Monday, February 21, 2011

Wood Stove Fabrication Plans

"On the highway, King Dagobert was traveling against the grain". Barvin Benedict in "Thoughts thoughts "

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French writer and essayist [Comedy]
Bagnols Born June 26, 1753
Died in Berlin, Germany in 1801

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"Man spends his life in reasoning on the past,
to complain of this,
to tremble for the future. "

[Antoine de Rivarol] -
Maxims, thoughts and paradoxes

"were extenuating circumstances, no?"

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"The scholar seeks,
is spared and the rich."

[Antoine de Rivarol] -
Maxims, thoughts and paradoxes html

(Savant searching in the brain of a wealthy what distinguishes him from the mob)

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'C' is without doubt a tremendous advantage
than doing nothing,
but do not abuse it. "

[Antoine de Rivarol] -
Extract from the preface to Little almanac of great men cp-documentid = 150920276 & page = 1

"No problem ..."

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"Morality court over student High
and more formidable than the laws. "

[Antoine de Rivarol] -
Mind Rivarol

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Advertisements impact against the excesses of Agriculture

France Nature Environment

decided to do away with the mild satisfaction speech launches campaign to denounce the excesses agricultural to few days of the Salon of Agriculture.
The association denounced for over forty years of the deviations and excesses of agriculture.
"The slurry from pig farms is the number one responsible for this dangerous pollution"
, said the association Parisien.
"Combined with poultry droppings and cow dung in an area leader in breeding, this junk is the equivalent pollution generated by fifty million people! ".

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"Time is like a river,
it does not go back to its source. "

Preview Notes, thoughts and maxims

"Even by stretching out the flabby skin?"
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Benedict Barvin


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