Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2009 Can Am Renegade 500

" The Chancellor of the Exchequer preferred - by far - the ladies. "Barvin Benedict in" Thoughts Thoughts "

° ° °
"And that who?
- A poor guy die so terrible on a cross ...
- Dirty little unbelieving, I'll spank you! "

"The Church priests still adore you"
(...) Most recently, the anonymous UMP, Jean-Claude Carle
, senator Haute-Savoie (
he tried to overturn the PACS, he signed a petition against homosexual parenting
) wants to make a name through its support for private education, predominantly Catholic, since filed in favor an amendment that provides for 250 additional posts . While the state continues to shrink the budget share allocated to the National Education under the pretext of an urgent need to reduce public finances, our member charity can not find better than provide 4 million euros private education. (...)
(...) Remember, figures to support that
on the 16,000 positions eliminated in the year 2011
, 1633
only concern the private
. Private education is now nearly 20% of students. Under the traditional rule (claimed by Catholic teaching and licensed in 1985) it must take a share of striking at the same height. By accepting this logic, over 3400 posts should logically be withdrawn. (...)
Read the entire article - and the blog - on:
° ° °
"Who wants to touch my tape? T'art'à your g. .."

For Trichet, raising wages is "nonsense to the latest" in Europe
(but lower would be very smart?)
Increasing wages would be "the last
to stupidity" in Europe and undermine to reduce unemployment
(which does not need to increase it?) , said Sunday the ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet, renewing its warning against "second-round effects" associated to soaring commodity prices (hence inflation?) . "We can do nothing against the immediate increase in oil prices or raw materials.
(well, maybe a little anyway?)
But in contrast We must avoid at all costs what we call "second-round effects", that is to say that other prices begin to move, "said the head of the European Central Bank Europe 1. Mr. Trichet said he meant "all other prices, including
course (why?)

° ° °
"If one day your heart was going to be bitten by pessimism
and corroded by cynicism may God have mercy
Your old soul. "
Quotes Douglas MacArthur

"How are you my name fits me like a glove?
It is not a new one! "
° ° °
How much does Jean-Claude Trichet?
The "base salary" of Chief Executive Officer, Jean-Claude Trichet
, is
345,252 euros per year
, the Vice President, Lucas Papademos, 295 920 euros, and the four other board members, of 246,588 euros each. They rose 2% between 2006 and 2007 (and how many since?) . This salary is subject to Community tax (what injustice!) .
To these are added
"a living allowance and an allowance for expenses.
As for the president, a function
housing owned by the ECB is being at his disposal, instead of living allowance. Under the conditions of employment of staff of the European Central Bank Executive Board members are entitled to allowances school, home and child support in according to their individual situation. " These additional allowances and "benefits they perceived as subscriptions to the ECB's health insurance plans and accident amounted to a total of 579 842 euros (557 421 in 2006), bringing the total emoluments to 2,207,366 euros (2,153,013 in 2006) .
° ° °
"The Little Carla, darling, it will serve me"

Dominique Strauss-Kahn "freer than ever"
(come to give us lessons?)

(...) "My status forbids me to talk about France? I therefore speak of the world, from Europe and my daily work
to save the crisis countries in difficulty
(by imposing drastic cuts in social budgets?)
As IMF Managing Director (325 000 per year) . And since France is one of the world and Europe, everyone will understand (I play the divas in the rump shaking) ... "(...)
° ° °
"Success: accession to last post
is to say level of incompetence. "

Andre Malraux forum/topic/304-la-politique /

"Hey, Ho, it's not fair ... This lack ...
You do your job as a journalist
like a hick "
° ° °

Benedict Barvin


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