Saturday, February 26, 2011

School Bus Stop Smoking

"This bread is made often roll in flour. Barvin Benedict in "Thoughts Thoughts"

+ + +

"Before Obama and his punishment, I tremble with fear ..." e-arm-African-face-to-colonialisme_n_9557.html

The U.S. sharpened against Gaddafi
(wicked, wicked dictator! We will welcome you over here ...
and your oil either ... er ... I think)


The State Department is that Washington wants Libya's expulsion of the Council on Human Rights UN
(bold initiative)
. This decision must be (why not: be?) debated Friday in Geneva. This is the first concrete measure of retaliation by the administration supported Obama. Moreover, a decision will (aaahhh) taken "swiftly" on possible (why "possible"?) direct sanctions, bilateral or multilateral, against the regime of Colonel Gaddafi. Washington should (why "Should"?) also support the creation of a commission of inquiry (yeah, great!) on Libya in the Council of Human Rights (with Libya should not part?) .
+ + +
"NOOOOnnn! The z'enfants! is not possssibllleeee!
n'américains Wicked ..."

Boeing wins the "contract of the century "under the nose of Airbus

(And in the face wham small n'européens)

(with agency)

In the fight
) opponent (supposedly) years the European manufacturer to rival Boeing to win the tanker contract from the U.S. Army, Boeing was selected (weird, it comes as no surprise) : a contract worth over 30 billion dollars. Airbus has ten days to appeal (of this decision ... any donation?) .
+ + +
'Allo, the dwarf? How you doing, buddy? "

Libya: Washington consulting its allies
(or accomplices? Slaves? Mops?)

Barack Obama called Nicolas Sarkozy

(ouah! vacht'de!)
and key European leaders to determine a common strategy to Gaddafi (whether they were imposed) .
+ + +
"Anyone who is suspicious calls to betray him."

From Zaire

"I suspect you read the subversive literature ...
- Like that you concealed
in the inside pocket of your suit ...
This is full of naked women? "

+ + +
Texas: Alleged plot fanned U.S.
(.. .) The U.S. Department of Justice announced Thursday the arrest of a Saudi 20 years living in Texas. Khalid M Ali is indicted Aldawsari
(and already guilty?)
have wanted to use a weapon of mass destruction, which could earn him a sentence of life imprisonment if convicted.
The man, who appears on Friday, is suspected (should know: 100% charged or just suspected?) of trying to obtain phenol
(suspected of having had the intention of ...)
, a chemical that helps make the trinitrophenol, an explosive also known as picric acid .(...) .ca/nouvelles/International/2011/02/24/009-aldawsari-attentat-bush.shtml
+ + +
"Whatever you do,
you hope is you save.
It's you that you lose."
[Edmond Jabes]
The Little Book of subversion beyond suspicion
Benedict Barvin


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