Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nokia 5630 Sound Update

" Exchange scholar cons of Marseille soap abroad. "Damboise in Jacques' Ads downgraded"

"Your hats ... ... There are not a bit ... er ...
- Ridiculous? Yes, sir Resident.
is a tribute we pay you "


joke of the day of small Nico:

Debate on Islam:
"Me, I'm trying to gather," said
Nicolas Sarkozy

"You're not okay, you? So go away!"
"What Vayana todos!"

The Court would further relief ...
(and impoverishment for the mob, well done to her!)

To prevent drift of public debt
efforts of fiscal consolidation remains to be done quickly prevents Thursday the Court of Auditors in its annual report
. She stresses that lower deficits to 6.0% of gross domestic product results expected late 2011 much of cyclical factors and events (like the end of the recovery plan) that sustainable measures that allow the government hoped to reduce debt public. The Court therefore calls for "comprehensive reforms" for "the rehabilitation of public accounts," she adds. It states that the 7.7% of GDP deficit in 2010, nearly 5.5% are structural, ie independent laconjoncture present. To achieve the commitment of France to reach 3.0% in late 2013, "must be reduced to a point that structural deficit every year," noted Didier Migaud
( staunch socialist ... ) , first President of the Court at a press conference. As such, the Court found "insufficient" the recovery effort that it considers to 7.5 billion euros, against 20 billion needed annually.

"Tweedledum, Tweedledee"
Expression inaugurated by the Communist Jacques Duclos about the clash between Georges Pompidou Alain Poher in the second round of the French presidential election of 1969.
Said of things presented as different but in fact identical or very similar.

"In revoyure, Pinocchio!
- You're another, Mr. Resident"
left, DSK is back!

Olivier Bonnet
(...) As a reminder, a sample of our ticket and Sarkobrun Sarkorose, which detailed his exploits:
1994: he participated in the creation of
Circle industry", French industrial lobby within the European Union
. Y are represented: Rhone-Poulenc, Lafarge, Pechiney, elf, L'Oreal, Bull, Schneider, Renault, Total ...; 1997: Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, Lionel Jospin,
he oversaw the opening of capital (France Telecom, Air France, Thomson, EADS ...) and privatization (Credit Lyonnais, Gan, CNP, CIC, Highways South of France ...)
linked together at an unprecedented rate (42 billion per year on average against 38 for the Balladur government and 27 for the Juppe government). In December, he announced want to restart the debate on pension funds; 1999 :
he lowers the rate of taxation of stock options by 40% to 26%
, representing a profit of 4 billion francs to 12 000 privileged; 2000 :
he participated in the annual conference of the Bilderberg Group
, a gathering of the most powerful businessmen, officials and media men in the world; 2003 :
he co Michel Rocard-founded with the club thought
Left in Europe that supports early and so unconditional the European Constitutional Treaty. In May 2005, he released a DVD
in favor of "yes"
; 2007: it becomes
IMF Managing Director on a proposal from Jean-Claude Juncker (Luxembourg this politician is one of the architects of the Maastricht Treaty) and Romano Prodi (former President of the European Commission), with the active support of Nicolas Sarkozy and with the concurrence of the President of the United States George W. Bush. »(...) read the entire article - and the blog, for that matter - on:
"Sometimes, guys, you add so much
it seems like it please let me undermine the moral ", r64678.html

Pesticides have an impact at 1 km radius, according to a study
carpets of houses up to 1,250 meters around the place spreading of agricultural pesticides were contaminated, reveals the American expertise.

pesticides, some of which are suspected carcinogens,
can have an impact in a radius of one kilometer around the application site and contaminate even carpets in homes
reveals Friday, 18 February Future Generations, citing a U.S. study. The study of samples of dust in the carpets of 89 homes in California has revealed the presence of residues of agricultural pesticides used in a radius of up to 1250 meters around the residences in the 730 previous days, according to a study released Thursday by the journal (...)


Luke Desle


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