Thursday, February 17, 2011

Images For гризачи

Dracula had a grudge against Frankenstein trying to steal the star ". Damboise Jacques in" Thoughts for cons-pet "

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(Minister with the famous clown El Mentiroso)
Michele Alliot-Marie: how far and how long?

(...) How far will he go down into triviality and indignity that the French Minister of Foreign Affairs understands that it is affect authority to her role? How far will he go in the conflict of interest so that the head of state to understand that the credit of France, which he is liable, is engaged? And he draws the logical conclusion? (...)

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"There's no lying,

but greedy illusion. "
[ Serge Rezvani ]
From The Testament love A doping-case-Armstrong-.shtml
"When Cantador be taken, the cows come home.

As to me ... "
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Contador Case: UCI took the time to think

LEMONDE.FR with AFP and Reuters
(...) Following the announcement of the decision of the English Cycling Federation (RFEC) to launder Alberto Contador doping charges against him
, eyes are now to the International Cycling Union (UCI) that, as Doping Agency (WADA) 30 days to appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
Refusing to act in an emergency)

(piano going, is not it ...)

, boss UCI's Pat McQuaid has indicated that he wanted Wednesday, February 16 at first that his office investigates "the 35-page document [Tuesday sent to the UCI by] the reasons for his choice of RFEC launder Alberto Contador," but also "the entire record." Mr. Mc Quaid wanted to clarify that it was "possible that we do not call"
(why?) . For its part, the AMA has not yet formally responded .(...) -contador-l-uci-takes-the-time-of-the-reflexion_1480820_3242.html

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"He who supports his madness by murder,

is a fanatic
. " [ Voltaire
extract Philosophical Dictionary
"Yeah! Fanatic of life against all odds, of course I am" am Rican-photography-in-front-of-pav.html

In South Dakota,

a law that would allow them to kill abortion doctors practicing
(...) The Dakota South a U.S. state where abortion is severely circumscribed, considering adopting a law that "would expand the definition of 'justifiable homicide' by including the murders committed in the context of defending fetus ", reports U.S. magazine Mother Jones. other words, this law "would make the killing of a doctor who performs abortions become legal .

The law, known as "House Bill 1171" has already been adopted in committee (by 9 votes against 3) and must now be considered by the House of Representatives of the State . It would allow, in theory, "a father, mother, son, daughter or a husband to kill anyone who tries to perform an abortion on a woman, even if it is consensual" says the article. (.. .) the-doctor-practitioner-livg / # = xtor% EPR-32280229-20110216-5BNL_Titresdujour% 5D% 5D-% 5Bzonea

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"The heart is a voyeur solidarity"

Benedict Barvin

in "Thoughts thoughts "

"The soldiers kneel when they shoot:
apparently to ask forgiveness from murder. "
Voltaire ]
From The sottisier
(And then they lie to aim better)

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Benedict Barvin


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