Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Scorpio Men Psychology

" Taking madness, pink flakes of The Little Prince ". Barvin Benedict in" Thinking against the grain "

Silence would be a criminal connivance.

[Bossuet Library.]

"And now, my friends, Let us join all time ;

formula "outdo decency" 01/30/bernard-arnault-5eme-pdg-le-plus-riche-du-monde-au-classement-forbes.html
Museum LVMH: PS and UMP united to short-circuit justice

By Chloe Leprince
groups PS and UMP have gotten two to rescue project of contemporary art foundation in Paris of the LVMH group.
Each group has tabled an amendment roughly contiguous to the proposed law on the price of digital books, read Tuesday afternoon in the Assembly to save the building designed by architect Frank Gehry.
The procedure is called "jumper legislature. Fairly common but not always so blatant, it betrays the eagerness of politicians to take the foot-cons of administrative justice, which had stopped the project three weeks ago.
The text is unambiguous:

"Subject to court decisions having the force of res judicata are validated at the date of their issuance, building permits issued in Paris. "
On 20 January 2011, the Paris Administrative Court had yet canceled the construction permit granted by the City of Paris to the group by Bernard Arnault to his museum within the precincts of the Zoological Gardens .
This parcel
the Bois de Boulogne on the western flank of the capital, is the location of which Bernard Arnault dream for nearly twenty years to outdo (to the tune of millions and prevarication?)
to François Pinault, who He chose the island Seguin, Boulogne-Billancourt - project he eventually gave up
(the poor, we should pay back so hard not acted on)
. (...)
More information: -to-short-of-justice-190707
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"He, Tron, George, I love a lot,

sister-in Down and Out "
Georges Tron A very charitable mayor with his sister-
By Augustin Scalbert contract funded reserved for "people in big trouble."
Reached by Rue89, City Draveil, including former Villepin is the mayor since 1995, confirmed that the sister-in-law Georges Tron works at the General Secretariat of the Town Hall. Aged 51, this mother of three grown children is the wife of the brother of the minister's wife.

She came to the town hall Draveil 1 April 2009 under a contract of employment assistance (CAE), asked by the mayor and approved by the employment center. Ten other BDCs have been signed, said the mayor.
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"I found no animals to eat but ... elephone laptop
- Not reso, how we gonna do, POV 'task?! "

A specialist in Neanderthal pessimistic about our future "
By Cyril Bousquet
(...) Director of Research at CNRS, unit head of the department of prehistory archaeozoology National Museum of Natural History, and great specialist Neanderthals, Mary Patou-Mathis
(...) What will we make you believe that evolution, even this revolution?

I am pessimistic about the future of humanity, especially his well-being. I think this technology, this new
modernity, in which some want to see the happiness of tomorrow and
which, no doubt his side positive - see the role played by social networks or the Internet in the recent political upheavals and pro-democratic - goes hand in hand, a societal perspective and with an economic return, as in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, class struggle, a struggle, I think losing to the proletarians.

Everything is done to reflect that no one, no questions the truth of what is conveyed by the media
. It's been fifteen years since I corrected copies. They are young adults with a strong intellectual and cultural baggage. You can not imagine the quality of the copies that I correct. This is disastrous, but it's not their fault.
The problem is the education given to them. Today, they want to learn a little of all students. For example, my students have to master the legal prehistory.
But why?

The number of teaching hours is fixed, it is inevitably at the expense of other subjects, to me, more essential to the future profession. And I do not even talk about spelling, grammar and construction of memory that they must surrender. And these are the work of bin 5. You can imagine the level of those whom the system has rejected before? They will form a new proletariat. I am a convinced republican, secular, partly because that is the school of the Republic who saved me . (...)
Section, exciting, is read at the following address: / a-special-of-Neanderthal-pessimistic-about-our-future-190 193

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"But if we have more money, how you make it
that was stolen? "

Susan George, Attac: "We have to trust the banks'
By Zineb Dryef and Pascal Riche
; (...)
Susan George, 75: Patron of Attac, author of numerous books, the Franco-American has been fighting for years for a world less unfair vis-à-vis the South and against the neoliberal economic system .(...) Political liberalism - as it was understood in the eighteenth century, European movement that begins with Locke and continues with encyclopedists French - is the basis the U.S. Constitution, it is the foundation of freedom - political, religious, media, opinion ...

People died for that, and democracy comes from that time . Well,
I feel that these lights are now the subject of great ideological attack.
I try to put myself in that tradition, that is worth fighting for.

Younger generations are resigned they face more this attack

Europe is a bit KO
All this happened very quickly. In 2009, when I was in London for the cons-G20, there was a reaction. It was 35 000 at Hyde Park. The media the next day we were with, even Gordon Brown, then British Prime Minister hastened to say he was on our side. The world was within a whisker of catastrophe. G20 spoke of paradise tax, the influence of financial markets, employment, environment, etc.. And once the banks have been saved, all this has completely disappeared. The G20 and the G8 tinker solutions to save the banks again. And then nothing.
Why this resignation? People may think that their leaders are trying to save Greece or Spain. This is completely false, they are saving the banks that bought the debt or debt Greek English ... This is not to do anything for the people. (...)
The other article, scholar, is to read at the following address: -must-save-the-banks-under supervision-185859

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(The new cell Cassez proposed by a Chinese artist )

MAM: France will not abandon Break
(in vain?)
said Tuesday that Foreign Minister (and transport?) , Michele Alliot-Marie, before the National Assembly
(which was warmly applauded)
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Luke Desle


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