Thoughts for cons-pet "


"So it's not tomorrow that will change the old regime" 2009/02/cuisine-chinoise-insolite.html

Rice Chinese polluted by toxic metals
Up to 10% of the 200 million tons of rice harvested each year are contaminated with heavy metals harmful to health.

A new food scandal in China was born.
Up to 10% of the rice harvest in China was contaminated with toxic heavy metals scattered in the wild, uncontrolled consequences of rapid industrial growth
, said on Wednesday, February 16.
For years, huge quantities of rice are contaminated by these metals such as cadmium , but virtually nothing has been done to warn about the dangers posed by this pollution, "said the New Century Weekly, which broke the story. The newspaper is based on scientific studies conducted in China since 2007.

"We join in this event highly cultural" site = news & show = = Politics & ws_session c18dd9c99a49c8cc4d3b0d78dec4a582

superstar Montecristo cigar lounge of Havana
The Festival of Havana, which together some 1,200 guests from over 70 countries to celebrate the glory of the cigar, opened Monday in Cuba under the sign of the prestigious Montecristo cigar that has an exceptional Gran Reserva, five years of age
But the star is a pure Havana 156 mm long and 52 mm in diameter: the first Gran Reserva de Montecristo history, special blend of tobacco leaves that have aged five years before being gently assembled by hand.
Production of 5,000 numbered boxes of 15 units each. The price has not been revealed.

"You smell of tobacco!
- But I assure you, Mercedes, I do not smoke.
Even not
Monte Cristo ... - So is your mistress ... " / modules/Films/fiche/8059/Le-Comte-de-Monte-Cristo/photos.html

"Do not desperate fools.
With a little practice,
can make them into soldiers. "
[Pierre Desproges]
extract Fund drawer

"That's really not coming mimi you "


Israel, which Iran
(and Egypt and Libya, and Algeria, and Iraq, etc.)
; worried
, will (surprise!) increase its military budget
(paid by the USA?)
The Jewish state considers
"with the utmost seriousness" announced the passage of two Iranian warships in the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal for the first time since 1979.

"The security component is essential to any peace agreement (?)
and we are witnessing the instability of the region (wanting democracy is to seek instability?) in which we live and that Iran intends to use to expand its influence by sending two warships through the Suez Canal, "said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to a statement from his office. .OBS8398/israel-que-l-iran-inquiete-va-augmenter-son-budget-militaire.html

"Copy one is plagiarism.
Copy two is research. "
Wilson Mizner C3% A9cole.html

"Stop copying!
- I copy it, I'm in love with you ..."

Open letter to Mrs Valerie Pécresse

Minister of Education Higher Education and Research
(...) One month ago (January 2011), to the day,
you spoke of that university president accused of plenty plagiarized a book by Umberto Eco.

The Collective for the Defence of Research Ethics at the University of French Polynesia
calls Valerie Pécresse now in this open letter Academics from the University of French Polynesia signatories of the request for explanation January 17, 2011 addressed to the Chairperson of the FDU Louise Peltzer about the overwhelming similarities between his book Languages and men and the work of Umberto Eco Looking for the Perfect Language in European culture, call for your authority to end a very worrying situation in which the principles of coexistence and values of the Republic have been and continue to be violated.
Recall that the discovery of these similarities came after attempts by Louise Peltzer ownership in 2010, a Part of the work of a linguist who works at the completion of an Atlas of the languages of French Polynesia. These are attempts that have led to a reinterpretation of earlier writings of Louise Peltzer, and allowed to shed a new light. It is therefore not an organized cabal, which had been mobilized old facts .(...) open-letter-a-madame-valerie-pecresse.html
Benedict Barvin