Saturday, February 19, 2011

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"His underwear made her drunk with eroticism. Damboise Jacques in" Thinking against the grain "


"Politics has become a pub,
staged a confrontation between sellers
where tie and nice dress camouflage effectively
vacuity and ineptitude of the speech. "
[John Dion]
From the Quebec newspaper Le Devoir - April 3, 1997

"It Hits You understand what I say?
- Yes Bwana Sahib Ben Patwon"

station: Nicolas Sarkozy called to account for Guillaume Pepy
(We also ... But Nicolas ... weird, weird)

President of the SNCF must "undertake its business in a profound improvement process quality of service, "wrote the head of state in an engagement letter
(removing a bit more employees, perhaps?)


"Democracies can not live without
being hypocritical than dictatorships to be cynical."
[Georges Bernanos] [+]
Extract We French
The origin of the world. Gustave Courbet.

(Sometimes Democracies combine both "qualities")

In Denmark, Facebook censorship "The Origin of the World
By Chloe Leprince
In Denmark, however, Facebook has decided to suspend the account of a user who had distributed a visual picture on their profile. Frode Steinicke Danish artist who happens to be the user in question, protested when he saw his disabled account. But the moderators of the social network in Denmark
argued a law prohibiting nudity in order not to offend the children
(while images of war or those singers p. .. half undressed, that's normal ?)
. His account was finally reactivated ... but not before the user has publicly apologized . He said it "regretted his actions" made "by mistake".
Read on:

"The hypocrites, such as bees,
have honey in their mouths and the sting hidden. "
[Jacques Delille] . html
(C) Arton

"Casse-toi pov 'con': France invented the contempt dictator
By Augustin Scalbert reveals. because two weeks earlier in Tunis, the family of another teacher, surrounded by looters, had seen her, refusing repatriation . Two conceptions of security.
The teacher, married to an Egyptian father of two children, is called three days after showing with his sign "Casse-toi pauvre con". This phrase became slogan is associated with Nicolas Sarkozy, because the President has ordered, and because the prosecutor has pursued a French for "insulting" because it wanted to fly on a T-shirt the convoy Presidential.

When the teacher shows in Cairo, February 1, Mubarak is still out. He will leave office on February 11. Meanwhile, France is officially a friend of the Egyptian regime .(...)
Read on: Get-pov-con-la-France-invent loutrage-a-dictator-190985
"Advertising? An invention hypocritical Human;
smoke and mirrors to manipulate,
operate smoothly and enslave his fellow man. "
[Roseline Cardinal]

From Juliet and other

Little girl becomes addicted: cosmetics for tweens
By Violaine Jaussent
It is a riparian indignant that we reported this article published in the magazine version femina dated February 14, accompanying the JDD and regional newspapers each Sunday.
(...) Ten foaming gels, creams and exfoliating products Makeup selected by journalist spread over two pages. These products are usually sold in drugstore, not really intended for skins Children .(...)

(...) A market of more than 3 billion euros per year

Created a year ago, Our Youth, an online magazine for parents of 6-12 years, has, according to its founder Isabelle Mazarguil been "quickly spotted by news services. "
Moreover, most articles quote marks, but Isabelle Mazarguil denies making the advertorial (I just p. .. editorial)
: "We buy
(we believe you)
also products to test - Our Juniors are the only ones to do so.
Because the site before that age is becoming more targeted and identified by the marks. In a study from September 2010 - marketing consultancy is another of his activities
(hey?) - it is estimated that 8-12 years is a annual market of more than 3 billion euros .(...) Read on: become addicted-des-cosmetics for-preteens-190791

"Love is a silly made two. "

[Napoleon Bonaparte] Thoughts for a marriage proposal.


Benedict Barvin


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