Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuxedos Ivory Jacket Black Pants

"At social gatherings, the Invisible Man never made any sense." Jacques Damboise in "Thoughts for cons-pet"

° ° °

"Your mission, if you accept it, will make
Liberation newspaper of honor, probity and
readable to chapels obscurantist.

- I accept, Mr. Resident "

http://www.20minutes.fr/article/669853/media-nicolas -Demorand-stop-political-c-France-5
Nicolas Demorand adopt "C Policy" France 5
Journalist (ahaha)
, former Inter and Europe 1, wants to "spend fully in his new position at Liberation
" France 5 Nicolas thank you for bringing this mission (incontournable!!)
(honneur!! )
debate with audiences growing steadily. Nicolas Demorand will always be welcome on France 5 (wax-like pumps?) , "the statement added.

° ° °

"It may very well do without sex toys"
http://www.courrierblog.com/2011/01/22/la-nouvelle-pub-krys-filme-en-gros-plan-un- kiss-between-two-women /

The administration denies the free distribution of sextoys inmates
Two directions of interregional The prison administration refused the offer of a website to offer the occasion of St. Valentine, 1,000 sex toys to women in detention.
In letters which AFP has been copied, the two administrations (Brittany / Normandy / Pays de la Loire and Centre-Est/Dijon) explain, under the same terms that
"recourse This accessory is the privacy of detainees and that the administration does not intend to suggest itself, outside the context of specific requests. "

° ° °
"You make me say though that I was missing a pair of scissors ..."


she lives with a chisel in the stomach for six months after surgery
Wishing to make tighten his stomach after two pregnancies, she underwent a tummy tuck in early September in the same clinic, conducted by a clutch of local cosmetic surgery. Then the young woman complains of stomach aches, n'inquiètent that neither the clinic nor surgeon. Until Saturday, Feb. 12, when the young woman sees a piece of blade protrude from the navel.
She went with her husband in the surgeon's office, which is closed. Then at the clinic where he said that no one is available on weekends to operate.
The couple will finally pass a radio at the clinic Backup reveals the presence of the pair of scissors. It took pressure from his lawyer Jean Sannier, evoking the "casualness" of the surgeon, so that the young woman was reoperated on Monday.
http://www.20minutes. fr/article/669933/lyon-lyon-vit-ciseau-ventre-pendant-six-mois-apres-operation

° ° °

"They have learned well my lessons!
I give them a good ready"

CE Eurodisney has diverted more than 500,000 euros between 2006 and 2009

Almost 558,000 euros has been diverted to the works council (EC) Eurodisney between 2006 and 2009. This is the result of forensic examination, conducted at the request of the amusement park and handed in late January to the investigating judge of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), reveals Le Parisien, originally a first survey on the subject there is more than a year.
"The bulk of unexplained losses relating to sales of tickets to Disneyland employees for cultural activities and sports," provides Parisien. What added more than 99,000 euros in cash collected by the EC that were never deposited in the bank. Contacted by 20minutes.fr, Eurodisney said Monday that the company "does not wish to comment on a court case under investigation, but added that further investigations would be conducted on the activities of EC between 2001 and 2007.
Thibaut Schepman


° ° °
"Come on, darling?

- But, uh, Mrs. ... You do not know ... I
Um ... I only like muscular torsos?

(awkward silence)
http://kamerunscoop.wordpress.com/2008/08/07/carla- bruni-nue-2/carla_bruni55 /
Carla Bruni is preparing a tribute to Charles Trenet, who died 10 years ago,
revealed Tuesday Midi Libre.

The wife of Nicolas Sarkozy has chosen to interpret Italian
the song "Douce France" becomes "Dolce Francia," says
(ie ugly) the regional daily, offering (but is reluctant to listen)
a sample of the artwork on its website.
° ° °
Luke Desle


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