Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can U Have Herpes Bums On The Stomach And Legs

"In reaching its recommendations, the head of the IMF consulted secretly an old usurer." Benedict Barvin in "Thoughts Thoughts"

"We must never say that hope is dead.

It does dies, hope. "


"Why you looking at me like that?"

http : / / & itemid = 27
Mubarak "clear":
"who's next?" wonders the French press s-queries-the-press-francaise.html

Justice orders one day revolt (?) "
Benedict Barvin

in" Thoughts unsinkable "

" Fortunately I had deleted all my files porn sites ... "

Woerth searched, interrogated Ouart, the file restarts Bettencourt 1310911.php-


"P'tain, fishing I! I would always repeat the same con ...

y'en and always those who love me I, too, of I also love ... "
Sarkozy on TF1: 54% of viewers unconvinced
(AFP ) PARIS - Fifty four percent of viewers who Nicolas Sarkozy looked on Thursday night in "French Song" on TF1 have not found the president "convincing," according to a Harris Interactive poll published Saturday in Le Parisien / Today in France. Of these, 29% found it "quite unconvincing" and 25% "not convincing at all"
(what bad faith)
Among the 46% of viewers who found Mr Sarkozy "convincing"

For all the French - who has followed the issue or have heard
(oh the villains who have not watched the Near ')
- they are 74% to have found "unconvincing" (finally, no need to see the face of the Resident, as I understand it ...) .

"... But if it's me or fart? - You Sarko One, Mr. Resident,
radiation to escape "
Lauvergeon (born August 2, 1959 Dijon Côte-d'Or), is a French business leaders, CEO of Areva. According to Forbes magazine, in 2010, it appears to the twenty-fourth of the 100 most powerful women in the world.
EDF detects an anomaly in half of its French nuclear

SAFETY - New plants nineteen are concerned ...
EDF has detected an anomaly
The anomaly generic for all reactors of 900 megawatts from a lack of precision
in gauging the safety injection dispostion
. This device, which automatically activates in case of an accident in the primary circuit is used to inject water to cool the massive heart of reactor. The uncertainty in the measurement is of the order of 20%, writes EDF, which states that during the plant design, the uncertainty of this measure was not standardized.

"One should put his hope in himself."

Kouros from the island of Anafi, 510-500 BC. BC, British Museum

"I still have some members to move .
Thanks Mrs Europe "

Greece will have massively privatize out of the crisis

The "Troika" as the Greeks call their creditors, Friday hailed in a press conference the progress the country has reduced in one year to six percentage points from its public deficit fell to 9.4% of gross domestic product (GDP) against 15.4%
(ouah! We sand it to Champony ). But after a thorough inspection of the country's finances, it found Friday that structural reforms would still be "accelerated" and "extended" to the objectives of reducing the deficit below 3 % of GDP in 2014 to be held (but - 0%, it would better?)

"The program is in the nails"

(like those that held a Christ on the cross?) , said the IMF representative Poul Thomsen, "but it will not achieved without a significant acceleration and broadening of reforms, "he warned (sinon. .. er ... Otherwise you'll be even more insolvent. So there!)


Luke Desle


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